As of 11/19/2014

Series 363: Audit Reports – Counties. 1917-2009.
Auditor (RG 29)

      Reports on the financial condition of the county governments. The audits are for the fiscal year (FY), not the calendar year. Superintendent/Department of Education audits are for the school year (normally July through following June). These audit reports cover all aspects of county-wide government, including the offices of the sheriff and tax collector, chancery and circuit clerks, justices of the peace, superintendents and departments of education, and health departments. Special reports on various topics are included. Since the 1979 passage of a law which allowed the use of public accounting firms to conduct selected audits, many reports are the work of local accounting firms who file a copy with the Auditor.

      From the earliest county audits through FY 1978, the listing is grouped by counties. Then the audits for FY 1979 through FY 1981 are grouped together. Finally, the audits from FY 1982 until the most recent are grouped together.

For other county institutions, see:
      Series 1200: Airports.
      Series 1187: County Central Purchasing System.
      Series 1188: County Hospitals.
      Series 1195: Port Commissions.
      Series 1189: Public Libraries.
      Series 1454: Public Utilities.
      Series 1196: School Districts.

Adams Co.: 1934, 1936-1952, 1954-19784033
Adams Co.: Analysis of 16th Section Funds: 1959-19664033
Adams Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-19574033
Adams Co.: Health Dept.: 1942-19434033
Adams Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494033

Alcorn Co.: 1934-19504033
Alcorn Co.: 1951-19784034
Alcorn Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1956, 1958-19784034
Alcorn Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484034

Amite Co.: 1934, 1936-19504034
Amite Co.: 1951-19784035
Amite Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-197818158
Amite Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-194818158
Amite Co.: Summary of Charges to E.G. Nelson, Chancery Clerk: 1935-193618158

Attala Co.: 1936, 1938-19654036
Attala Co.: 1966-197818159
Attala Co.: Annual Report of Chancery Clk & Co Auditor: 193818160
Attala Co.: Demand of Harvey Gilliland, ex-Sheriff: 193218160
Attala Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-196518159
Attala Co.: Dept. of Education: 1966-197818160
Attala Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-194918160

Benton Co.: 1934, 1938-196018160
Benton Co.: 1961-19784037
Benton Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948, 1950-196918161
Benton Co.: Dept. of Education: 1970-19784037

Bolivar Co.: 1936-194718161
Bolivar Co.: 1948-1954, 1956-1957, 1959-19704038
Bolivar Co.: 1971-197818162
Bolivar Co.: Bonded Indebtedness: 19344039
Bolivar Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-196418162
Bolivar Co.: Dept. of Education: 1965-19784039
Bolivar Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494039

Calhoun Co.: 1935-19454039
Calhoun Co.: 1946-197018163
Calhoun Co.: 1971-197818164
Calhoun Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-197518164
Calhoun Co.: Dept. of Education: 1976-19784040
Calhoun Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494040

Carroll Co.: 1938-1953, 1955-19654040
Carroll Co.: 1966-197818165
Carroll Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-196718165
Carroll Co.: Dept. of Education: 1968-19774041
Carroll Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484041
Carroll Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-194918165

Chickasaw Co.: 1929, 1932, 1934, 1936-19624041
Chickasaw Co.: 1963-197818166
Chickasaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-196318166
Chickasaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1964-19784042
Chickasaw Co.: Special Investigation: 1928-19304042
Chickasaw Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1942, 1948-194918166

Choctaw Co.: 1930, 1938, 1940-19604042
Choctaw Co.: 1961-197818179
Choctaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1964-19784043
Choctaw Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-196318179
Choctaw Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494043
Choctaw Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-918179

Claiborne Co.: 1934-19584043
Claiborne Co.: 1959 - 197818180
Claiborne Co.: Dept. of Education: 1959-19784044
Claiborne Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484044

Clarke Co.: 1937-19534044
Clarke Co.: 1954-19784052
Clarke Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784045
Clarke Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484045
Clarke Co.: Report of Special Investigation: 19434045
Clarke Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484045

