As of 11/19/2014
Series 363: Audit Reports – Counties. 1917-2009.
Auditor (RG 29)
Reports on the financial condition of the county governments. The audits are for the fiscal year (FY), not the calendar year. Superintendent/Department of Education audits are for the school year (normally July through following June). These audit reports cover all aspects of county-wide government, including the offices of the sheriff and tax collector, chancery and circuit clerks, justices of the peace, superintendents and departments of education, and health departments. Special reports on various topics are included. Since the 1979 passage of a law which allowed the use of public accounting firms to conduct selected audits, many reports are the work of local accounting firms who file a copy with the Auditor.
From the earliest county audits through FY 1978, the listing is grouped by counties. Then the audits for FY 1979 through FY 1981 are grouped together. Finally, the audits from FY 1982 until the most recent are grouped together.
For other county institutions, see:
Series 1200: Airports.
Series 1187: County Central Purchasing System.
Series 1188: County Hospitals.
Series 1195: Port Commissions.
Series 1189: Public Libraries.
Series 1454: Public Utilities.
Series 1196: School Districts.
Adams Co.: 1934, 1936-1952, 1954-1978 | 4033 |
Adams Co.: Analysis of 16th Section Funds: 1959-1966 | 4033 |
Adams Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-1957 | 4033 |
Adams Co.: Health Dept.: 1942-1943 | 4033 |
Adams Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4033 |
Alcorn Co.: 1934-1950 | 4033 |
Alcorn Co.: 1951-1978 | 4034 |
Alcorn Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1956, 1958-1978 | 4034 |
Alcorn Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4034 |
Amite Co.: 1934, 1936-1950 | 4034 |
Amite Co.: 1951-1978 | 4035 |
Amite Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-1978 | 18158 |
Amite Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 18158 |
Amite Co.: Summary of Charges to E.G. Nelson, Chancery Clerk: 1935-1936 | 18158 |
Attala Co.: 1936, 1938-1965 | 4036 |
Attala Co.: 1966-1978 | 18159 |
Attala Co.: Annual Report of Chancery Clk & Co Auditor: 1938 | 18160 |
Attala Co.: Demand of Harvey Gilliland, ex-Sheriff: 1932 | 18160 |
Attala Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1965 | 18159 |
Attala Co.: Dept. of Education: 1966-1978 | 18160 |
Attala Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 18160 |
Benton Co.: 1934, 1938-1960 | 18160 |
Benton Co.: 1961-1978 | 4037 |
Benton Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948, 1950-1969 | 18161 |
Benton Co.: Dept. of Education: 1970-1978 | 4037 |
Bolivar Co.: 1936-1947 | 18161 |
Bolivar Co.: 1948-1954, 1956-1957, 1959-1970 | 4038 |
Bolivar Co.: 1971-1978 | 18162 |
Bolivar Co.: Bonded Indebtedness: 1934 | 4039 |
Bolivar Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-1964 | 18162 |
Bolivar Co.: Dept. of Education: 1965-1978 | 4039 |
Bolivar Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4039 |
Calhoun Co.: 1935-1945 | 4039 |
Calhoun Co.: 1946-1970 | 18163 |
Calhoun Co.: 1971-1978 | 18164 |
Calhoun Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1975 | 18164 |
Calhoun Co.: Dept. of Education: 1976-1978 | 4040 |
Calhoun Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4040 |
Carroll Co.: 1938-1953, 1955-1965 | 4040 |
Carroll Co.: 1966-1978 | 18165 |
Carroll Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1967 | 18165 |
Carroll Co.: Dept. of Education: 1968-1977 | 4041 |
Carroll Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4041 |
Carroll Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 18165 |
Chickasaw Co.: 1929, 1932, 1934, 1936-1962 | 4041 |
Chickasaw Co.: 1963-1978 | 18166 |
Chickasaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1963 | 18166 |
Chickasaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1964-1978 | 4042 |
Chickasaw Co.: Special Investigation: 1928-1930 | 4042 |
Chickasaw Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1942, 1948-1949 | 18166 |
Choctaw Co.: 1930, 1938, 1940-1960 | 4042 |
Choctaw Co.: 1961-1978 | 18179 |
Choctaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1964-1978 | 4043 |
Choctaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1963 | 18179 |
Choctaw Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4043 |
