As of 11/25/2003

Series 399: Deceased Soldiers' Final Statements and Claims. 1861-1865.
Confederate Records (RG 9)

      One bound volume recording claims for pay due Mississippi soldiers who died or were killed in service, along with certificates of payment of claims for deceased soldiers, accompanying final statements, affidavits, correspondence, applications for money due the deceased, lists of claims paid, inventories of effects left at time of death, and a partial list of Mississippi soldiers who died. Most of Mississippi’s regular infantry regiments are represented, with most material filed by unit number. Entries in the bound volume are in random order.

"Deceased Soldiers' Claims 1861-1865" (bound volume) 12055
18th- 28th Mississippi Infantry Regiments: 1861-186512058
1st- 17th Mississippi Infantry Regiments: 1861-186512057
29th- 46th Mississippi Infantry Regiments: 1861-186512059
List of Mississippi soldiers who died (partial): 1861-1865347
Various Mississippi units, artillery, cavalry: 1861-186512060