Clay Co.: 1936-19694139
Clay Co.: 1970-19784046
Clay Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784046
Clay Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484046

Coahoma Co.: 1931-1932, 1936-196518193
Coahoma Co.: 1966-19784047
Coahoma Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784047
Coahoma Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494047
Coahoma Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494047

Copiah Co.: 1934, 1936-19634047
Copiah Co.: 1964-19754048
Copiah Co.: Demand on Leland Matthews, J.P.: 19524048
Copiah Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784048
Copiah Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494048
Copiah Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494048

Covington Co.: 1932, 1936, 1939-19654048
Covington Co.: 1936-19384058
Covington Co.: 1966-19784049
Covington Co.: Demands on George A. Newton, Supt. of Ed.: 1938-394049
Covington Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784049
Covington Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484049
Covington Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1936-1939, 1948-19494049

DeSoto Co.: 1938-19684049
DeSoto Co.: 1969-19784050
DeSoto Co.: Audit of Collection of Various Taxes: 19344050
DeSoto Co.: Demands on Board of Supervisors: 19434058
DeSoto Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784050
DeSoto Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1940, 19444050

Forrest Co.: 1934, 1936-19684050
Forrest Co.: 1969-19784051
Forrest Co.: Allowances of M. W. Thompson,.Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1940-19434058
Forrest Co.: Claims of M. W. Thompson & related papers: 1940-19494058
Forrest Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784051
Forrest Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494051
Forrest Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1943, 1948-19494051

Franklin Co.: 1937-19724051
Franklin Co.: 1972-19784053
Franklin Co.: Audit of Cash Account, Chancery Clerk: 19364053
Franklin Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784053
Franklin Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494053
Franklin Co.: Special Examination: 1924-19284058
Franklin Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484053

George Co.: 1929-19304058
George Co.: 1933-19784053
George Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484058
George Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784054
George Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494054

Greene Co.: 1936, 1938-19784054
Greene Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484058
Greene Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19594054
Greene Co.: Dept. of Education: 1960-19784055
Greene Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494055
Greene Co.: Sinking and Interest Road Fund: 1917-19364055

Grenada Co.: 1928-1931, 1933-1964, 1966-19784055
Grenada Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484058
Grenada Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19654055
Grenada Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494055
Grenada Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19494055

Hancock Co.: 1932, 1936-1941, 1943, 1946-19784056
Hancock Co.: 1942, 19454058
Hancock Co.: Demand on Board of Supervisors: 1945, 19494056
Hancock Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784056
Hancock Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494056
Hancock Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax collector: 1931-19334056
Hancock Co.: Road Protection Bond & Interest Fund: 1944-19454056
Hancock Co.: Sheriff's Account: 19284058
Hancock Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484058

Harrison Co.: 1928-1935, 1938-1953, 1956-1958, 1960-19784057
Harrison Co.: Analysis of Expenditures from Road, Highway and Road Protection Funds: 1934-19374059
Harrison Co.: Comparison of Expenditures with Official Budget: 4059
Harrison Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1955, 1957-19784059
Harrison Co.: Family Court: 1968-19734059
Harrison Co.: Gulfport Port and Harbor Fund Special Audit: 1932-19454059
Harrison Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494059
Harrison Co.: Report on Special Investigation of .Board of Supervisors: 1936-19374058
Harrison Co.: Road Protection Bond & Interest Sinking Fund: 1925-19454059
Harrison Co.: Special Report on Expenditures, Road District 3: 19464058
Harrison Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1940, 1948-19494059

