Creator: Secretary of State (RG 28)

Collection Summary:  A large collection of election returns from the Secretary of State’s Office dating from 1817 to 2016. Although each election is unique, there are election returns for federal, state, county, and municipal offices represented in the collection. By the twentieth century, elections were also split into general, primary, and special elections. Documents may include: election returns, candidate lists, official correspondence, petitions, resignations, appointments, as well as tally and recapitulation sheets. Arrangement is chronological by election date and by county.

Access Restrictions: None.

Date(s): 1817-2016.

Volume: 492.0 Cubic Feet.

Finding Aid Created By: Shaun Stalzer in December 2024.

Related Materials: TBD.

Record Group History: The office of secretary of state was created by the Constitution of 1817, Article IV, Section 14 with a term of two years. The secretary of state was given the responsibility of keeping a register of all official acts and proceedings of the governor and when required, presenting this and all relative papers, minutes, and vouchers to the legislature. All election returns of the people were sent to the secretary of state, who in turn delivered them to the House of Representatives. It is the duty of the secretary of state to keep the following records: all domestic charters of corporations as well as foreign charters [General Laws of Mississippi of 1987, chapter 485]; the originals of all laws passed [MS Code Section  7-3-5]; the bonds of all state officers and districts of the state except his own, which is kept by the clerk of the Supreme Court; and all state land records, all levee land records, and all other land records, except assessment rolls [MS Code Section  7-11-13].

Collection Inventory:
Box Content Box Number
1817-1824: [use mf #3669]2393
1825-1828: [use mf # 3669 & 1051]2395
1829-1831: [use mf # 1051 & 2418]2397
1832: county & municipal offices [use mf # 1051 & 2418]2397
1832: Federal & statewide offices [use mf # 2418]2400
1832: miscellaneous documents [use mf # 2418]2400
1833: county & municipal offices [use mf # 2418]2400
1833: miscellaneous documents [use mf # 2418]2400
1833: statewide offices [use mf # 2418]2400
1834: county & municipal offices, Adams-Yazoo Counties2401
1834: Chancellor of High Court of Errors & Appeals/other offices2401
1834: District Attorneys2401
1834: election inquires & requests2402
1834: Legislators2402
1835: election correspondence & miscellaneous documents2403
1835: general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2402
1835: special elections, Adams-Hancock Counties2402
1835: special elections, Hinds-Yazoo Counties2403
1835: Hinds & Wilkinson Counties (oversized)2415
1836: county & municipal offices, Adams-Clarke Counties2403
1836: county & municipal offices, Copiah-Warren Counties2404
1836: county & municipal offices, Washington-Yazoo Counties2405
1836: Federal & statewide offices, Adams-Yazoo Counties2405
1836: miscellaneous documents2405
1837: county & municipal offices, Attala-Hinds Counties2405
1837: county & municipal offices, Holmes-Yazoo Counties2407
1837: Federal & statewide offices, Adams-Lauderdale Counties2407
1837: Federal & statewide offices, Lawrence-Yazoo Counties2408
1837: miscellaneous documents2408
1837: Claiborne & Leake Counties (oversized)35318
1838: county & municipal offices, Adams-Madison Counties2408
1838: county & municipal offices, Marion-Yazoo Counties2409
1838: Federal & statewide offices, Adams-Yazoo Counties2409
1838: miscellaneous documents2409
1838: Hinds County (oversized)35318
1839: county & municipal offices, Amite-Yazoo Counties2410
1839: Federal & statewide offices, Adams-Yazoo Counties2411
1839: miscellaneous documents2411
1839: Attala County (oversized)2415
1839: Madison & Warren Counties (oversized)35318
1840: county & municipal offices, Adams-Hancock Counties2411
1840: county & municipal offices, Hinds-Yazoo Counties2412
1840: Federal & statewide offices, Adams-Yazoo Counties2412
1840: statewide returns for Federal election (oversized)2415
1841: all offices/general election, Adams-Perry Counties2416
1841: all offices/general election, Pike-Yazoo Counties2417
1841: county & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Yazoo Counties2416
1841: inquiries, requests & miscellaneous documents2417
1841: all offices, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35319
1841: statewide tallies for all offices & Monroe County (oversized)35318
1842: county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yazoo Counties2417
1842: statewide offices/special election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2417
1842: Adams County (oversized)2418
1843: miscellaneous documents2419
1843: state, county, & municipal offices/general election, Adams-Winston Counties2419
1843: state, county, & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Yazoo Counties2419
1843: all offices, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)2418
1844: county & municipal offices/special elections, Amite-Yazoo Counties2414
1844: Federal election/electors for President and Vice-President, Adams-Yazoo Co.2414
1844: Consolidated election return of electors/Pres. & Vice Pres. (oversized)2418
1844: statewide tally of votes for election of Vice Chancellor (oversized)2418
1845: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2421
1845: certifications of persons elected, Adams-Holmes Counties2420
1845: certifications of persons elected, Issaquena-Yazoo Counties2422
1845: consolidated statewide returns/general election2421
1845: county & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Yalobusha Counties2422
1845: election correspondence2422
1845: recommendations for appointments2422
1845: Votes polled by county for statewide elective offices (oversized)20593
1845: Votes polled by precinct in Hinds County (oversized)20593
1846: certifications of persons elected2424
1846: consolidated returns for Federal & state offices 2424
1846: county & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Yazoo Counties2424
1846: elections correspondence 2424
1846: Federal & state offices/special elections, Adams-Yazoo Counties2424
1846: miscellaneous documents2424
1846: recommendations for appointments2424
1847: all offices/general election, Adams-Yalobusha Counties3423
1847: certifications of persons elected3423
1847: county & municipal offices/special elections, Amite-Winston Counties3423
1847: miscellaneous documents3423
1847: election returns by county for state offices (oversized)20593
1847: Lauderdale, Pontotoc, Sunflower, & Wayne Counties (oversized)35335
1847: Lowndes, Wilkinson, Warren, & Yalobusha Counties (oversized)2415
1848: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2426
1848: all offices/special elections, Adams-Yazoo Counties2426
1848: certifications of persons elected2428
1848: consolidated election returns2428
1848: miscellaneous documents2428
1848: all offices, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35335
1849: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2428
1849: certifications of persons elected2430
1849: consolidated election returns2430
1849: county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yazoo Counties2428
1849: miscellaneous documents2430
1849: all offices, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35336
1850: all offices/June special election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2430
1850: certifications of persons elected2430
1850: consolidated election returns2430
1850: county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yazoo Counties2430
1850: miscellaneous documents2430
1850: statewide returns for Secretary of State/special election (oversized)35337
1851: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2433
1851: certifications of person elected, Adams-Yazoo Counties2434
1851: consolidated election returns2434
1851: county & municipal offices/special elections, Amite-Yazoo Counties2433
1851: miscellaneous documents2434
1851: all offices, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35337
1852: certifications of persons elected, Adams-Yazoo Counties2435
1852: county & municipal offices/special elections, Amite-Yazoo Counties2435
1852: electors for President, county offices & tax for bank bonds/general election2435
1852: High Court & Vice Chancery judges/special election (various counties)2435
1852: miscellaneous documents2435
1852: consolidated returns, Presidential election (oversized)35338
