As of 09/02/2004

Series 1424: County Tax Assessments. 1823-1917
Tax Commission (RG 45)

1823: Hancock County6790
1843: Hinds County6790
1844-1845: Adams County (Natchez city tax receipts)6790
1845: Adams County (Natchez)6790
1869: Winston County6790
1869: Yalobusha County6790
1871: Leflore County6790
1880: Perry County6790
1881: Yazoo County6790
1886: Bolivar County6790
1886: Quitman County6790
1887: Panola County6790
1888: Yazoo County6790
1890: Panola County6790
1892: Carroll County6790
1895: Marion County6790
1899: County Railroad Tax List6790
1910: Hinds County6790
1910: Jones County6790
1910: Lawrence County (Hebron Bank, New Hebron)6790
1910: Lawrence County (Merchants & Planters Bank, Silver Creek)6790
1910: Newton County (Bank of Newton, Newton)6790
1910: Smith County (Raleigh Bank, Raleigh)6790
1915: Lincoln County (Ad Valorem)6790
1916: Carroll County (Ad Valoreum)6790
1916: Perry County6790
1916-1917: Ledger6790