As of 02/20/2014

Series 435: Adult Education Reports and Training Material. 1936-1942.
Work Projects Administration. Adult Education Program (RG 60)

      Reports and training material from the Adult Education Program, administered by the Professional and Service Division’s Community Service section. The purpose of the program was to provide literacy training to illiterate Mississippi adults, using out of work teachers recruited and trained by the WPA. Annual summary reports contain statistics on the numbers of students in various education programs run by the program, student enrollments by county and subject, and the level of education achieved by WPA teachers, by race. The Directory of Social Agencies in Mississippi contains contact information for agriculture, business and commerce, education, government, public health, religious, clubs and organizations, public welfare, and public transportation organizations across the state; there is one draft version and one final version. Also included are readers, teaching materials and teacher handbooks on a variety of topics, such as commercial education for adults, wildlife conservation, forest conservation, home economics, parent education, English for adults, and historical Mississippi. Personnel lists are lists of teachers working for the Adult Education program organized by district and divided by race, containing addresses, salaries and travel allowances.

See also:
      Series 2774: Mississippi Emergency Education Program Report. 1935.

Annual summary reports: 1936-194110501
Directory of Social Agencies in Mississippi10454
Handbooks for teachers: 1939-194110502
Newsletters, courses, and miscellaneous material10503
Personnel reports: 1936-194110504
Publications for study: 1937-193910505
Publications for study: 1937-193910506