Choctaw Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-9 | 18179 |
Claiborne Co.: 1934-1958 | 4043 |
Claiborne Co.: 1959 - 1978 | 18180 |
Claiborne Co.: Dept. of Education: 1959-1978 | 4044 |
Claiborne Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4044 |
Clarke Co.: 1937-1953 | 4044 |
Clarke Co.: 1954-1978 | 4052 |
Clarke Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4045 |
Clarke Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4045 |
Clarke Co.: Report of Special Investigation: 1943 | 4045 |
Clarke Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4045 |
Clay Co.: 1936-1969 | 4139 |
Clay Co.: 1970-1978 | 4046 |
Clay Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4046 |
Clay Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4046 |
Coahoma Co.: 1931-1932, 1936-1965 | 18193 |
Coahoma Co.: 1966-1978 | 4047 |
Coahoma Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4047 |
Coahoma Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4047 |
Coahoma Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4047 |
Copiah Co.: 1934, 1936-1963 | 4047 |
Copiah Co.: 1964-1975 | 4048 |
Copiah Co.: Demand on Leland Matthews, J.P.: 1952 | 4048 |
Copiah Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4048 |
Copiah Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4048 |
Copiah Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4048 |
Covington Co.: 1932, 1936, 1939-1965 | 4048 |
Covington Co.: 1936-1938 | 4058 |
Covington Co.: 1966-1978 | 4049 |
Covington Co.: Demands on George A. Newton, Supt. of Ed.: 1938-39 | 4049 |
Covington Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4049 |
Covington Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4049 |
Covington Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1936-1939, 1948-1949 | 4049 |
DeSoto Co.: 1938-1968 | 4049 |
DeSoto Co.: 1969-1978 | 4050 |
DeSoto Co.: Audit of Collection of Various Taxes: 1934 | 4050 |
DeSoto Co.: Demands on Board of Supervisors: 1943 | 4058 |
DeSoto Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4050 |
DeSoto Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1940, 1944 | 4050 |
Forrest Co.: 1934, 1936-1968 | 4050 |
Forrest Co.: 1969-1978 | 4051 |
Forrest Co.: Allowances of M. W. Thompson,.Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1940-1943 | 4058 |
Forrest Co.: Claims of M. W. Thompson & related papers: 1940-1949 | 4058 |
Forrest Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4051 |
Forrest Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4051 |
Forrest Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1943, 1948-1949 | 4051 |
Franklin Co.: 1937-1972 | 4051 |
Franklin Co.: 1972-1978 | 4053 |
Franklin Co.: Audit of Cash Account, Chancery Clerk: 1936 | 4053 |
Franklin Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4053 |
Franklin Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4053 |
Franklin Co.: Special Examination: 1924-1928 | 4058 |
Franklin Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4053 |
George Co.: 1929-1930 | 4058 |
George Co.: 1933-1978 | 4053 |
George Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
George Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4054 |
George Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4054 |
Greene Co.: 1936, 1938-1978 | 4054 |
Greene Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Greene Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1959 | 4054 |
Greene Co.: Dept. of Education: 1960-1978 | 4055 |
Greene Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4055 |
Greene Co.: Sinking and Interest Road Fund: 1917-1936 | 4055 |
Grenada Co.: 1928-1931, 1933-1964, 1966-1978 | 4055 |
Grenada Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Grenada Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1965 | 4055 |
Grenada Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4055 |
Grenada Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1949 | 4055 |
Hancock Co.: 1932, 1936-1941, 1943, 1946-1978 | 4056 |
Hancock Co.: 1942, 1945 | 4058 |
Hancock Co.: Demand on Board of Supervisors: 1945, 1949 | 4056 |
Hancock Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4056 |
Hancock Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4056 |
Hancock Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax collector: 1931-1933 | 4056 |
Hancock Co.: Road Protection Bond & Interest Fund: 1944-1945 | 4056 |