Hinds Co.: 1929-1930, 1932-19604059
Hinds Co.: 1961-19784060
Hinds Co.: Analysis of Concrete Culvert Purchases: 1944-19474061
Hinds Co.: Collections of State Privilege Licenses by Sheriff and Tax Collector: 19434061
Hinds Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784060
Hinds Co.: Expenditures of Road Funds and Review of Budget for Road Purposes: 1946-19484061
Hinds Co.: Fiscal Inventory of Road Machinery: 1946-19474061
Hinds Co.: Purchases of Road Working Machinery and Equipment: 19464061
Hinds Co.: Purchases of Tires and Tubes: 19474061
Hinds Co.: Road and Bridge Expenditures: 19464061
Hinds Co.: Sheriff & Tax Collector's Office: 19454061
Hinds Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1938-19494060

Holmes Co.: 1927-19304058
Holmes Co.: 1930-1934, 1936-19784061
Holmes Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19694061
Holmes Co.: Dept. of Education: 1970-19784062
Holmes Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484062
Holmes Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484061

Humphreys Co.: 1935-19784062
Humphreys Co.: County Records of Assessments and Collections of Road Advalorem Taxes for Belzoni: 1941-464062
Humphreys Co.: County Schools Central Office Activity Fund: 19754062
Humphreys Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784062
Humphreys Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494062
Humphreys Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484062

Issaquena Co.: 1929-1930, 19354058
Issaquena Co.: 1937-19784063
Issaquena Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1976, 19784063
Issaquena Co.: Investigation Report: n.d.4063
Issaquena Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494063
Issaquena Co.: Statement of Receipts & Disbursements and Bonded Indebtedness: 19344063
Issaquena Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484058

Itawamba Co.: 1936, 1938-19554063
Itawamba Co.: 1956-19784064
Itawamba Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784064
Itawamba Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19434064
Itawamba Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484058

Jackson Co.: 1937-1951, 1953, 1956-19614064
Jackson Co.: 1962-19784065
Jackson Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484058
Jackson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-1976, 19784065
Jackson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494065
Jackson Co.: Road Protection Bond Fund: 1924-19454065
Jackson Co.: Road Protection Bonds: 1944-19454065
Jackson Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19494065

Jasper Co.: 1931-1932, 1936-19504065
Jasper Co.: 1951-19784066
Jasper Co.: Dept. of Education: 1948-19784066
Jasper Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484066
Jasper Co.: Reconcilement of Fund Accounts: 19434066
Jasper Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19394066

Jefferson Co.: 1934, 1936-19504066
Jefferson Co.: 1951-19784067
Jefferson Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484058
Jefferson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784067
Jefferson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484067

Jefferson Davis Co.: 1932, 1934, 1938-19624067
Jefferson Davis Co.: 1963-19784068
Jefferson Davis Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784068
Jefferson Davis Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494068
Jefferson Davis Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484068

Jones Co.: 19294058
Jones Co.: 1934, 1936-19624068
Jones Co.: 1963-19784069
Jones Co.: Demand on Chas. H. Thompson, ex-Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1935-19384069
Jones Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784069
Jones Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494069
Jones Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484069

Kemper Co.: 1938-19584069
Kemper Co.: 1959-19784070
Kemper Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784070
Kemper Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494070
Kemper Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484058

Lafayette Co.: 1934-19614070
Lafayette Co.: 1962-19784071
Lafayette Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784071
Lafayette Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484071

Lamar Co.: 1934-19654071
Lamar Co.: 1966-19784072
Lamar Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784072
Lamar Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494072
Lamar Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115

Lauderdale Co.: 1928-1930, 1936-19614072
Lauderdale Co.: 1962-19784073
Lauderdale Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784073
Lauderdale Co.: Exception to Endorsement on General Fund Warrant #43120: 19464115
Lauderdale Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494073
Lauderdale Co.: Road and Bridge Maintenance Costs: 19464073
Lauderdale Co.: Special Investigation of Board of Supervisors: 19324073
Lauderdale Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494073

Lawrence Co.: 1938-19584073
Lawrence Co.: 1959-19784074
Lawrence Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784074
Lawrence Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Funds: 1940-19484074
Lawrence Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484074

Leake Co.: 1935-19614074
Leake Co.: 1962-19784075
Leake Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784075
Leake Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484075
Leake Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1935-1936, 19484075

