As of 1/12/2012

Series 1823: County Statistics. 1860-1870.
Auditor (RG 29)

      Consists of printed forms for each county which were completed and signed primarily by county sheriffs and chancery clerks. For each year (1865-1870), the forms include the following categories for both colored and white residents of each county:

residents of each county
number of marriage licenses issued
number of churches open
number of preachers employed
number of schools open
number of teachers employed
number of stores other than whiskey shops
number of whiskey shops
number of smith’s shops
number of shoemakers’ shops
total assessment of realty and property taxes
total taxes levied for realty and personality

The printed forms are arranged alphabetically by county.

      Consists of handwritten tables for each of the listed categories. Not every county is listed in every category. For each category the statistics are listed by year and then by white or colored residents. The tables consist of the following categories:

number of schools open
number of teachers employed
number of whiskey shops
number of stores other than whiskey shops
number of shoemaker's shops
number of smith's shops
number of marriage licenses issued
agricultural census of 1860
agricultural census of 1870
cotton production
number of indictments
indictments in 1870

Printed forms970
Handwritten tables970