As of 06/11/2013

Series 2728: Scenic Roads and Parkways Maps. 1961-1974.
Highway Dept. (RG 55)

      Maps depicting scenic roads and locations in state and national parks in Mississippi. Each map book is organizing alphabetically by county with routes and locations marked in red or green; locations are not generally identified. The US Forestry Service study map book includes a brief index attached to each county map detailing parks’ points of interest, the type of terrain and land, road construction costs and facility costs for park infrastructure and site upkeep. Map books are arranged chronologically.

1961-1963: Location of Scenic Routes & Sites31247
1963: US Forestry Service Scenic Roads & Parkways Study31247
1965: Scenic Roads & Parkways, Route Locations31247
1965: Scenic Roads & Parkways, Supplemental Points of Interest31247
1974: Scenic Highway Study31247