As of 04/20/2005

Series 1960: Research Materials. 1982-1999; n.d..
Governor's Office. Administration of Daniel Kirkwood Fordice (RG 27)

Actuarial reports for retirement and insurance plans: 1993, 199712813
Biloxi Port Commisssion Annual Financial Report, FY 1996-199712813
Biloxi Regional Medical Center structural evaluation: 198212813
Bureau of Marine Resources and Sea Pride Industries: 199212813
DECD - The Mid-Continent Highway (I-69) proposal: n.d.12813
DECD - Mississippi statistical energy review: 199512813
Dept. of Corrections report: 199212813
Dept. of Defense - Finance & Accounting Center proposal: 199212813
Dept. of Defense - Finance & Accounting Center: 1992-199312813
Dept. of Health - air emergency medical services report: 199312813
Dept. of Public Safety - subgrantee program: 199312813
Dept. of Rehabilitation Services - lease/purchase proposal: n.d.12813
Downtown Housing Development Handbook, Jackson, MS: n.d.12813
Facts & Evidence Documenting Voter Fraud in Miss. Elections: 199315597
Fire Marshall's Office - jail inspections: 199312813
Governor's Office - budget recommendation FY 1998: 199612813
Governor's Office - personnel handbook: 199212813
Harrison Co. proposed bond issue: 199412813
Institutions of Higher Learning - comparative tax report: 199212813
Isle of Capri Casino - proposal for SGA meeting: 199512813
Jail and penitentiary inspection reports: 1991-1992; 199512813
Korea - U.S. Economic Council: 199112813
MEIA funding application from Meridian Naval Air Station: 199412813
Miscellaneous magazine articles: 1991-199712813
Miscellaneous publications: 1994-1996, 199815597
Miss. Economic Dev. Council Membership Directory: 1996-199712813
Miss. Humanities Council report: 199612813
Report on children in care in Mississippi: 199612813
Review of State Dept. of Education's operations: 199212813
Southern Growth Policies Board: 199912813
Statewide survey: 199212813
Univ. Medical Center helicopter feasibility report: 199212813
Vicksburg-Warren County Chamber of Commerce report: 1991-199212813