Lee Co.: 1935-19634075
Lee Co.: 1964-19784137
Lee Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784140
Lee Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494140

Leflore Co.: 1936-19784076
Leflore Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784076
Leflore Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484076
Leflore Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494076

Lincoln Co.: 1936-19784077
Lincoln Co.: Demand on Board of Supervisors: 19534115
Lincoln Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784077
Lincoln Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Lands: 1938-19484077
Lincoln Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494077
Lincoln Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115
Lincoln Co.: Workin Papers for FY1953 Audit: 19534115

Lowndes Co.: 1929-19784078
Lowndes Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784078
Lowndes Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494078
Lowndes Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115

Madison Co.: 1937-19784079
Madison Co.: Beat 1 Advalorem Tax: 19444080
Madison Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784079
Madison Co.: Health Dept.: 1937-1941, 1943-1944, 19464080
Madison Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484079
Madison Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax Collector: 19364080
Madison Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484079

Marion Co.: 1934, 1936, 1938-19784080
Marion Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784080
Marion Co.: General School Fund: 1930-19324080
Marion Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494080
Marion Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484080

Marshall Co.: 1929-19304115
Marshall Co.: 1937-19784081
Marshall Co.: Capital Improvements & Clean-up Project: 19774081
Marshall Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484115
Marshall Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784081

Monroe Co.: 1938-19454081
Monroe Co.: 1946-19784082
Monroe Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484115
Monroe Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784082
Monroe Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494082

Montgomery Co.: 1936-19424082
Montgomery Co.: 1943-19784083
Montgomery Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784083
Montgomery Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Funds: 1940-19484083
Montgomery Co.: Special Report on Advalorem Tax due Winona: 1931-19424083
Montgomery Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494083

Neshoba Co.: 1936-19524083
Neshoba Co.: 1953-19784084
Neshoba Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784084
Neshoba Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484084
Neshoba Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494084

Newton Co.: 1929-1932, 1936-19544084
Newton Co.: 1955-19784085
Newton Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784085
Newton Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494085
Newton Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1935-1936, 19484085

Noxubee Co.: 1930-1931, 1934-1938, 1945-19584085
Noxubee Co.: 1959-19784086
Noxubee Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1954, 1956-19784086
Noxubee Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494086
Noxubee Co.: Sheriff and Tax Collector's Office: 1932-19334086
Noxubee Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115

Oktibbeha Co.: 1938-19654086
Oktibbeha Co.: 1966-19784087
Oktibbeha Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784087
Oktibbeha Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494087
Oktibbeha Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1932-19354087
Oktibbeha Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494087

Panola Co.: 1928-19294115
Panola Co.: 1934, 1936-19734087
Panola Co.: 1974-19784088
Panola Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784088
Panola Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494088
Panola Co.: Sheriff and Tax Collector: 19424088
Panola Co.: Special Audit of Second District: 19324088

Pearl River Co.: 1939-19734088
Pearl River Co.: 1974-19784089
Pearl River Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784089
Pearl River Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494089

Perry Co.: 1934, 1938-1939, 1941-19784089
Perry Co.: Dept. of Education: 949-19784090
Perry Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections Funds: 1940-19484090

Pike Co.: 1936-19784090
Pike Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784091
Pike Co.: Health Dept.: 19564091
Pike Co.: Health Unit: 1936-19374091
Pike Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494091
Pike Co.: Lumber Purchases Made by Supervisors Districts 1, 2, 3: 1946-19474091
Pike Co.: Special Report on Expenditures for Road Maintenance: 19464091

Pontotoc Co.: 19294115
Pontotoc Co.: 1938-19784091
Pontotoc Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784092
Pontotoc Co.: Sheriff and Tax Collector's Accounts: 1941-19434092
Pontotoc Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19494092

Prentiss Co.: 1935, 1938-19784092
Prentiss Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19554092
Prentiss Co.: Dept. of Education: 1956-19784093
Prentiss Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115

