As of 11/17/2015

Series 1889: Teacher Workshop Packets. 1998-2015.
Dept. of Archives and History. State Historical Museum (RG 31/SG 8)

      Packets of materials assembled by museum staff for use as handouts at the annual museum-sponsored social studies teacher workshops. Packets typically contain such materials as bibliographies, lists of topical resources, lesson plans, and research and fact sheets which accompanied the presentations of program participants (scholars, history professors, museum personnel, and history enthusiasts such as Civil War reenactors and genealogists). Some of them also contain general information related to the Department of Archives and History, such as brochures and newsletters, and flyers announcing special events sponsored by the Department. The subject for each packet is included in the listing below.

1998: Mississippi Territorial Records16978
1999: Civil War, 1861-186516978
2001: Post-Civil War Era, 1865-190016978
2004: Civil Rights Movement in Miss., 1946-1970 (Summer & Fall sessions)17576
2005: Modern Mississippi, 1970-Present17576
2006: Mississippi's Native Nations since 170017576
2007: Culture Shock, 1500-1800 Mississippi26965
2009: Mississippi Takes Shape, 1789-183217576
2010: Antebellum Mississippi, 1833-186018280
2011: The Civil War in Mississippi: Frontlines18280
2012: Mississippi's Civil War at Home18280
2013: Deconstructing Mississippi's Reconstruction18280
2014: Turn-of-the-Century Mississippi18280
2015: Role of Women in Mississippi History18280
2015 (Nov): Hardship, Conflict, and Change: Mississippi 1929-195418280