1853: all offices/general election, Adams-Yalobusha Counties2436
1853: certifications of person elected, various counties2434
1853: county offices/special elections, various counties {refer to list in box}2436
1853: miscellaneous documents2434
1853: municipal offices/special elections, various counties {refer to list in box}2436
1853: state senator/special election, various counties {refer to list in box}2436
1853: all offices, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35338
1854: county & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Yazoo Counties2438
1854: certifications of persons elected, Adams-Winston Counties2438
1854: miscellaneous documents2438
1855: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2439
1855: all offices/special elections, Amite-Yazoo Counties2439
1855: certifications of persons elected, Adams-Yalobusha Counties2439
1855: recommendations for appointments2439
1855: all offices, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35339
1856: all offices/special elections, Attala-Yazoo Counties2431
1856: certifications of persons elected, Adams-Winston Counties2431
1856: recommendations for appointments2431
1856: special election, Lauderdale County (oversized)35339
1857: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties17129
1857: certifications of persons elected/general election, various counties17129
1857: certifications of persons elected/special elections, Adams-Yazoo Counties17129
1857: elections correspondence17129
1857: miscellaneous documents17129
1857: state, County & municipal offices, Adams-Yalobusha Counties17129
1857: writs of elections17129
1857: various elections & counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35405
1858: all offices/general election, various counties {refer to list in box}2440
1858: certifications of persons elected/special elections, various counties2440
1858: county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yalobusha Counties2440
1858: miscellaneous documents2440
1858: writs of elections2440
1858: Kemper County/general election (oversized)20593
1858: all offices/general election, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35405
1859: all offices/general election, Adams-Yalobusha Counties2441
1859: certifications of persons elected/all elections, various counties2442
1859: county & municipal offices, Adams-Madison Counties2441
1859: county & municipal offices, Marion-Yazoo Counties2442
1859: miscellaneous documents2442
1859: writs of elections2442
1859: general & special elections, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35405
1860: certifications of persons elected/all elections, various counties2443
1860: county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yalobusha Counties2443
1860: county offices & Vice-Chancellor/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2443
1860: miscellaneous documents2443
1860: Presidential electors/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2444
1860: Secession convention delegates/special election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2444
1860: Secretary of State/special election-Adams-Yazoo Counties2443
1860: general & special elections, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35409
1861: certifications of persons elected/special elections, various counties2445
1861: miscellaneous documents2445
1861: President of the Confederate States/electors, Choctaw & DeSoto Co.2445
1861: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Winston Co.2445
1861: writs of elections2445
1862: certifications of persons elected2446
1862: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yalobusha Co.2446
1862: writs of elections2446
1862: Holmes County {Lexington}/special election (oversized)35409
1863: certifications of persons elected2446
1863: credential from Secretary of State2446
1863: miscellaneous documents2446
1863: state offices/general election, Carroll-Winston Counties2446
1863: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Amite-Winston Counties2446
1863: statewide recapitulation/general election (oversized)35409
1864: certifications of person elected2447
1864: county offices & High Court justice/general election, Amite-Lawrence Co.2446
1864: county offices & High Court justice/general election, Lowndes-Yalobusha Co.2447
1864: miscellaneous documents2447
1864: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yazoo Counties2447
1864: writs of elections2447
1864: general & special elections, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35409
1865: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2449
1865: certifications of persons elected 2450
1865: miscellaneous documents2450
1865: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Monroe Counties2449
1865: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Neshoba-Yazoo Counties2450
1865: writs of elections2450
1865: general & special elections, various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35409
1866: certifications of persons elected2450
1866: miscellaneous documents2450
1866: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Adams-Wilkinson Co.2450
1866: writs of elections2450
1866: Daily Clarion {Nov. 29} newspaper page of election results (oversized)35409
1866: Yazoo County/general election (oversized)35409
1867: certifications of persons elected2451
1867: state constitutional convention/special election, Tippah County2451
1867: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yazoo Counties2451
1867: writs of elections2451
1868: Federal & state offices/general election {counties, refer to list in box}2451
1868: miscellaneous documents2451
1870: certification & oath/special election, Pike County2451
1871: oaths & Republican tickets/special election, Tunica County2451
1871-1900 statewide recapitulations of election returns {bound vol.}[Use Mf #3234]2517
1872: 27th Senatorial District-special election, DeSoto & Tunica Counties2451
1873: county & municipal offices/special elections, Pike & Rankin Counties2451
1874: certifications of persons elected2451
1874: correspondence2451
1874: county & municipal offices/special elections {counties, refer to list in box}2451
1874: miscellaneous documents2451
1875: all offices/general election, Adams-Wilkinson Counties2506
1875: certifications of persons elected2520
1875: correspondence2520
1875: miscellaneous documents2520
1875: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Attala-Yalobusha Co.2520
1875: general election/Adams, Benton, Lawrence & Yalobusha Co. (oversized)2521
1875: general election/Claiborne & Lawrence (oversized)20593
1875: general election/Adams, Holmes & Lee Counties (oversized)35426
1875: special election/Hinds County (oversized)2521
1876: all offices/general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2508
1876: certifications of persons elected2509
1876: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, Alcorn-Yazoo Co.2509
1876: miscellaneous documents2509
1876: general election, Adams County (oversized)2521
1876: general election/various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35426
1876: Presidential election tally sheet Warren County (oversized)35338
1876: special election/Hinds County (oversized)2521
1876: special elections/Grenada & Lafayette Counties (oversized)35426
1877: certifications of person elected2510
1877: return parcels/general election, various counties2519
1877: state, county & municipal offices/general election, various counties2510
1877: general election/Coahoma County (oversized)2521
1877: state, county & municipal offices/general election, Marshall Co. (oversized)20593
1877: general election/various counties {refer to list in box} (oversized)35426
1878: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, various counties2507
1878: general election/Warren County (oversized)35426
1879: state, county & municipal offices/special elections, various counties2507
1883: state, county & municipal offices/general election, various counties2507
1884: county & municipal offices/regular & special elections, various counties2507
1885: county & municipal offices/regular & special elections, various counties2507
1895: broadside-“Vote at the General Election for State Offices” (oversized)2521
1895: general election/statewide returns for state offices {fragment} (oversized)35426
undated: unidentified election returns (oversized)2521
As of 01/26/2022 
Series 107:  Election Returns-20th Century.   1900-1999.  
Secretary of State.  Elections Division  (RG 28). 