Quitman Co.: 1931-1932, 1937-19784093
Quitman Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19614093
Quitman Co.: Dept. of Education: 1962-19784141
Quitman Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494141
Quitman Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19494093

Rankin Co.: 1932-19784094
Rankin Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1975, 1977-19784094
Rankin Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484094
Rankin Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1940, 19484094

Scott Co.: 1937-19784095
Scott Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784095
Scott Co.: Investigation of 16th Section School Funds: 1930-19484095
Scott Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494095

Sharkey Co.: 1938-19784096
Sharkey Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784096
Sharkey Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494096
Sharkey Co.: Special Report - Financial Condition: 19554096

Simpson Co.: 1932, 1934, 1936-19784097
Simpson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784097
Simpson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494097
Simpson Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494097

Smith Co.: 1931-1932, 1935-1936, 1940-19784098
Smith Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784098
Smith Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494098
Smith Co.: Special Report - Supervisor Districts 1 & 2: 19484098
Smith Co.: Special Report - Supervisor District 3 (draft): 19484098
Smith Co.: Special Report - Supervisor District 3 (final): 19484098
Smith Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115
Smith Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19494098

Stone Co.: 1928-19314115
Stone Co.: 1928-1931, 1938-19784099
Stone Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484115
Stone Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784099
Stone Co.: Investigation of 16th Section Funds: 1930-19484099
Stone Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1939-19404099

Sunflower Co.: 1934-1966, 1968, 1970-19784100
Sunflower Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784100
Sunflower Co.: Examination of Pension Fund Accounts: 1931-19344100
Sunflower Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494100

Tallahatchie Co.: 1933-1934, 1936-19784101
Tallahatchie Co.: Dept. Of Education: 1949-19734101
Tallahatchie Co.: Dept. of Education: 1974-19784141
Tallahatchie Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494141
Tallahatchie Co.: Sheriff & Tax Collector's Office: 1937-19384101

Tate Co.: 1930,1 1934, 1938-19784102
Tate Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484115
Tate Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784102

Tippah Co.: 1938-19784103
Tippah Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784103
Tippah Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494103

Tishomingo Co.: 1932, 1938-19784104
Tishomingo Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784104
Tishomingo Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115

Tunica Co.: 1934, 1936-19784105
Tunica Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-1958, 1960-19784105
Tunica Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115

Union Co.: 19294115
Union Co.: 1938-19554105
Union Co.: 1956-19784106
Union Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784106
Union Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1944, 19494106

Walthall Co.: 1931-19584106
Walthall Co.: 1959-19784107
Walthall Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784107
Walthall Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494107
Walthall Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484115

Warren Co.: 1934-19674107
Warren Co.: 1968-19784108
Warren Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784108
Warren Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494108

Washington Co.: 1928-19694108
Washington Co.: 1970-19784109
Washington Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484115
Washington Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784109
Washington Co.: Special Audit of 16th Section Funds: 1926-19484109

Wayne Co.: 1932, 1934-19654109
Wayne Co.: 1966-1968, 1970-19784110
Wayne Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784110
Wayne Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484110
Wayne Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19484110

Webster Co.: 1932, 1934-19694110
Webster Co.: 1970-19784111
Webster Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784111
Webster Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494111

Wilkinson Co.: 1934, 1937-19784111
Wilkinson Co.: Cash Account: 19364111
Wilkinson Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484115
Wilkinson Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784112
Wilkinson Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494111
Wilkinson Co.: Office of Sheriff and Tax Collector: 1935-19364111

Winston Co.: 1925-19294116
Winston Co.: 1937-19784112
Winston Co.: Dept. of Education: 19484115
Winston Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19604112
Winston Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19484112
Winston Co.: Superintendent of Education: 19494112

Yalobusha Co.: 1936-1974, 1976-19784113
Yalobusha Co.: Dept. of Education: 1949-19784113
Yalobusha Co.: Investigations of 16th Sections: 1940-19494113

