As of 04/17/2018

Series 2491: Unit Historical Information. 1862-2002.
Military Dept. / Adjutant General (RG 33).

      This series contains historical information compiled on selected units of the Mississippi National Guard. There is no arrangement.

See also:
      Series 216: Orders, Letters, and Memoranda. 1820-1972.

Baldwyn National Guard units (Co. A, 1/198 Armor): 1862-199119956
MS National Guard Historical Annual: 1938-193934015
Data for Blue Book: 1960-196834015
Historical Information: 1912; 1950’s – 1970’s34015
Organization of the Air National Guard: 1945-194934015
Organization of the National Guard: 1945-194834015
Status of the Organization/Strengths of National Guard Units: 1953; 195534015
Unit Histories Coats of Arms/Correspondence: 1914-1933; n.d.34015
Disbandment: 1915-192934015
Organizations-New Units/Reorganization of Units and Assignments: 1914-193434015
Troop List (Non-Divisional Units): 197234016
National Guard: 1898-193434016
Historical Information- Air National Guard: 1953; 196434016
Militia and National Guard Research: 200234016
MS National Guard Briefings: 1960’s – 197234016
Press Release/Historical Information: 196834016
National Guard Association/Fact Sheet: 196834016