As of 06/20/2017

Series 1193:  Audit Reports - Municipalities.  1969-2013.
Auditor  (RG 29).

      Reports on the financial condition of the various municipal governments.  The audits are for the fiscal year (FY), not the calendar year.  The audit reports cover all aspects of municipal government.  Since the 1979 passage of a law which allowed the use of public accounting firms to conduct selected audits, almost all reports are the work of local accounting firms who file a copy with the Auditor.  Arrangement is alphabetical by municipality within each fiscal year.  Not all municipalities are available in any fiscal year.

For other municipal institutions, see:
      Series 1200:  Audit Reports - Airports.
      Series 1191:  Audit Reports - Local Development Agencies.
      Series 1195:  Audit Reports - Port Commissions.
      Series 1189:  Audit Reports - Public Libraries.
      Series 1454:  Audit Reports - Public Utilities.
      Series 1196:  Audit Reports - School Districts.

1969: Calhoun City12486

1971-1973: Hattiesburg12486
1971-1973: Stonewall12486

1971: Biloxi (Water and Sewer Dept.)12486

1973: Hattiesburg (recreation, Kamper Park, and revenue sharing funds)12486

1975: Ruleville12486

1979: Abbeville - Fayette04165
1979: Flora - McComb04166
1979: McLain - Senatobia04167
1979: Shannon - Yazoo City04168

1980: Abbeville - Brandon04168
1980: Braxton - Heidelberg04169
1980: Hernando - Paden04170
1980: Pascagoula - Vicksburg04171
1980: West Point - Yazoo City04172

1981: Abbeville - Crystal Springs04173
1981: Decatur - Houston04174
1981: Indianola - Mount Olive04175
1981: Natchez - Ruleville04176
1981: Sallis - Yazoo City04177

1982: Abbeville - Eupora04178
1982: Falcon - Kossuth04179
1982: Lake - Oxford04180
1982: Pace - Sylvarena04181
1982: Taylor - Yazoo City04182

1983: Abbeville - Crystal Springs04183
1983: Decatur - Iuka04184
1983: Jackson - Noxapater04185
1983: Oakland - Ruleville04186
1983: Sallis - Yazoo City04187

1984: Abbeville - Crystal Springs04195
1984: Decatur - Jumpertown04196
1984: Kilmichael - Noxapater04197
1984: Oakland - Ruleville04198
1984: Sallis - Woodland04199

1985: Abbeville - Crystal Springs04200
1985: Decatur - Iuka04201
1985: Jackson - Noxapater04202
1985: Oakland - Sylvarena04203
1985: Taylor - Yazoo City04204

1986: Abbeville - Crystal Springs04205
1986: Decatur - Kosciusko04206
1986: Lake - North Carrollton04207
1986: Oakland - Ruleville04208
1986: Sallis - Yazoo City04209

1987: Abbeville - Durant17142
1987: Ecru- Lexington17143
1987: Liberty - Pearl17144
1987: Pelahatchie - Verona17145
1987: Vicksburg - Yazoo City17146

1988: Charleston - Hattiesburg17147
1988: Moss Point - Seminary17149
1988: Abbeville - Centreville17146
1988: Hazlehurst - Morton17148
1988: Senatobia - Yazoo City17150

1989: Ecru - Lena17151
1989: Lexington - Pearl17152
1989: Union - Yazoo City17154
1989: Amory - Durant17150
1989: Pelahatchie - Tylertown17153

1990: Chunky - Hattiesburg17155
1990: Hazlehurst - Myrtle17156
1990: Abbeville - Charleston17154
1990: Natchez - Shuqualak17157
1990: Sidon - Tylertown17158
1990: Union - Woodville17159

1991: Aberdeen - Bentonia17414
1991: Biloxi - Carrollton17413
1991: Carthage - Crowder17412
1991: Crystal Springs - Friars Point17411
1991: Fulton - Hattiesburg17410
1991: Hazlehurst - Jackson17419
1991: Jackson - Lyon17421
1991: McLain - Monticello17420
1991: Moorhead - Ocean Springs17422
1991: Osyka - Pontotoc17423
1991: Pope - Ridgeland17415
1991: Ripley - Silver Creek17416
1991: Smithville - Tutwiler17417
1991: Tylertown - Yazoo City17418

1992: Aberdeen - Columbus04624
1992: Corinth - Houston04627
1992: Indianola - Myrtle04628
1992: Natchez - Ruleville04630
1992: Sallis - Yazoo City04632

1993: Aberdeen - Crystal Springs04634
1993: Decatur - Houston04636
1993: Indianola - Myrtle04638
1993: Natchez - Ruleville04639
1993: Sallis - Yazoo City04648

1994: Abbeville - Corinth04905
1994: Courtland - Indianola04906
1994: Inverness - Natchez04907
1994: New Albany - Sardis04908
1994: Satartia - Yazoo City04909

1995: Abbeville - Eupora04152
1995: Falcon - Louisville04153
1995: Lucedale - Pickens13910
1995: Plantersville - West13922
1995: West Point - Yazoo City13936