Hancock Co.: Sheriff's Account: 1928 | 4058 |
Hancock Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Harrison Co.: 1928-1935, 1938-1953, 1956-1958, 1960-1978 | 4057 |
Harrison Co.: Analysis of Expenditures from Road, Highway and Road Protection Funds: 1934-1937 | 4059 |
Harrison Co.: Comparison of Expenditures with Official Budget: | 4059 |
Harrison Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1955, 1957-1978 | 4059 |
Harrison Co.: Family Court: 1968-1973 | 4059 |
Harrison Co.: Gulfport Port and Harbor Fund Special Audit: 1932-1945 | 4059 |
Harrison Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4059 |
Harrison Co.: Report on Special Investigation of .Board of Supervisors: 1936-1937 | 4058 |
Harrison Co.: Road Protection Bond & Interest Sinking Fund: 1925-1945 | 4059 |
Harrison Co.: Special Report on Expenditures, Road District 3: 1946 | 4058 |
Harrison Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1940, 1948-1949 | 4059 |
Hinds Co.: 1929-1930, 1932-1960 | 4059 |
Hinds Co.: 1961-1978 | 4060 |
Hinds Co.: Analysis of Concrete Culvert Purchases: 1944-1947 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Collections of State Privilege Licenses by Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1943 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4060 |
Hinds Co.: Expenditures of Road Funds and Review of Budget for Road Purposes: 1946-1948 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Fiscal Inventory of Road Machinery: 1946-1947 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Purchases of Road Working Machinery and Equipment: 1946 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Purchases of Tires and Tubes: 1947 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Road and Bridge Expenditures: 1946 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Sheriff & Tax Collector's Office: 1945 | 4061 |
Hinds Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1938-1949 | 4060 |
Holmes Co.: 1927-1930 | 4058 |
Holmes Co.: 1930-1934, 1936-1978 | 4061 |
Holmes Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1969 | 4061 |
Holmes Co.: Dept. of Education: 1970-1978 | 4062 |
Holmes Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4062 |
Holmes Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4061 |
Humphreys Co.: 1935-1978 | 4062 |
Humphreys Co.: County Records of Assessments and Collections of Road Advalorem Taxes for Belzoni: 1941-46 | 4062 |
Humphreys Co.: County Schools Central Office Activity Fund: 1975 | 4062 |
Humphreys Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4062 |
Humphreys Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4062 |
Humphreys Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4062 |
Issaquena Co.: 1929-1930, 1935 | 4058 |
Issaquena Co.: 1937-1978 | 4063 |
Issaquena Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1976, 1978 | 4063 |
Issaquena Co.: Investigation Report: n.d. | 4063 |
Issaquena Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4063 |
Issaquena Co.: Statement of Receipts & Disbursements and Bonded Indebtedness: 1934 | 4063 |
Issaquena Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Itawamba Co.: 1936, 1938-1955 | 4063 |
Itawamba Co.: 1956-1978 | 4064 |
Itawamba Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4064 |
Itawamba Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1943 | 4064 |
Itawamba Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Jackson Co.: 1937-1951, 1953, 1956-1961 | 4064 |
Jackson Co.: 1962-1978 | 4065 |
Jackson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Jackson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1976, 1978 | 4065 |
Jackson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4065 |
Jackson Co.: Road Protection Bond Fund: 1924-1945 | 4065 |
Jackson Co.: Road Protection Bonds: 1944-1945 | 4065 |
Jackson Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1949 | 4065 |
Jasper Co.: 1931-1932, 1936-1950 | 4065 |
Jasper Co.: 1951-1978 | 4066 |
Jasper Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-1978 | 4066 |
Jasper Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4066 |
Jasper Co.: Reconcilement of Fund Accounts: 1943 | 4066 |
Jasper Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1939 | 4066 |
Jefferson Co.: 1934, 1936-1950 | 4066 |
Jefferson Co.: 1951-1978 | 4067 |
