As of 09/14/2006

Series 1956: Procedure Manuals, Directories and Files. 1992-1997.
Governor’s Office (RG 27). Administration of Daniel Kirkwood Fordice.

      Miscellaneous documents, including a Constituent Services procedural manual, a Mississippi Republican Party Leadership Directory, a list of contributors (to what they were contributing is unknown, but presumably the Republican Party), and a collection of materials pertaining to the status of women, particularly women in Mississippi. The women’s materials date from 1994-1995, and were probably generated/gathered because 1995 marked the 75th anniversary of women’s suffrage in the United States.

Constituent Services Procedural ManualBox 18672
List of contributorsBox 18672
Miscellaneous documentsBox 18672
Mississippi Repblican Party Leadership DirectoryBox 18672