1900: general election35430
1903: general election2522
1903: primary elections2526
1904: county elections2528
1904: municipal elections2527
1904: municipal elections2528
1905: county elections2527
1905: county elections2528
1905: municipal elections2527
1905: municipal elections2528
1906: county elections2528
1906: municipal elections2528
1907: 1st & 2nd primary elections35442
1907: county elections2531
1907: municipal elections2531
1907: general election, Adams-Franklin Counties35443
1907: general election, Greene-Lowndes Counties35444
1907: general election, Madison-Yazoo Counties35445
1908: Congressional nominations2532
1908: county elections2532
1908: list of Democratic electors2532
1908: municipal elections2532
1908: municipal elections2533
1908: municipal elections2535
1908: municipal election, Tishomingo County (oversized)2534
1908: municipal election, Yalobusha County (oversized)20593
1908: petitions for creation of Stone County (Amite & Wilkinson only)2535
1908: Presidential electors/Congress2534
1909: county elections2524
1909: municipal elections2524
1909: municipal elections2537
1909: Presidential electors (returns missing)2537
1910: Congressional election 2539
1910: Congressional election2540
1910: county elections2538
1910: municipal elections2538
1910: municipal elections 2539
1910: municipal elections3271
1910: state constitutional election (new amendment)2540
1911: county elections2543
1911: general election, Adams-Lawrence Counties35455
1911: general election, Leake-Yazoo Counties35457
1911: general election, ballot tallies by county34987
1911: municipal elections2543
1911: municipal elections3968
1911: second primary election (various counties)35456
1911: special elections, state legislature3968
1911: county election, Hinds County (oversized)20593
1912: county elections2545
1912: municipal elections2545
1912: municipal elections2546
1912: municipal elections2547
1912: general election, Adams-Holmes35458
1912: general election, Issaquena-Prentiss35459
1912: general election, Quitman-Yazoo Counties35460
1912: special election, state legislature2547
1913: county elections2548
1913: municipal elections2548
1913: municipal elections2549
1913: state elections2549
1914: county elections2432
1914: municipal elections2437
1914: municipal elections2544
1914: municipal elections2550
1914: special elections, state legislature2550
1915: 1st  primary election35500
1915: 1st primary election35501
1915: 2nd primary election35502
1915: county elections2551
1915: municipal elections2552
1915: municipal elections2553
1915: general election35502
1915: general election (duplicate returns) 2448
1916: county elections2554
1916: Federal elections, miscellaneous papers2554
1916: general election 35523
1916: municipal elections2554
1916: municipal elections2557
1916: municipal elections2558
1916: municipal elections2559
1916: special elections, state legislature2559
1917: county elections2560
1917: Federal elections, miscellaneous papers2560
1917: municipal elections2560
1917: municipal elections30284
1917: special elections, state legislature30284
1918: county elections2561
1918: general election2564
1918: municipal elections2561
1918: municipal elections2562
1918: municipal elections2563
1918: special elections, state legislature2563
1919: 1st primary election11551
1919: 2nd primary election2565
1919: county elections2566
1919: general election, Adams-Lee Counties35658
1919: general election, Leflore-Yazoo Counties35659
1919: municipal elections2566
1919: municipal elections2567
1919: special elections, state offices2567
1920: Congressional elections2568
1920: county elections2568
1920: general election, Adams-Kemper Counties35660
1920: general election, Lafayette-Yazoo Counties35661
1920: judicial elections2571
1920: municipal elections2568
1920: municipal elections2569
1920: municipal elections2570
1920: municipal elections2571
1920: Presidential electors2571
1920: state offices, special elections2571
1921: county elections11981
1921: judicial elections11981
1921: municipal elections11981
1921: state offices, special elections11981
1922: 1st primary election3026
1922: 2nd primary election3026
1922: county elections2572
1922: general election, Adams-Leflore Counties2575
1922: general election, Lincoln-Yazoo Counties2576
1922: municipal elections2572
1922: municipal elections2573
1922: municipal elections2574
1922: state offices, special elections2574
1923: 1st & 2nd primary elections (filed together)35669
1923: Congressional election, 3rd district (special election)2577
1923: county elections2577
1923: general election, Adams-Jackson Counties2579
1923: general election, Jasper-Pontotoc Counties2580
1923: general election, Prentiss-Yazoo Counties2581
1923: municipal elections2577
1923: municipal elections2578
1924: county elections2582
1924: general election, Adams-Madison Counties2585
1924: general election, Marion-Yazoo Counties2586
1924: judicial elections2584
1924: municipal elections2582
1924: municipal elections2583
1924: municipal elections2584
1925: county elections2587
1925: judicial elections2588
1925: municipal elections2587
1925: municipal elections2588
1926: 1st primary election, Congressional & judicial2590
1926: 2nd primary election, judicial2590
1926: county elections35693
1926: general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2589
1926: municipal elections35693
1926: nomination documents2590
1926: special & general elections, county judges2590
1927: 1st primary election 2591
1927: 1st primary election 2592
1927: 2nd primary election2593
1927: 2nd primary election2594
1927: county elections2595
1927: judicial election, special-5th Circuit court district2595
1927: general election2597
1927: general election2598
1927: general election2599
1927: municipal elections2595
1927: municipal elections2596
1927: papers & correspondence from elections2596
1928: 1st primary election 2600
1928: 2nd primary election 2600
1928: 2nd primary election 2601
1928: general election2601
1928: general election2602
1928: municipal elections2602
1928: municipal elections2603
1928: municipal elections35696
1928: nomination documents35696
1928: papers & correspondence from elections35696
1929: county elections2604
1929: judicial elections2604
1929: municipal elections2605
1929: papers & correspondence, election protest2605
1929: state offices, special elections2605
1931 [Mf #3234]20793
1932: general election (photocopies)35697
1936: general election (photocopies)35697
1938: general election (photocopies)35697
1939 [use mf #1085]2605
1939 [use mf #1085]29515
1939: general election (photocopies)35697
1940: presidential electors (photocopies)35697
1942: various elections2606
1943: general election (photocopies)35697
1944 [use mf #1414]2736
1944 [use mf #1414]2737
1944: presidential electors (photocopies)35697
1946 [use mf #1414]2606
1947: general election (photocopies)35697
1948: county special election returns [use mf # 2891]2804
1948: Democratic primary election35697
1948: general election 35697
1948: municipal election returns [use mf # 2891]2804
1949: municipal election returns [use mf # 2891]2805
1949: municipal special election returns [use mf # 2891]2804
1950: first Democratic primary election35697
1950: general election35697
1950: municipal election returns [use mf # 2891]2805
1950: second Democratic primary election35697
1951: first Democratic primary election (photocopies)35697
1951: first primary election30196
1951: general election35697
1951: second Democratic primary election35697
1952: Democratic primary election35697
1952: general election (includes photocopies)35697
1952: special election, Simpson County - supervisor2807
1952: special referendum, Senate Bill 565 (includes photocopies)35697
1953: municipal elections2805
1953: special elections2805
1954: Democratic primary election nominations (includes photocopies)35697
1954: first primary election30197
1954: general election30198
1954: general election (includes photocopies)35697
1954: second primary election, Adams County - county court judge2807
1954: special election - constitutional amendment30212
1954: special election, Board of Education30213
1954: special elections2807
1955: first primary election nominations35697
1955: first Democratic primary election30202
1955: general election35697
1955: general election30221
1955: second primary election35697
1955: second Democratic primary election30200
1956: primary election nominations35697
1956: first Democratic primary election30214
1956: general election (includes photocopies)35697
1956: general election 30206
1956: special elections30214
1958: primary election nominations (includes photocopies)35697
1958: first Democratic primary election30199
1958: general election30200
1958: general election35697
1958: special election30213
1958: special election, H.C.R. 13135697
1959: first primary election (includes photocopies)35697
1959: first primary election30196
1959: general election30201
1959: general election35697
1959: general election results30214
1959: second primary election (includes photocopies)35697
1959: second primary election30214
1960: Democratic Presidential electors - county tallies30216
1960: primary election, U.S. Congress35697
1960: first primary election, Hinds County12672
1960: general election (includes photocopies)35697
1960: general election (originals)30216
1960: general election (photocopies)3171
1960: primary election30203
1960: special election - constitutional amendment30203
1960: special election, H.C.R. 4335697
1960: special elections2807
1961: municipal elections, Alcorn - Yazoo counties3185
1961: special election - constitutional amendments30203
1961: special election, S.C.R. 101 and S.C.R. 10235697
1961: special elections2807
1962: first & second Democratic primaries (Corinth, Alcorn Co.)2807
1962: first Democratic primary election3028
1962: first primary election30215
1962: general election30204
1962: general election3028
1962: municipal elections2807
1962: second Democratic primary election3028
1962: second primary election30215
1962: special election (June 5)30215
1962: special election, H.C.R. 30, H.C.R. 39, and S.C.R. 1013028
1962: special election, S.C.R. 1093028
1962: special elections2807
1963: first Democratic primary election3028
1963: first primary election30205
1963: first primary election, Hinds County12672
1963: general election3028
1963: general election (originals)30209
1963: general election (photocopies)3171
1963: general election - official vote tabulation2807
1963: general election, Hinds County12672
1963: second Democratic primary election3028
1963: second primary election30208
1963: second primary election, Hinds County12672
1963: special election30217
1963: special election, S.C.R. 1013028
1963: special elections2807
1964: first Democratic primary election3027
1964: first Democratic primary election, Holmes County - U.S. Congress2811