Jefferson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Jefferson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4067 |
Jefferson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4067 |
Jefferson Davis Co.: 1932, 1934, 1938-1962 | 4067 |
Jefferson Davis Co.: 1963-1978 | 4068 |
Jefferson Davis Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4068 |
Jefferson Davis Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4068 |
Jefferson Davis Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4068 |
Jones Co.: 1929 | 4058 |
Jones Co.: 1934, 1936-1962 | 4068 |
Jones Co.: 1963-1978 | 4069 |
Jones Co.: Demand on Chas. H. Thompson, ex-Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1935-1938 | 4069 |
Jones Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4069 |
Jones Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4069 |
Jones Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4069 |
Kemper Co.: 1938-1958 | 4069 |
Kemper Co.: 1959-1978 | 4070 |
Kemper Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4070 |
Kemper Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4070 |
Kemper Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4058 |
Lafayette Co.: 1934-1961 | 4070 |
Lafayette Co.: 1962-1978 | 4071 |
Lafayette Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4071 |
Lafayette Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4071 |
Lamar Co.: 1934-1965 | 4071 |
Lamar Co.: 1966-1978 | 4072 |
Lamar Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4072 |
Lamar Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4072 |
Lamar Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Lauderdale Co.: 1928-1930, 1936-1961 | 4072 |
Lauderdale Co.: 1962-1978 | 4073 |
Lauderdale Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4073 |
Lauderdale Co.: Exception to Endorsement on General Fund Warrant #43120: 1946 | 4115 |
Lauderdale Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4073 |
Lauderdale Co.: Road and Bridge Maintenance Costs: 1946 | 4073 |
Lauderdale Co.: Special Investigation of Board of Supervisors: 1932 | 4073 |
Lauderdale Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4073 |
Lawrence Co.: 1938-1958 | 4073 |
Lawrence Co.: 1959-1978 | 4074 |
Lawrence Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4074 |
Lawrence Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Funds: 1940-1948 | 4074 |
Lawrence Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4074 |
Leake Co.: 1935-1961 | 4074 |
Leake Co.: 1962-1978 | 4075 |
Leake Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4075 |
Leake Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4075 |
Leake Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1935-1936, 1948 | 4075 |
Lee Co.: 1935-1963 | 4075 |
Lee Co.: 1964-1978 | 4137 |
Lee Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4140 |
Lee Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4140 |
Leflore Co.: 1936-1978 | 4076 |
Leflore Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4076 |
Leflore Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4076 |
Leflore Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4076 |
Lincoln Co.: 1936-1978 | 4077 |
Lincoln Co.: Demand on Board of Supervisors: 1953 | 4115 |
Lincoln Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4077 |
Lincoln Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Lands: 1938-1948 | 4077 |
Lincoln Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4077 |
Lincoln Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Lincoln Co.: Workin Papers for FY1953 Audit: 1953 | 4115 |
Lowndes Co.: 1929-1978 | 4078 |
Lowndes Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4078 |
Lowndes Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4078 |
Lowndes Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Madison Co.: 1937-1978 | 4079 |
Madison Co.: Beat 1 Advalorem Tax: 1944 | 4080 |
Madison Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4079 |
Madison Co.: Health Dept.: 1937-1941, 1943-1944, 1946 | 4080 |
Madison Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4079 |
Madison Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1936 | 4080 |
Madison Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4079 |
Marion Co.: 1934, 1936, 1938-1978 | 4080 |
Marion Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4080 |
Marion Co.: General School Fund: 1930-1932 | 4080 |