Yazoo Co.: 1934, 1936-19404113
Yazoo Co.: 1941-19784114
Yazoo Co.: Dept. of Education: 1950-19784114
Yazoo Co.: Investigation of 16th Sections: 1940-19494114
Yazoo Co.: Superintendent of Education: 1948-19494114

Adams - Claiborne Co.: 1979-198117333
Clarke - Hancock Co.: 1979-198117334
Harrison - Jones Co.: 1979-198117335
Kemper - Lowndes Co.: 1979-19814117
Madison - Panola Co.: 1979-19814118
Pearl River - Sharkey Co.: 1979-19814119
Simpson Co.: 1980-19814119
Smith - Union Co.: 1979-19814120
Walthall - Yazoo Co.: 1979-19814121

Adams - Yazoo Co.: 198217336

Adams - Coahoma Co.: 198317337
Covington - Stone Co.: 198317337
Tallahatchie - Yazoo Co.: 198317337

Adams - Covington Co.: 1984-19894256
DeSoto - Jasper Co.: 1984-19894257
Jefferson - Marshall Co.: 1984-19894258
Monroe - Scott Co.: 1984-19894259
Sharkey - Webster Co.: 1984-19894260
Wilkinson - Yazoo Co.: 1984-19894122

Adams - Chickasaw Co.: 1990-199318167
Choctaw - Franklin Co.: 1990-199318168
George - Issaquena Co.: 1990-199318169
Itawamba - Lamar Co.: 1990-199318170
Lauderdale - Marion C.: 1990-199318171
Marshall - Pearl River Co.: 1990-199318174
Perry - Simpson Co: 1990-199318176
Smith - Union Co.: 1990-199318177
Walthall Co.: 1991-199318178
Warren - Yazoo Co.: 1990-199318178

Adams - Clarke Co.: 1994-199611842
Clay - Greene Co.: 1994-199613639
Grenada - Jasper Co.: 1994-199613654
Jefferson - Leflore Co.: 1994-199613660
Lincoln - Newton Co.: 1994-199613767
Noxubee - Rankin Co.: 1994-199613808
Scott - Tishomingo Co.: 1994-199613837
Tunica - Yazoo Co.: 1994-199613843

Adams – Clay Co.: 1997-199920271
Coahoma – Harrison Co.: 1997-199920272
Hinds – Kemper Co.: 1997-199920273
Lafayette – Madison Co.: 1997-199920274
Marion – Pearl River Co.: 1997-199920275
Perry – Smith Co.: 1997-199920276
Stone – Washington Co.: 1997-199920277
Wayne – Yazoo Co.: 1997-199920278

Adams - Chickasaw: 2000-200228710
Choctaw - Forrest: 2000-200228711
Franklin - Humphreys: 2000-200228712
Issaquena - Jones: 2000-200228713
Kemper - Leflore: 2000-200228714
Lincoln - Neshoba: 2000-200228715
Newton - Quitman: 2000-200228716
Rankin - Tate: 2000-200228717
Tippah - Webster: 2000-200228718
Wilkinson - Yazoo: 2000-200228719

Adams - Chickasaw: 200328719
Choctaw - Itawamba: 200329648
Jasper - Madison: 200329649
Marshall - Pontotoc: 200329650
Prentiss - Warren: 200329651
Washington - Yazoo: 200329652

Amite - DeSoto: 2004 (incomplete)29652
Forrest - Lowndes: 2004 (incomplete)29653
Madison - Sunflower: 2004 (incomplete)29654
Tunica - Yazoo: 2004 (incomplete)29655

Adams – Marshall: 200732340
Oktibbeha – Yazoo: 200732341

Adams – Greene: 200832342
Grenada – Lauderdale: 200832343
Lawrence – Pearl: 200832344
Perry – Warren: 200832345
Washington – Yazoo: 200832346

Adams – Coahoma: 200932346
Copiah – Jefferson Davis: 200932347
Jones – Montgomery: 200932348
Neshoba – Walthall: 200932349
Warren – Yazoo: 200932350