1996: Abbeville - Durant13936
1996: Edwards - Lyon13970
1996: Macon - Purvis13973
1996: Quitman - Yazoo City13981

1997: Abbeville - Biloxi18779
1997: Blue Mountain - Cleveland18780
1997: Clinton - Falkner18781
1997: Fayette - Hatley18782
1997: Hattiesburg - Leland18783
1997: Lena - Marion18784
1997: Marks - Oakland18785
1997: Ocean Springs - Poplarville18786
1997: Port Gibson - Sebastopol18787
1997: Senatobia - Tupelo18788
1997: Tutwiler - Yazoo City18789

1998: Abbeville - Blue Springs03741
1998: Booneville - Coldwater03962
1998: Collins - Fayette03963
1998: Flora - Hattiesburg09846
1998: Hazlehurst - Lambert09849
1998: Laurel - Mantee15554
1998: Marietta - Ocean Springs15557
1998: Okolona - Pope15561
1998: Poplarville - Sandersville15570
1998: Sardis - Tutwiler14705
1998: Tylertown - Yazoo City20150

1999: Abbeville - Blue Springs15574
1999: Booneville - Coffeeville15578
1999: Coldwater - Fayette16744
1999: Flora - Hatley16746
1999: Hattiesburg - Jonestown16753
1999: Jumpertown - Madison16757
1999: Magee - New Albany16780
1999: New Hebron - Pickens16784
1999: Pittsboro - Sardis16792
1999: Schlater - Vaiden20152
1999: Vardaman - Yazoo City20153

2000: Abbeville - Benoit16795
2000: Bentonia - Clarksdale16797
2000: Cleveland - D'Lo16802
2000: Drew - Goodman16804
2000: Greenville - Houston16812
2000: Indianola - Lexington16815
2000: Liberty - Matheson16820
2000: McComb - Natchez16823
2000: New Albany - Pelahatchie16824
2000: Petal - Richland16830
2000: Richton - Smithville16852
2000: Snowlake Shores - Walthall16867
2000: Waveland - Yazoo City16868

2001: Abbeville - Bassfield16868
2001: Batesville - Bude16872
2001: Burnsville - Columbia20610
2001: Columbus - Farmington20611
2001: Flora - Gulfport20612
2001: Guntown - Jackson20613
2001: Jonestown - Lyon20614
2001: Madison - Moorhead20615
2001: Morgan City - Oxford20616
2001: Pace - Potts Camp20617
2001: Prentiss - Scooba20618
2001: Sebastopol - Tunica20619
2001: Tupelo - Wiggins20620
2001: Winona - Yazoo City16874

2002: Abbeville - Biloxi21774
2002: Blue Mountain - Cleveland21775
2002: Coffeeville - Ellisville21776
2002: Enterprise - Greenwood21777
2002: Gulfport - Iuka21778
2002: Jackson - Lumberton21779
2002: Lyon - Moss Point21780
2002: Mount Olive - Pearl21781
2002: Pelahatchie - Renova21782
2002: Richland - Snow Lake Shores21783
2002: Soso - Walnut Grove21784
2002: Walthall - Yazoo City21785

2003: Abbeville - Batesville26831
2003: Bay St. Louis - Biloxi26832
2003: Blue Mountain - Carrollton26833
2003: Carthage - Clinton26834
2003: Coahoma - Cruger26835
2003: Crystal Springs - Ecru26836
2003: Eden - Florence26837
2003: Flowood - Gloster26838
2003: Golden - Hatley26839
2003: Hattiesburg - Holly Springs26840
2003: Horn Lake - Jumpertown26841
2003: Kilmichael - Leland26842
2003: Lena - Maben26843
2003: Macon - McComb26844
2003: McLain - Moorhead26845
2003: Morgan City - New Augusta26846
2003: New Hebron - Oxford26847
2003: Pace - Philadelphia26848
2003: Picayune- Puckett26849
2003: Purvis - Rienzi26850
2003: Ripley - Shaw26851
2003: Shelby - Summit26852
2003: Sumner - Tupelo26853
2003: Tutwiler - Water Valley26854
2003: Waveland - Woodland26855
2003: Woodville - Yazoo City26856

2004: Abbeville - Ashland26856
2004: Baldwyn - Big Creek26857
2004: Biloxi - Braxton26858
2004: Brookhaven - Carthage26859
2004: Cary - Cleveland26860
2004: Clinton - Crawford26861
2004: Crenshaw - Farmington26862
2004: Fayette - Grenada26863
2004: Gulfport - Houston26864
2004: Indianola - Learned26865
2004: Leland - Mantee26866
2004: Marietta - Mound Bayou26867
2004: Mount Olive - Oxford26868
2004: Pace - Pontotoc26869
2004: Pope - Rolling Fork26870
2004: Rosedale - Snow Lake Shores26871
2004: Soso - Tylertown26872
2004: Union - Winona26873
2004: Woodland - Yazoo City30098

