As of 05/20/2003

444 Statewide Source Material. 1936-1941
        Work Projects Administration. Federal Writers' Project

Accomodations - agriculture10565
Archeaological sites - arts (drama)10567
Arts (literature)10568
Arts (music) - Bank of Mississippi10569
Bank of Mississippi - bibliography10570
Biographies - bodies of water10573
Bodies of water - Child Protection Program10574
Chunky Creek10576
Churches - collections (private)10577
Constitutions and county government formation10578
County officers - Sam Dale10579
Jefferson Davis - education10580
Education - exports and imports10581
Fairs - Flora10582
Forests - Governor's Mansion10583
Gulf Coast (agriculture - information)10584
Gulf Coast (old homes - transportation)10585
Health and mental hospitals10587
Health plays and history10588
Hunting - industry10591
Industry and information10592
Information - Jackson (Chamber of Commerce - health)10593
Jackson (history, 1820-1869)10594
Jackson (history, 1870-1920)10595
Jackson (history, 1921-1939 - municipal services)10596
Jackson (Negroes - transportation)10597
Maps - old historic homes10598
Old historic homes and organizations10599
Origin of names - parks10600
Penal institutions - plays10601
Plays and points of interest10602
Points of interest - press10603
Press - races and nationalities10604
Reconstruction - seafood industry10605
Seafood industry - soils and minerals10606
Soils and minerals - tourist information10607
Towns - transportation (railroad history)10608
Transportation (railroads)10609
Transportation - zoning laws10610
Stories and plays10611
Stories and plays10612
Stories and plays10613
Towns and place names10614
Towns and place names10615