1964: first primary election30206
1964: first primary election, Hinds County12672
1964: general election3027
1964: general election (originals)30210
1964: general election (photocopies)3171
1964: general election, Hinds County12672
1964: special election, Hinds County - supervisor12672
1964: special elections2811
1965: municipal election (Caledonia, Lowndes Co.)2811
1965: municipal elections, Alcorn - Yazoo counties3186
1965: special election30217
1965: special election, Hinds County - coroner and ranger12672
1965: special election, S.C.R. 1033027
1965: special elections2811
1966: first Democratic primary election3027
1966: first Democratic primary election30218
1966: first Republican primary election3027
1966: first Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District2816
1966: general election3027
1966: general election30207
1966: general election (photocopies)3171
1966: general election - official vote tabulation2816
1966: general election, Hinds County12672
1966: primary election - official vote tabulation2816
1966: special election - constitutional amendment3038
1966: special election, Hinds County - supervisor12672
1966: special election, S.C.R. 1153027
1966: special elections2816
1966: special elections2811
1967: first Democratic primary election3027
1967: first primary election3160
1967: general election3175
1967: general election3027
1967: general election, Hinds County12672
1967: second Democratic primary election3027
1967: second Democratic primary election, Jones Co.2816
1967: second democratic primary election, Hinds County12672
1967: second primary election3166
1967: special elections2816
1968-1969: municipal elections, Adams - Yazoo counties3187
1968: election results - Constitutional amendment30219
1968: election results - Presidential Electors30219
1968: election results - Supreme Court Judges30219
1968: election results - U.S. Congressional Representatives30219
1968: first Democratic primary election3027
1968: first primary election30211
1968: first primary election, Hinds County12672
1968: general election3027
1968: general election30220
1968: general election (photocopies)3176
1968: general election, Hinds County12672
1968: general elections2816
1968: run-off election, U.S. Representative, third district3027
1968: special election (June 4)30219
1968: special election - 3rd congressional district3038
1968: special election, H.C.R. 5, H.C.R. 36 and H.C.R. 713027
1968: special election, Hinds County - 3rd congressional district12672
1968: special election, Hinds County - election commissioners12672
1968: special election, U.S. Representative, third district3027
1968: special election, circuit court judge, first district3027
1968: special elections2817
1969: municipal elections2817
1969: special elections2817
1969: special elections, Hinds County12672
1970: Republican primary election3064
1970: first Democratic primary election3161
1970: first Democratic primary election3027
1970: first Republican primary election3027
1970: first democratic primary election, Hinds County12672
1970: general election3176
1970: general election, Hinds County12672
1970: republican primary election, Hinds County12672
1970: run-off election, circuit court judges, districts 6 and 173027
1970: run-off election, state senator, district 363027
1970: run-off election, state senators, districts 3, 11, and 203027
1970: second Democratic primary election3161
1970: second Democratic primary election, Adams County3167
1970: second Democratic primary election, Amite County3167
1970: second Democratic primary election, Franklin County3167
1970: second Democratic primary election, Jackson County3167
1970: second Democratic primary election, Panola County3167
1970: second Democratic primary election, Tallahatchie County3167
1970: second Democratic primary election, Tate County3167
1970: second Democratic primary election, Yalobusha County3167
1970: special election3027
1970: special election, H.C.R. 143184
1970: special election, Senate and House districts5085
1970: special election, judicial districts5085
1970: special election, state senator, district 363027
1970: special election, state senators, districts 3 and 203027
1971: Democratic primary election30737
1971: first Democratic primary election3027
1971: first Democratic primary election3055
1971: first democratic primary election, Hinds County12672
1971: first primary election3162
1971: general election3179
1971: general election3177
1971: general election3027
1971: general election, recap sheets of impounded ballots8880
1971: primary and general elections3064
1971: second Democratic primary election3167
1971: second Democratic primary election3027
1971: second democratic primary election, Hinds County12672
1971: special election, Hinds County - chancery judge12672
1971: special election, Senate and House districts5085
1971: special election, judicial districts5085
1972: Republican primary election, U.S. Congress3064
1972: first Democratic primary election3027
1972: first Republican primary election3027
1972: first democratic primary election, Hinds County10189
1972: first primary election3163
1972: general election3180
1972: general election3055
1972: general election (reductions)3064
1972: general election, Hinds County10189
1972: general election, Hinds County10192
1972: municipal elections (off-year)3064
1972: run-off election, Hinds County10189
1972: run-off election (3 counties)3038
1972: second Democratic primary election3027
1972: second Democratic primary election, representatives and judges3055
1972: second primary election3169
1972: tally sheets and certificates of election, Adams-Yazoo co.3064
1973: municipal elections3037
1974: Republican primary election3424
1974: first Democratic primary election3027
1974: first Democratic primary election3038
1974: first Democratic primary election (reductions)3424
1974: first Democratic primary election, representatives and judges3055
1974: first Republican primary election3027
1974: first Republican primary election, representatives3055
1974: general election3027
1974: general election3181
1974: general election, representatives and judges3055
1974: run-off elections (4 counties)3181
1974: second Democratic primary election3027
1974: second Democratic primary election (reductions)3424
1974: second Democratic primary election, representatives and judges3055
1975: first Democratic primary election3055
1975: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County17946
1975: first democratic primary election, Hinds County10189
1975: first primary election3164
1975: general election3182
1975: general election3055
1975: general election, Hinds County5059
1975: general election, Hinds County10189
1975: second Democratic primary election3055
1975: second Democratic primary election, Hinds County17946
1975: second democratic primary election, Hinds County10189
1975: second primary election3169
1976: first Democratic primary election3055
1976: first Democratic primary election3027
1976: first Democratic primary election, Supreme Court judges3053
1976: first Democratic primary election, U.S. Congress3053
1976: first democratic primary election, Hinds County12672
1976: first primary election3053
1976: first primary election3165
1976: general election3183
1976: general election3027
1976: general election, Hinds County10189
1976: general election, President3053
1976: general election, Presidential election3055
1976: general election, U.S. Congress3053
1976: general election, legislature and judges3055
1978: election, Chancery Court judge, first - twentieth districts3031
1978: election, Circuit Court judge, first and second districts3031
1978: election, Circuit Court judge, second - twentieth districts3032
1978: first Democratic primary election11756
1978: first Democratic primary election3055
1978: first Democratic primary election3027
1978: first Democratic primary election, U.S. Congress3053
1978: first Republican primary election3027
1978: first Republican primary election3055
1978: first Republican primary election, U.S. Congress3053
1978: first democratic primary election, Hinds County10189
1978: general election11769
1978: general election3053
1978: general election3055
1978: general election3027
1978: general election, Hinds County10189
1978: general election, Hinds County - recapitulation5059
1978: republican primary election, Hinds County10189
1978: second Democratic primary election11756
1978: second Democratic primary election3027
1978: second Democratic primary election3055
1978: second democratic primary election, Hinds County10189
1979: Democratic primary election3054
1979: Republican primary election, certificate of returns3053
1979: Republican primary election, Hinds County17946
1979: first Democratic primary election11760
1979: first Democratic primary election3055
1979: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County17946
1979: first Republican primary election3055
1979: first democratic primary election, Hinds County10189
1979: first republican primary election, Hinds County10189
1979: general election11789
1979: general election3055
1979: general election, Hinds County - recapitulation5059
1979: general election, state officials3033
1979: second Democratic primary election11765
1979: second Democratic primary election3055
1979: second Democratic primary election, Hinds County17946
1979: second democratic primary election, Hinds County10189
1979: second republican primary election, Hinds County10189
1979: special election, Alcorn County5059
1979: special election, Holmes County5059
1979: special election, Lowndes County5059
1979: special election, Warren County5059
1980-1983: municipal elections - by county (44 counties only)5082
1980: Elections corrections3424
1980: Republican primary election (some counties) (reductions)3424
1980: Republican primary election, certificate of returns3053
1980: Republican primary election, Hinds County17946
1980: first Democratic primary election18067
1980: first Democratic primary election3054
1980: first Democratic primary election3055
1980: first Democratic primary election3027
1980: first Democratic primary election3053
1980: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County17946
1980: first Republican primary election3054
1980: first Republican primary election3055
1980: general election3027
1980: general election11796
1980: general election and run-off election, Hinds County17946
1980: second Democratic primary election18067
1980: second Democratic primary election3027
1980: second Democratic primary election3055
1980: second Democratic primary election3053
1980: second Democratic primary election, Hinds County17946
1980: special election, district attorney, ninth district3067
1981: election, Covington County3054
1981: election, Panola County3054
1981: general election3054
1981: municipal elections11914