Marion Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4080 |
Marion Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4080 |
Marshall Co.: 1929-1930 | 4115 |
Marshall Co.: 1937-1978 | 4081 |
Marshall Co.: Capital Improvements & Clean-up Project: 1977 | 4081 |
Marshall Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Marshall Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4081 |
Monroe Co.: 1938-1945 | 4081 |
Monroe Co.: 1946-1978 | 4082 |
Monroe Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Monroe Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4082 |
Monroe Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4082 |
Montgomery Co.: 1936-1942 | 4082 |
Montgomery Co.: 1943-1978 | 4083 |
Montgomery Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4083 |
Montgomery Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Funds: 1940-1948 | 4083 |
Montgomery Co.: Special Report on Advalorem Tax due Winona: 1931-1942 | 4083 |
Montgomery Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4083 |
Neshoba Co.: 1936-1952 | 4083 |
Neshoba Co.: 1953-1978 | 4084 |
Neshoba Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4084 |
Neshoba Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4084 |
Neshoba Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4084 |
Newton Co.: 1929-1932, 1936-1954 | 4084 |
Newton Co.: 1955-1978 | 4085 |
Newton Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4085 |
Newton Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4085 |
Newton Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1935-1936, 1948 | 4085 |
Noxubee Co.: 1930-1931, 1934-1938, 1945-1958 | 4085 |
Noxubee Co.: 1959-1978 | 4086 |
Noxubee Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1954, 1956-1978 | 4086 |
Noxubee Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4086 |
Noxubee Co.: Sheriff and Tax Collector's Office: 1932-1933 | 4086 |
Noxubee Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Oktibbeha Co.: 1938-1965 | 4086 |
Oktibbeha Co.: 1966-1978 | 4087 |
Oktibbeha Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4087 |
Oktibbeha Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4087 |
Oktibbeha Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1932-1935 | 4087 |
Oktibbeha Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4087 |
Panola Co.: 1928-1929 | 4115 |
Panola Co.: 1934, 1936-1973 | 4087 |
Panola Co.: 1974-1978 | 4088 |
Panola Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4088 |
Panola Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4088 |
Panola Co.: Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1942 | 4088 |
Panola Co.: Special Audit of Second District: 1932 | 4088 |
Pearl River Co.: 1939-1973 | 4088 |
Pearl River Co.: 1974-1978 | 4089 |
Pearl River Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4089 |
Pearl River Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4089 |
Perry Co.: 1934, 1938-1939, 1941-1978 | 4089 |
Perry Co.: Dept. of Education: 949-1978 | 4090 |
Perry Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections Funds: 1940-1948 | 4090 |
Pike Co.: 1936-1978 | 4090 |
Pike Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4091 |
Pike Co.: Health Dept.: 1956 | 4091 |
Pike Co.: Health Unit: 1936-1937 | 4091 |
Pike Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4091 |
Pike Co.: Lumber Purchases Made by Supervisors Districts 1, 2, 3: 1946-1947 | 4091 |
Pike Co.: Special Report on Expenditures for Road Maintenance: 1946 | 4091 |
Pontotoc Co.: 1929 | 4115 |
Pontotoc Co.: 1938-1978 | 4091 |
Pontotoc Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4092 |
Pontotoc Co.: Sheriff and Tax Collector's Accounts: 1941-1943 | 4092 |
Pontotoc Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1949 | 4092 |
Prentiss Co.: 1935, 1938-1978 | 4092 |
Prentiss Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1955 | 4092 |
Prentiss Co.: Dept. of Education: 1956-1978 | 4093 |
Prentiss Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Quitman Co.: 1931-1932, 1937-1978 | 4093 |
Quitman Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1961 | 4093 |
Quitman Co.: Dept. of Education: 1962-1978 | 4141 |
Quitman Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4141 |
Quitman Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1949 | 4093 |
Rankin Co.: 1932-1978 | 4094 |
Rankin Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1975, 1977-1978 | 4094 |
