As of 07/13/2004

Series 597: Architectural Drawings and Blueprints. 1997.
Governor's Office. Administration of Daniel Kirkwood Fordice (RG 27)

     Architectural plans and cost estimates for the 1997 renovation of the 20th Floor of the Walter Sillers Building, which housed offices of Governor Kirk Fordice's staff. Included in the series are the following items: a 5-sheet set of blueprints dated 1/16/1997; a more detalied 14-sheet set of blueprints dated 3/24/1997; reduced photocopies of floorplans with handwritten annotations and cost estimates/budgets for furniture, wall coverings, carpets, etc., with another set of photocopied reductions of floorplans attached.

Costestimates & photocopied floor plans20142