As of 10/24/2011

Series 524: Petitions. 1800-1816; n.d.
Mississippi Territory. Legislature (RG 5).

      Petitions to the Territorial Legislature requesting legislative action for either private or public reasons. The nature of the petitions varies greatly. Topics include: land and property disputes; the granting of citizenship rights for certain individuals; the division and establishment of counties; requests for divorce; calls for the creation of courts; and requests for payment of duties performed by various Territorial officials. In addition, the series includes a number of memorials to the Legislature, and a copy of a petition from the Mississippi Territorial Legislature to President James Madison. The items are predominantly handwritten, but included are examples of printed petitions and memorials.

1800-1809, undated168
1801-1816 (Oversized)169
1815, undated (Oversized)29794
Undated (Oversized)20039