As of 04/01/2005

Series 374: Subject Files. 1935-1943.
National Youth Administration (RG 73)

Abernethy - Brookhaven11428
Brookhaven - Correspondence11431
Correspondence - Fleming11434
Flowers - Hyde11437
Indianola - Minutes11441
Miscellaneous - Mississippi11445
Mississippi - Number11446
Office - Property11449
Oversize maps with annotations showing NYA districts & projects20668
Plot plan for Brookhaven NYA Resident Center20668
Plot plan for Greenwood NYA Resident Center20668
Plot plan for Hattiesburg NYA Resident Center20668
Property - Related11452
Religion - Social11455
Set of architectural drawings & specs for buildings20668
Southern - Transfers11458
Travel - Vouchers11461
Wage - Williams11463
Williams - Youth11464