2005: Abbeville - Beulah30098
2005: Big Creek - Chunky30099
2005: Clarksdale - D'Lo30100
2005: Decatur - Fulton30101
2005: Gattman - Hickory Flat30102
2005: Hollandale - Lexington30103
2005: Liberty - Mendenhall30104
2005: Meridian - Newton30105
2005: North Carrollton - Picayune30106
2005: Pickens - Ripley30107
2005: Rolling Fork - Summit30108
2005: Sumner - Walthall30109
2005: Water Valley - Yazoo City30110

2006: Abbeville - Bassfield30110
2006: Batesville - Bruce30111
2006: Bude - Columbus30112
2006: Como - Fayette30113
2006: Flora - Gulfport30114
2006: Guntown - Jackson30115
2006: Jonestown - Lyon30116
2006: Macon - Moss Point30117
2006: Mound Bayou - Oxford30118
2006: Pace - Purvis30119
2006: Raymond - Shaw30120
2006: Shelby - Tylertown30121
2006: Union - Yazoo City30122

2007: Abbeville - Blue Mountain30123
2007: Blue Springs - Clarksdale30124
2007: Cleveland - D'Iberville30125
2007: D'Lo - Fulton30126
2007: Gattman - Hickory Flat30127
2007: Hollandale - Learned30128
2007: Leland - McComb30129
2007: McCool - New Hebron30130
2007: New Houlka - Picayune30131
2007: Pickens - Saltillo30133
2007: Sandersville - Tremont30134
2007: Tunica - West Point30135
2007: Wiggins - Yazoo City05049

2008: Abbeville - Bentonia30299
2008: Beulah - Byhalia30300
2008: Caledonia - Columbia30301
2008: Columbus - Ellisville30302
2008: Enterprise - Glendora30303
2008: Gloster - Hernando30304
2008: Hickory - Laurel30305
2008: Leakesville - Marietta30306
2008: Marion - Mound Bayou30307
2008: Mount Olive - Oxford30308
2008: Pace - Potts Camp30309
2008: Prentiss - Sandersville30310
2008: Sardis - Summit30311
2008: Sumner - Walnut30312
2008: Walnut Grove - Yazoo City30314

2009: Abbeville - Benoit30487
2009: Bentonia - Byhalia30488
2009: Caledonia - Collins30489
2009: Columbia - Enterprise30490
2009: Ethel - Glen30491
2009: Glendora – Holly Springs30492
2009: Horn Lake - Leland30493
2009: Lena - Mayersville30494
2009: McComb City - Myrtle30495
2009: Natchez - Oxford30496
2009: Pace - Prentiss30497
2009: Puckett - Seminary30498
2009: Senatobia - Terry30499
2009: Tishomingo - Wesson30500
2009: West - Yazoo City30501

2010: Abbeville - Beaumont32196
2010: Belmont - Burnsville32197
2010: Byhalia - Clinton32198
2010: Coahoma - D'Iberville32199
2010: D'Lo - Florence32200
2010: Flowood - Greenwood32201
2010: Grenada - Hickory Flat32202
2010: Holly Springs - Kosciusko32203
2010: Lake - Lyon32204
2010: Maben - Monticello32205
2010: Moorhead - Noxapater32206
2010: Oakland - Philadelphia32207
2010: Picayune - Renova32208
2010: Richland - Sherman32209
2010: Shubuta - Tishomingo32210
2010: Toccopola - Water Valley32211
2010: Waveland - Yazoo City32212

2011: Abbeville - Braxton32527
2011: Brookhaven - Columbia32528
2011: Columbus - Flowood32529
2011: Forest - Hernando32530
2011: Hickory - Louise32531
2011: Louisville - Mound Bayou32532
2011: Mount Olive - Pearl32533
2011: Pelahatchie - Ripley32534
2011: Rolling Fork - Sunflower32535
2011: Taylorsville - West Point32536
2011: Wiggins - Yazoo City32537

2012: Abbeville - Blue Springs33514
2012: Booneville - Coahoma33515
2012: Coffeeville - Diamondhead33516
2012: D’Iberville - Fulton33519
2012: Gattman - Hazlehurst33520
2012: Heidelberg - Kossuth33521
2012: Lake - Mantachie33522
2012: Mantee - Nettleton33523
2012: New Albany - Pelahatchie33524
2012: Petal - Ridgeland33525
2012: Rienzi - Soso33526
2012: Southaven - Union33527
2012: Utica - Woodland33528
2012: Woodville - Yazoo City33531

2013: Abbeville - Big Creek33531
2013: Biloxi - Carthage33532
2013: Cary - Decatur33533
2013: De Kalb - French Camp33534
2013: Friars Point - Hattiesburg33535
2013: Hazlehurst - Lambert33536
2013: Laurel - McCool33537
2013: McLain - Noxapater33538
2013: Ocean Springs - Pope33539
2013: Poplarville - Sardis33540
2013: Satartia - Summit33621
2013: Sumner - Vicksburg33622
2013: Walls - Yazoo City33623