1981: run-off election, U.S. Representative, fourth district3027
1981: special election, Hinds County - U.S. Congress3053
1981: special election, U.S. House of Representatives, district 417946
1981: special election, U.S. Representative, fourth district3027
1981: special elections3054
1981: special elections3067
1982: U.S. Congressional primary election11989
1982: election, Hancock County, Justice Court judge, 3rd dist.3054
1982: first Democratic primary election3027
1982: first Democratic primary election (with reductions and recaps)11794
1982: first Democratic primary election, U.S. Senate3053
1982: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County17946
1982: first and second Republican primary elections3053
1982: general election11795
1982: general election3027
1982: general election, Hinds County17946
1982: general election, all counties (reductions)8881
1982: run-off election, Hinds County - tax collector17946
1982: second Democratic primary election3027
1982: special elections3054
1983: elections - clippings3424
1983: Republican primary election, Hinds County17945
1983: certified results & relatedmaterials, municipal8919
1983: first Democratic primary election17941
1983: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County17945
1983: general & special elections, municipal8919
1983: general election results compiled for AP & UPI8919
1983: general election, Adams - Lee counties17942
1983: general election, Hinds County17945
1983: general election, Leflore - Yazoo counties17943
1983: run-off election, Hinds County - supervisor, beat 317945
1983: second Democratic primary election (Clarke County missing)17944
1983: second Democratic primary election, Hinds County17945
1983: special election, Hinds County - supervisor, beat 317945
1983: special elections, county (only 29 counties)8919
1984: certified results & other related materials, municipal8919
1984: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County17945
1984: first primary election11987
1984: general & special elections, municipal8919
1984: general election11990
1984: general election (Jasper - Yazoo)11988
1984: special election, Hinds County - circuit clerk17945
1984: special election, Pontotoc County8919
1984: special elections, county offices (not all counties shown)8919
1984: special elections, municipal (arranged by county)8919
1985: Elections - clippings3424
1985: county special elections (not all counties represented)8917
1985: general election, Washington County8919
1985: municipal elections "court-ordered delayed"8919
1985: municipal elections, Adams - Oktibbeha counties8920
1985: municipal elections, Panola - Yazoo counties8921
1985: municipal elections, miscellaneous material8919
1985: run-off election, Legislature, House district 6917945
1985: special election, Legislature, House district 6917945
1985: special elections, municipal (arranged by county)8919
1986: general and special elections11991
1986: second Democratic primary election, all counties8882
1986: special election11986
1987: Elections - clippings3424
1987: Republican primary election (interfiled w/ 1st Democratic primary election)8895
1987: first Democratic primary election (26 counties)8895
1987: first Democratic primary election, Adams - Leake cos. (except Hinds)8883
1987: first Democratic primary election, Hinds Co. (computer printout)8885
1987: first Democratic primary election, Lee - Yazoo counties8884
1987: first Republican primary election, 34 counties represented8886
1987: general election, Adams - Itawamba counties (except Hinds)8887
1987: general election, Hinds County8890
1987: general election, Jackson - Noxumbee counties8888
1987: general election, Oktibbeha - Yazoo counties8889
1987: second Democratic primary election work files & sample ballot8883
1987: second Democratic primary election, 33 counties (reductions)8896
1987: second Democratic primary election, Adams - Alcorn counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Amite County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Attala - Covington counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Desoto County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Forrest County2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Franklin County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, George - Hancock counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Harrison County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Hinds - Itawamba counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Jackson County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Jasper County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Jefferson - Kemper counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Lafayette County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Lamar - Lincoln counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Lowndes County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Madison County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Marion - Marshall counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Monroe County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Montgomery - Noxubee counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Oktibbeha County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Panola County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Pearl River - Prentiss counties2990
1987: second Democratic primary election, Quitman County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Rankin - Union counties2988
1987: second Democratic primary election, Rankin - Union counties2990
1987: second Democratic primary election, Walthall County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Warren - Winston counties2990
1987: second Democratic primary election, Yalobusha County2992
1987: second Democratic primary election, Yazoo County2990
1988: Demo. candidates, Grenada Co.- Qualify. Statement of Intent8913
1988: certified general & special election returns8897
1988: first Democratic primary election, Adams - Jeff. Davis (except Hinds8891
1988: first Democratic primary election, Hinds Co. (computer printout)8893
1988: first Democratic primary election, Jones - Yazoo counties8892
1988: first Republican primary election, Adams - Jeff. Davis (except Hinds8891
1988: first Republican primary election, Hinds Co. (computer printout)8893
1988: first Republican primary election, Jones - Yazoo counties8892
1988: general & special election s, Adams, Alcorn, Attala-Choctaw8897
1988: general & special election s, Amite, Benton, Claiborne10039
1988: general & special election s, Clarke, Coahoma-Covington8897
1988: general & special election s, Clay, Covington, Franklin10039
1988: general & special election s, Desoto, Forrest, Holmes10040
1988: general & special election s, Franklin-Hancock8897
1988: general & special election s, Harrison, Jones, Lafayette10039
1988: general & special election s, Humphreys-Itawamba8897
1988: general & special election s, Jasper-Jefferson Davis8897
1988: general & special election s, Kemper, Leake-Lincoln, Madison8897
1988: general & special election s, Lamar, Lowndes, Marion10041
1988: general & special election s, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Oktibbe10039
1988: general & special election s, Marion, Monroe-Noxubee8897
1988: general & special election s, Marshall, Newton, Panola10041
1988: general & special election s, Pearl River, Perry, Pontotoc8897
1988: general & special election s, Pike, Quitman - Scott10039
1988: general & special election s, Prentiss, Sharkey-Tallahatchi8897
1988: general & special election s, Tate, Union, Walthall8898
1988: general & special election s, Wilkinson, Yalobusha8898
1988: general & special election s, Winston, Yazoo8897
1988: general & special elections, Senate District #418913
1988: general & special elections, Tippah-Tunica, Warren-Webster8897
1988: general election sample ballot10040
1988: general election, Hinds County (computer printout)8899
1988: second Democratic primary election (not all counties represented)8894
1988: second Republican primary election (not all counties represented)8894
1988: special Democratic primary election, District supervisors-Grenada Co8913
1988: special elections, Southern District Highway Commissioner8913
1989: Democratic primary election with judicial elections (48 counties)8903
1989: Judicial elections & constitution amends., Kemper -Yazoo co8909
1989: Republican primary election, Hinds & Madison counties8903
1989: general & special elections, Adams - Jones County8908
1989: general & special elections, Kemper - Yazoo County8909
1989: municipal elections - primary election & general by town (A-P)8901
1989: municipal elections - primary election & general by town (Q-W)8902
1990: first Democratic primary election (some counties missing)8904
1990: general & special elections, Adams - Jones counties8906
1990: general & special elections, Kemper - Yalobusha counties8907
1990: municipal elections19456
1990: second Democratic primary election (only 14 counties represented)8905
1990: second Democratic primary election - judicial elections (not all cos8905
1990: special elections19456
1991: Democratic & Republican primary election & run-off, certified returns & checklists2699
1991: Special Election, Town of Roxie2699
1991: general election, Adams - Quitman counties (reductions)5383
1991: general election, Adams-Alcorn counties3246
1991: general election, Amite County3252
1991: general election, Attala County3246
1991: general election, Benton County3252
1991: general election, Bolivar-Calhoun counties3246
1991: general election, Carroll County3252
1991: general election, Chickasaw-Claiborne counties3246
1991: general election, Clarke-Clay counties3252
1991: general election, Coahoma-Copiah counties3246
1991: general election, Covington-Desoto counties3252
1991: general election, Forrest County3246
1991: general election, Franklin County3252
1991: general election, George-Greene counties3246
1991: general election, Grenada County3252
1991: general election, Hancock County3246
1991: general election, Harrison County3252
1991: general election, Hinds County3250
1991: general election, Holmes-Itawamba counties3246
1991: general election, Jackson County3252
1991: general election, Jasper-Jefferson counties3246
1991: general election, Jefferson Davis-Jones counties3252
1991: general election, Kemper-Lauderdale counties3246
1991: general election, Lawrence County3252
1991: general election, Leake County3246
1991: general election, Lee-Lincoln counties3248
1991: general election, Lowndes County3252
1991: general election, Madison-Marion counties3248
1991: general election, Marshall County3252
1991: general election, Monroe-Montgomery counties3248
1991: general election, Neshoba County3252
1991: general election, Newton-Noxubee counties3248
