3rd Regiment Cavalry, State Troops (McGuirk’s)
As of 05/20/2016
3rd Regiment Cavalry, State Troops (McGuirk’s)
Description | Box # |
Records of the 3rd Regiment Cavalry (McGuirk's), Mississippi State Troops. Included are: Roster of commissioned officers, May 20, 1864; Morning report for the month of March, 1864. |
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Roster of officers, August 10, 1863; Certificate of election of regimental officers, April 23, 1864; Notice of Colonel John McGuirk calling for volunteers in Marshall, Lafayette, DeSoto, Panola, Tunica and Coahoma Counties for a cavalry regiment for the defense of north Mississippi, ca. 1863; Copy of special order of General J.Z. George commending Colonel John McGuirk and his regiment for gallant service, June 27, 1863, submitted to the governor by Colonel McGuirk to refute claims that state troops are inefficient; Report of council of administration appointed to examine regimental reports, ca. 1864. |
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Company A (Captain T.J. Kyle's company, originally Company C): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls (2), ca. March, 1865. |
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Company C (Captain John W. Logan's company, originally Company D): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls(2), ca. March, 1865. |
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Company D (Captain Gwartny's company [Kilgore Rangers], subsequently reorganized as Company D): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls (2), ca. March 1865. |
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Company E (Captain T.M. Griffin's company subsequently reorganized as Company C): Descriptive list, May 1, 1864; Muster and pay rolls (2), May 1864. |
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Company E (Captain E.L. Richmond's company): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls (2), ca. March 1865. |
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Company F (Captain J.L. Brannon's company [Barksdale Rangers], subsequently reorganized as Company H): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls (2), May 1864. |
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Company F (Captain J.G. Kennedy's company): Descriptive list, ca. April 1864; Muster and pay rolls (2), May 1864. |
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Company G (Captain S.T. Daniels's company): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls (2), ca. March 1865. Descriptive list of Captain S.T. Daniels' Company G, undated. |
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Company I (Captain C.W. Orr's company): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls (2), ca. March, 1865. |
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Company K (Captain R.H. Turner's company): Descriptive list, undated; Muster and pay rolls (2), ca. May 1864. |
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