Rankin Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4094 |
Rankin Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1940, 1948 | 4094 |
Scott Co.: 1937-1978 | 4095 |
Scott Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4095 |
Scott Co.: Investigation of 16th Section School Funds: 1930-1948 | 4095 |
Scott Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4095 |
Sharkey Co.: 1938-1978 | 4096 |
Sharkey Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4096 |
Sharkey Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4096 |
Sharkey Co.: Special Report - Financial Condition: 1955 | 4096 |
Simpson Co.: 1932, 1934, 1936-1978 | 4097 |
Simpson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4097 |
Simpson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4097 |
Simpson Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4097 |
Smith Co.: 1931-1932, 1935-1936, 1940-1978 | 4098 |
Smith Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4098 |
Smith Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4098 |
Smith Co.: Special Report - Supervisor Districts 1 & 2: 1948 | 4098 |
Smith Co.: Special Report - Supervisor District 3 (draft): 1948 | 4098 |
Smith Co.: Special Report - Supervisor District 3 (final): 1948 | 4098 |
Smith Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Smith Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1949 | 4098 |
Stone Co.: 1928-1931 | 4115 |
Stone Co.: 1928-1931, 1938-1978 | 4099 |
Stone Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Stone Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4099 |
Stone Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Funds: 1930-1948 | 4099 |
Stone Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1939-1940 | 4099 |
Sunflower Co.: 1934-1966, 1968, 1970-1978 | 4100 |
Sunflower Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4100 |
Sunflower Co.: Examination of Pension Fund Accounts: 1931-1934 | 4100 |
Sunflower Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4100 |
Tallahatchie Co.: 1933-1934, 1936-1978 | 4101 |
Tallahatchie Co.: Dept. Of Education: 1949-1973 | 4101 |
Tallahatchie Co.: Dept. of Education: 1974-1978 | 4141 |
Tallahatchie Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4141 |
Tallahatchie Co.: Sheriff & Tax Collector's Office: 1937-1938 | 4101 |
Tate Co.: 1930,1 1934, 1938-1978 | 4102 |
Tate Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Tate Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4102 |
Tippah Co.: 1938-1978 | 4103 |
Tippah Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4103 |
Tippah Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4103 |
Tishomingo Co.: 1932, 1938-1978 | 4104 |
Tishomingo Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4104 |
Tishomingo Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Tunica Co.: 1934, 1936-1978 | 4105 |
Tunica Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1958, 1960-1978 | 4105 |
Tunica Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Union Co.: 1929 | 4115 |
Union Co.: 1938-1955 | 4105 |
Union Co.: 1956-1978 | 4106 |
Union Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4106 |
Union Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1944, 1949 | 4106 |
Walthall Co.: 1931-1958 | 4106 |
Walthall Co.: 1959-1978 | 4107 |
Walthall Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4107 |
Walthall Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4107 |
Walthall Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Warren Co.: 1934-1967 | 4107 |
Warren Co.: 1968-1978 | 4108 |
Warren Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4108 |
Warren Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4108 |
Washington Co.: 1928-1969 | 4108 |
Washington Co.: 1970-1978 | 4109 |
Washington Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Washington Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4109 |
Washington Co.: Special Audit of 16th Section Funds: 1926-1948 | 4109 |
Wayne Co.: 1932, 1934-1965 | 4109 |
Wayne Co.: 1966-1968, 1970-1978 | 4110 |
Wayne Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4110 |
Wayne Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4110 |
Wayne Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948 | 4110 |
Webster Co.: 1932, 1934-1969 | 4110 |
Webster Co.: 1970-1978 | 4111 |