1991: general election, Oktibbeha County3252
1991: general election, Panola-Pototoc counties3248
1991: general election, Prentiss County3252
1991: general election, Quitman-Rankin counties3248
1991: general election, Rankin - Yazoo counties (reductions)5384
1991: general election, Scott County3252
1991: general election, Sharkey-Smith counties3248
1991: general election, Stone-Union counties3250
1991: general election, Walthall County3252
1991: general election, Warren-Wilkinson counties3250
1991: general election, Winston-Yalobusha counties3252
1991: general election, Yazoo County3250
1991: general election, certified returns20366
1991: general election, totals by county and related materials2693
1991: primary elections, Adams - Alcorn counties2695
1991: primary elections, Adams-Forrest counties (reductions)3170
1991: primary elections, Amite County2699
1991: primary elections, Attala - Calhoun counties2695
1991: primary elections, Carroll County2699
1991: primary elections, Chickasaw - Claiborne counties2695
1991: primary elections, Clarke County2699
1991: primary elections, Clay - Covington counties2695
1991: primary elections, Desoto County2699
1991: primary elections, Forrest County2699
1991: primary elections, Franklin County2699
1991: primary elections, George - Greene counties2695
1991: primary elections, George-Greene counties (reductions)3170
1991: primary elections, Grenada County2699
1991: primary elections, Hancock County2695
1991: primary elections, Hancock-Jackson counties (reductions)3170
1991: primary elections, Harrison County2699
1991: primary elections, Hinds County2700
1991: primary elections, Holmes - Humphreys counties2695
1991: primary elections, Issaquena - Itawamba counties2697
1991: primary elections, Jackson County2700
1991: primary elections, Jasper - Kemper counties2697
1991: primary elections, Jasper-Union counties (reductions)3172
1991: primary elections, Lafayette County2699
1991: primary elections, Lamar County2699
1991: primary elections, Lauderdale - Lincoln counties2697
1991: primary elections, Lowndes County7746
1991: primary elections, Madison County4708
1991: primary elections, Marion County5384
1991: primary elections, Marshall County2699
1991: primary elections, Monroe-Montgomery Counties4708
1991: primary elections, Neshoba County2699
1991: primary elections, Newton County4708
1991: primary elections, Noxubee County2699
1991: primary elections, Oktibbeha County2699
1991: primary elections, Panola County2699
1991: primary elections, Pearl River County4708
1991: primary elections, Pontotoc County2697
1991: primary elections, Quitman County5384
1991: primary elections, Rankin County2699
1991: primary elections, Scott County2699
1991: primary elections, Sharkey County4708
1991: primary elections, Simpson County2699
1991: primary elections, Smith-Stone Counties4708
1991: primary elections, Sunflower County5384
1991: primary elections, Tallahatchie County4708
1991: primary elections, Tate County5384
1991: primary elections, Tippah-Tishomingo Counties4708
1991: primary elections, Tunica-Walthall Counties5384
1991: primary elections, Walthall-Yazoo counties (reductions)3174
1991: primary elections, Warren County7746
1991: primary elections, Washington County5384
1991: primary elections, Wayne-Webster Counties4708
1991: primary elections, Wilkinson-Yalobusha5384
1991: primary elections, Yazoo County4708
1991: primary elections, certified returns & recap checklist2699
1992: county run-off elections (33 counties)5386
1992: first primary election - counties A-L11971
1992: first primary election - counties A-R11973
1992: first primary election - counties H-L11974
1992: first primary election - counties M-Y11972
1992: first primary election, Adams-Yazoo cos. (reductions)5385
1992: general election spreadsheet summary20366
1992: general election, Adams - Prentiss counties (reductions)5387
1992: general election, Adams County5863
1992: general election, Alcorn County4829
1992: general election, Amite County5863
1992: general election, Attala County4829
1992: general election, Benton-Bolivar5863
1992: general election, Calhoun County4829
1992: general election, Carroll County5863
1992: general election, Chickasaw-Clarke Counties4829
1992: general election, Clay County5863
1992: general election, Coahoma-Copiah Counties4829
1992: general election, Covington-Franklin5863
1992: general election, George-Greene Counties4829
1992: general election, Grenada County5863
1992: general election, Hancock County4829
1992: general election, Harrison County5863
1992: general election, Hinds County7008
1992: general election, Humphreys County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Issaquena County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Itawamba County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Jackson County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Jasper County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Jefferson County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Jefferson Davis County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Jones County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Kemper-Lafayette Counties4829
1992: general election, Lamar County5863
1992: general election, Lauderdale-Lawrence Counties2993
1992: general election, Leake-Lincoln Counties4829
1992: general election, Lowndes-Madison5863
1992: general election, Marion County4829
1992: general election, Marshall County5863
1992: general election, Monroe-Neshoba Counties4829
1992: general election, Newton County5863
1992: general election, Noxubee County4829
1992: general election, Oktibbeha-Panola Counties2993
1992: general election, Pearl River-Pontotoc Counties4829
1992: general election, Prentiss County5863
1992: general election, Quitman - Yazoo counties (reductions)5384
1992: general election, Quitman County4829
1992: general election, Rankin County5863
1992: general election, Scott County5863
1992: general election, Sharkey County4829
1992: general election, Simpson County5863
1992: general election, Smith-Sunflower Counties4829
1992: general election, Tallahatchie County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Tate County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Tippah County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Tishomingo County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Tunica County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Union County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Walthall County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Warren County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Washington County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Wayne County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Webster County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Wilkinson County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Winston County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Yalobusha County (precinct returns)34470
1992: general election, Yazoo County (precinct returns)34470
1992: special election, Senate District 205386
1992: special legislative primary election - Adams-Hinds7050
1992: special legislative primary election - Holmes-Yazoo7052
1992: special primary election, Adams-Yazoo cos. (reductions)5386
1993: municipal elections (by town, Abbeville-Learned)7601
1993: municipal elections (by town, Leland-Tishomingo)7609
1993: municipal elections (by town, Toccopola-Woodville)7616
1993: special election, Coahoma County - gambling19379
1994: Hinds Co. general election2500
1994: Republican first primary election19376
1994: Republican second primary election19376
1994: first Democratic primary election, certified returns19423
1994: first Republican primary election, certified returns19420
1994: first primary election, Adams-Amite Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Attala-Benton Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Bolivar County19420
1994: first primary election, Calhoun-Chickasaw Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Choctaw County19420
1994: first primary election, Claiborne-Clay Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Coahoma County19420
1994: first primary election, Copiah County19423
1994: first primary election, Covington-Desoto Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Forrest-George Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Greene County19420
1994: first primary election, Grenada County19423
1994: first primary election, Hancock County19420
1994: first primary election, Harrison-Hinds County19424
1994: first primary election, Holmes-Humphreys Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Issaquena County19420
1994: first primary election, Itawamba-Jackson Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Jasper County19420
1994: first primary election, Jefferson-Jones Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Kemper-Lafayette Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Lamar County19423
1994: first primary election, Lauderdale-Leake Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Lee County19423
1994: first primary election, Leflore County19420
1994: first primary election, Lincoln County19423
1994: first primary election, Lowndes County19424
1994: first primary election, Madison County19423
1994: first primary election, Marion County19420
1994: first primary election, Marshall-Monroe Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Montgomery County19420
1994: first primary election, Neshoba County19376
1994: first primary election, Newton-Noxubee Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Oktibbeha-Panola Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Pearl River-Perry Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Pike County19423
1994: first primary election, Pontotoc County19420
1994: first primary election, Prentiss County19423
1994: first primary election, Rankin County19423
1994: first primary election, Scott-Sharkey Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Simpson-Smith Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Sunflower-Tate Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Tippah-Tishomingo Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Tunica-Walthall Counties19423
1994: first primary election, Warren-Wayne Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Wilkinson-Winston Counties19420
1994: first primary election, Yalobusha County19423
1994: first primary election, Yazoo County19420
1994: general election results20366
1994: general election spreadsheet summary20366
1994: general election, Adams County19376
1994: general election, Alcorn County19379
1994: general election, Amite County19376
1994: general election, Attala County19379
1994: general election, Benton County19376
1994: general election, Bolivar County19379
1994: general election, Calhoun-Chickasaw Counties19376
1994: general election, Choctaw-Clarke Counties19379
1994: general election, Clay County19376
1994: general election, Coahoma-Covington Counties19379
1994: general election, Desoto-Franklin Counties19376
1994: general election, George-Greene Counties19379
1994: general election, Grenada-Hancock Counties19376
1994: general election, Harrison-Hinds County19380
1994: general election, Holmes-Humphreys Counties19376
1994: general election, Issaquena County19379
1994: general election, Itawamba-Jackson Counties19376
1994: general election, Jasper County19379
1994: general election, Jefferson-Jones Counties19376
1994: general election, Kemper County19379
1994: general election, Lafayette-Lincoln Counties19376
1994: general election, Lowndes County19380
1994: general election, Madison County19376
1994: general election, Marion County19379
1994: general election, Marshall-Monroe Counties19376
1994: general election, Montgomery County19379
1994: general election, Newton County19377
1994: general election, Noxubee County19379
1994: general election, Oktibbeha-Pearl River Counties19377
1994: general election, Perry County19379
1994: general election, Pike County19377
1994: general election, Pontotoc County19379
1994: general election, Prentiss-Quitman Counties19377
1994: general election, Rankin County19379
1994: general election, Republican Party list19376
1994: general election, Scott-Sharkey Counties19377
1994: general election, Simpson-Smith Counties19379
1994: general election, Stone County19377
1994: general election, Sunflower County19379
1994: general election, Tallahatchie County19377
1994: general election, Tate-Walthall Counties19379
1994: general election, Taxpayer's Party list19376
1994: general election, Warren-Washington Counties19377
1994: general election, Wayne-Webster Counties19379
1994: general election, Wilkinson-Winston Counties19377
1994: general election, Yalobusha-Yazoo Counties19379
1994: general election, general information19376
1994: run-off election, Adams County19791
1994: run-off election, Amite County19379
1994: run-off election, Attala County19791
1994: run-off election, Bolivar County19379
1994: run-off election, Claiborne-Clarke Counties19379
1994: run-off election, Clay County19791
1994: run-off election, Copiah County19379
1994: run-off election, Covington County19379
1994: run-off election, Franklin County19379
1994: run-off election, Hancock-Harrison Counties19791
1994: run-off election, Hinds County19380
1994: run-off election, Issaquena County19379
1994: run-off election, Jasper County19379
1994: run-off election, Jefferson-Jones Counties19791
1994: run-off election, Kemper County19379
1994: run-off election, Lamar-Leake Counties19791
1994: run-off election, Lincoln-Madison Counties19791
1994: run-off election, Marion County19379
1994: run-off election, Neshoba-Newton Counties19791
1994: run-off election, Noxubee-Oktibbeha Counties19379
1994: run-off election, Perry County19379
1994: run-off election, Pike County19791
1994: run-off election, Prentiss County19791
1994: run-off election, Rankin County19791
1994: run-off election, Scott County19379
1994: run-off election, Simpson County19379
1994: run-off election, Smith County19379
1994: run-off election, Stone County19791
1994: run-off election, Tishomingo County19379
1994: run-off election, Walthall County19791
1994: run-off election, Wayne County19379
1994: run-off election, Wilkinson County19379
1994: run-off election, Winston County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Adams County19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Alcorn-Attala Counties19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Benton-Chickasaw Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Choctaw-Clarke Counties19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Clay-Covington Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Desoto County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Forrest-Hancock Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Harrison-Hinds Counties19381
1994: second Democratic primary election, Holmes-Jackson Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Jasper County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Jefferson-Lamar Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Kemper County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Lauderdale County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Lawrence County19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Leake County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Lee-Lincoln Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Lowndes County19381
1994: second Democratic primary election, Madison-Monroe Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Montgomery County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Neshoba County19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Newton County19379
1994: second Democratic primary election, Oktibbeha-Pike Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Pontotoc County19378
1994: second Democratic primary election, Prentiss-Rankin Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Scott County19378
1994: second Democratic primary election, Sharkey-Simpson Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Smith County19378
1994: second Democratic primary election, Stone-Tate Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Tippah-Tishomingo Counties19378
1994: second Democratic primary election, Tunica County19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Union County19378
1994: second Democratic primary election, Walthall-Washington Counties19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Wayne-Webster Counties19378
1994: second Democratic primary election, Wilkinson County19376
1994: second Democratic primary election, Winston-Yalobusha Counties19378
1994: second Democratic primary election, Yazoo County19376
1994: special elections and appointments, Blue Mountain25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Braxton25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Byhalia25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Canton25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Carrollton25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Carthage25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Corinth25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Crowder25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Crystal Springs25574
1994: special elections and appointments, D'Iberville25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Derma25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Falcon25574
1994: special elections and appointments, French Camp25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Glendora25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Grenada25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Iuka25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Lake25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Lambert25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Mathiston25574
1994: special elections and appointments, McComb25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Pachuta25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Petal25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Purvis25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Ridgeland25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Roseland25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Southaven25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Sunflower25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Tishomingo25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Vaiden25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Waveland25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Winstonville25574
1994: special elections and appointments, Yazoo City25574
1995: candidate lists19413
1995: certified election returns19413
1995: first Democratic primary election19377
1995: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County19396
1995: first Republican primary election19377
1995: first Republican primary election, Hinds County19395
1995: first primary election candidate lists, Adams-Yazoo Counties19398
1995: first primary election (reductions) (not all counties)19456
1995: first primary election, Adams County19377
1995: first primary election, Alcorn County19378
1995: first primary election, Amite County19377
1995: first primary election, Attala County19378
1995: first primary election, Benton County19377
1995: first primary election, Bolivar County19378
1995: first primary election, Calhoun-Carroll Counties19377
1995: first primary election, Chickasaw-Claiborne Counties19378
1995: first primary election, Clarke-Clay Counties19377
1995: first primary election, Coahoma County19378
1995: first primary election, Copiah County19377
1995: first primary election, Covington-Desoto Counties19378
1995: first primary election, Forrest-Franklin Counties19377
1995: first primary election, George-Greene Counties19378
1995: first primary election, Grenada-Hancock Counties19377
1995: first primary election, Harrison County19394
1995: first primary election, Holmes County19377
1995: first primary election, Humphreys-Issaquena Counties19378
1995: first primary election, Itawamba-Jackson Counties19377
1995: first primary election, Jasper County19378
1995: first primary election, Jefferson-Jones Counties19377
1995: first primary election, Kemper County19390
1995: first primary election, Lafayette-Lee Counties19377
1995: first primary election, Leflore County19390
1995: first primary election, Lincoln County19397
1995: first primary election, Lowndes County19394
1995: first primary election, Madison County19397
1995: first primary election, Marion County19390
1995: first primary election, Marshall-Monroe Counties19397
1995: first primary election, Montgomery-Noxubee Counties19390
1995: first primary election, Neshoba County (reductions)19397
1995: first primary election, Oktibbeha-Panola Counties19397
1995: first primary election, Pearl River-Perry Counties19390
1995: first primary election, Pike County19397
1995: first primary election, Pontotoc County19390
1995: first primary election, Prentiss County19397
1995: first primary election, Quitman County19390
1995: first primary election, Rankin County19397
1995: first primary election, Scott-Sharkey Counties19390
1995: first primary election, Simpson County19397
1995: first primary election, Smith-Stone Counties19390
1995: first primary election, Sunflower County19397
1995: first primary election, Tallahatchie County19390
1995: first primary election, Tate-Tippah Counties19397
1995: first primary election, Tishomingo-Tunica Counties19390
1995: first primary election, Union-Warren Counties19397