Webster Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4111 |
Webster Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4111 |
Wilkinson Co.: 1934, 1937-1978 | 4111 |
Wilkinson Co.: Cash Account: 1936 | 4111 |
Wilkinson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Wilkinson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4112 |
Wilkinson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4111 |
Wilkinson Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1935-1936 | 4111 |
Winston Co.: 1925-1929 | 4116 |
Winston Co.: 1937-1978 | 4112 |
Winston Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948 | 4115 |
Winston Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1960 | 4112 |
Winston Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1948 | 4112 |
Winston Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1949 | 4112 |
Yalobusha Co.: 1936-1974, 1976-1978 | 4113 |
Yalobusha Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1978 | 4113 |
Yalobusha Co.: Investigations of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4113 |
Yazoo Co.: 1934, 1936-1940 | 4113 |
Yazoo Co.: 1941-1978 | 4114 |
Yazoo Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1978 | 4114 |
Yazoo Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-1949 | 4114 |
Yazoo Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-1949 | 4114 |
Adams - Claiborne Co.: 1979-1981 | 17333 |
Clarke - Hancock Co.: 1979-1981 | 17334 |
Harrison - Jones Co.: 1979-1981 | 17335 |
Kemper - Lowndes Co.: 1979-1981 | 4117 |
Madison - Panola Co.: 1979-1981 | 4118 |
Pearl River - Sharkey Co.: 1979-1981 | 4119 |
Simpson Co.: 1980-1981 | 4119 |
Smith - Union Co.: 1979-1981 | 4120 |
Walthall - Yazoo Co.: 1979-1981 | 4121 |
Adams - Yazoo Co.: 1982 | 17336 |
Adams - Coahoma Co.: 1983 | 17337 |
Covington - Stone Co.: 1983 | 17337 |
Tallahatchie - Yazoo Co.: 1983 | 17337 |
Adams - Covington Co.: 1984-1989 | 4256 |
DeSoto - Jasper Co.: 1984-1989 | 4257 |
Jefferson - Marshall Co.: 1984-1989 | 4258 |
Monroe - Scott Co.: 1984-1989 | 4259 |
Sharkey - Webster Co.: 1984-1989 | 4260 |
Wilkinson - Yazoo Co.: 1984-1989 | 4122 |
Adams - Chickasaw Co.: 1990-1993 | 18167 |
Choctaw - Franklin Co.: 1990-1993 | 18168 |
George - Issaquena Co.: 1990-1993 | 18169 |
Itawamba - Lamar Co.: 1990-1993 | 18170 |
Lauderdale - Marion C.: 1990-1993 | 18171 |
Marshall - Pearl River Co.: 1990-1993 | 18174 |
Perry - Simpson Co: 1990-1993 | 18176 |
Smith - Union Co.: 1990-1993 | 18177 |
Walthall Co.: 1991-1993 | 18178 |
Warren - Yazoo Co.: 1990-1993 | 18178 |
Adams - Clarke Co.: 1994-1996 | 11842 |
Clay - Greene Co.: 1994-1996 | 13639 |
Grenada - Jasper Co.: 1994-1996 | 13654 |
Jefferson - Leflore Co.: 1994-1996 | 13660 |
Lincoln - Newton Co.: 1994-1996 | 13767 |
Noxubee - Rankin Co.: 1994-1996 | 13808 |
Scott - Tishomingo Co.: 1994-1996 | 13837 |
Tunica - Yazoo Co.: 1994-1996 | 13843 |
Adams – Clay Co.: 1997-1999 | 20271 |
Coahoma – Harrison Co.: 1997-1999 | 20272 |
Hinds – Kemper Co.: 1997-1999 | 20273 |
Lafayette – Madison Co.: 1997-1999 | 20274 |
Marion – Pearl River Co.: 1997-1999 | 20275 |
Perry – Smith Co.: 1997-1999 | 20276 |
Stone – Washington Co.: 1997-1999 | 20277 |
Wayne – Yazoo Co.: 1997-1999 | 20278 |
Adams - Chickasaw: 2000-2002 | 28710 |
Choctaw - Forrest: 2000-2002 | 28711 |
Franklin - Humphreys: 2000-2002 | 28712 |
Issaquena - Jones: 2000-2002 | 28713 |
Kemper - Leflore: 2000-2002 | 28714 |
Lincoln - Neshoba: 2000-2002 | 28715 |
Newton - Quitman: 2000-2002 | 28716 |
Rankin - Tate: 2000-2002 | 28717 |
Tippah - Webster: 2000-2002 | 28718 |
Wilkinson - Yazoo: 2000-2002 | 28719 |
Adams - Chickasaw: 2003 | 28719 |
Choctaw - Itawamba: 2003 | 29648 |
Jasper - Madison: 2003 | 29649 |
Marshall - Pontotoc: 2003 | 29650 |
Prentiss - Warren: 2003 | 29651 |
Washington - Yazoo: 2003 | 29652 |
Amite - DeSoto: 2004 (incomplete) | 29652 |
Forrest - Lowndes: 2004 (incomplete) | 29653 |
Madison - Sunflower: 2004 (incomplete) | 29654 |
Tunica - Yazoo: 2004 (incomplete) | 29655 |
Adams – Marshall: 2007 | 32340 |
Oktibbeha – Yazoo: 2007 | 32341 |
Adams – Greene: 2008 | 32342 |
Grenada – Lauderdale: 2008 | 32343 |
Lawrence – Pearl: 2008 | 32344 |
Perry – Warren: 2008 | 32345 |
Washington – Yazoo: 2008 | 32346 |
Adams – Coahoma: 2009 | 32346 |
Copiah – Jefferson Davis: 2009 | 32347 |
Jones – Montgomery: 2009 | 32348 |
Neshoba – Walthall: 2009 | 32349 |
Warren – Yazoo: 2009 | 32350 |