1995: first primary election, Washington County19390
1995: first primary election, Wayne County19397
1995: first primary election, Webster-Yazoo Counties19390
1995: general election results summaries20366
1995: general election returns, Adams County19413
1995: general election returns, Alcorn County19420
1995: general election returns, Amite-Benton Counties19413
1995: general election returns, Bolivar County19420
1995: general election returns, Calhoun County19413
1995: general election returns, Carroll County19413
1995: general election returns, Chickasaw County19413
1995: general election returns, Choctaw County19420
1995: general election returns, Claiborne County19413
1995: general election returns, Clarke County19420
1995: general election returns, Clay County19413
1995: general election returns, Copiah County19420
1995: general election returns, Covington-Franklin Counties19413
1995: general election returns, George-Greene Counties19420
1995: general election returns, Grenada County19413
1995: general election returns, Hancock County19420
1995: general election returns, Harrison County19425
1995: general election returns, Hinds County19426
1995: general election returns, Holmes County20345
1995: general election returns, Humphreys County19420
1995: general election returns, Issaquena County19420
1995: general election returns, Itawamba County20345
1995: general election returns, Jasper-Jefferson Counties19420
1995: general election returns, Jefferson Davis-Jones Counties19413
1995: general election returns, Kemper County19420
1995: general election returns, Lafayette County19413
1995: general election returns, Lamar County20345
1995: general election returns, Lauderdale-Lee Counties19413
1995: general election returns, Leflore County19425
1995: general election returns, Lincoln County19420
1995: general election returns, Lowndes County19425
1995: general election returns, Madison County20368
1995: general election returns, Marion County20370
1995: general election returns, Marshall County20368
1995: general election returns, Monroe County20369
1995: general election returns, Montgomery County20370
1995: general election returns, Neshoba County20368
1995: general election returns, Newton County20369
1995: general election returns, Noxubee County20370
1995: general election returns, Oktibbeha-Panola Counties20368
1995: general election returns, Panola-Perry Counties20370
1995: general election returns, Pike County20368
1995: general election returns, Pontotoc County20370
1995: general election returns, Prentiss County20368
1995: general election returns, Quitman County20370
1995: general election returns, Rankin-Scott Counties20368
1995: general election returns, Sharkey-Smith Counties20370
1995: general election returns, Stone-Sunflower Counties20368
1995: general election returns, Tallahatchie County20370
1995: general election returns, Tate County20368
1995: general election returns, Tippah-Walthall Counties20370
1995: general election returns, Warren-Washington Counties20369
1995: general election returns, Wayne-Wilkinson Counties20370
1995: general election returns, Winston-Yalobusha Counties20368
1995: general election returns, Yazoo County20370
1995: general election run-off, Pike County20368
1995: general election, electoral votes19423
1995: second Democratic primary election, Hinds County19396
1995: second Republican primary election, Hinds County19395
1995: second primary election, Adams County19397
1995: second primary election, Alcorn County19378
1995: second primary election, Amite County19397
1995: second primary election, Attala County19378
1995: second primary election, Benton-Chickasaw Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Choctaw-Claiborne Counties19378
1995: second primary election, Clarke-Copiah Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Covington County19378
1995: second primary election, Desoto-Franklin Counties19397
1995: second primary election, George-Greene Counties19378
1995: second primary election, Grenada-Hancock Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Harrison County19394
1995: second primary election, Holmes-Humphreys Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Issaquena County19378
1995: second primary election, Itawamba-Jackson Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Jasper County19378
1995: second primary election, Jefferson-Jones Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Kemper County19378
1995: second primary election, Lafayette-Lincoln Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Lowndes County19394
1995: second primary election, Madison County19397
1995: second primary election, Marion County19378
1995: second primary election, Marshall County19397
1995: second primary election, Monroe-Montgomery Counties19378
1995: second primary election, Neshoba-Newton Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Noxubee County19378
1995: second primary election, Oktibbeha-Panola Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Pearl River-Perry Counties19378
1995: second primary election, Pike County19397
1995: second primary election, Pontotoc County19378
1995: second primary election, Prentiss County19397
1995: second primary election, Quitman County19378
1995: second primary election, Rankin-Scott Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Sharkey County19378
1995: second primary election, Simpson County19397
1995: second primary election, Smith County19378
1995: second primary election, Stone-Sunflower Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Tallahatchie County19378
1995: second primary election, Tate-Tippah Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Tishomingo County19378
1995: second primary election, Tunica-Warren Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Washington County19378
1995: second primary election, Wayne-Webster Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Wilkinson County19378
1995: second primary election, Winston-Yalobusha Counties19397
1995: second primary election, Yazoo County19378
1995: special election, House District 11619413
1995: special election, House District 4919413
1995: special elections and appointments, Ackerman19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Adams-Wilkinson19413
1995: special elections and appointments, Ashland19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Baldwyn19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Bay St. Louis19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Belzoni19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Blue Mountain19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Blue Springs19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Braxton19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Brookhaven19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Chunky19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Drew19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Duncan19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Ecru19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Falcon19390
1995: special elections and appointments, Falkner19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Flora19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Forest19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Gautier19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Glen19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Glendora19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Gloster19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Greenville19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Grenada19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Gulfport19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Hattiesburg19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Hickory19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Holly Springs19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Inverness19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Marietta19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Marion19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Mayersville19398
1995: special elections and appointments, McComb19398
1995: special elections and appointments, McCool19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Merigold19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Metcalfe19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Mize19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Morton19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Myrtle19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Ocean Springs19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Osyka19390
1995: special elections and appointments, Pace19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Pachuta19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Pascagoula19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Pass Christian19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Pearl19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Petal19390
1995: special elections and appointments, Picayune19390
1995: special elections and appointments, Port Gibson19390
1995: special elections and appointments, Raleigh19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Richland19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Ripley19398
1995: special elections and appointments, Saltillo25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Scooba25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Slate Spring25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Stonewall25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Tutwiler25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Utica25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Vaiden25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Vardaman25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Waveland19390
1995: special elections and appointments, Webster25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Wesson25574
1995: special elections and appointments, Winston County19390
1995: special elections and appointments, Yalobusha-Yazoo19413
1995: special elections and appointments, Yazoo City25574
1996: Supreme Court, certified results19456
1996: congressional primary election run-off, Lowndes County19460
1996: congressional primary election, Hinds County19461
1996: electoral college19441
1996: general election run-off, Adams County19432
1996: general election run-off, Bolivar County19432
1996: general election run-off, Carroll County19432
1996: general election run-off, Claiborne County19442
1996: general election run-off, Copiah County19442
1996: general election run-off, Forrest County19432
1996: general election run-off, George County19432
1996: general election run-off, Grenada County19432
1996: general election run-off, Harrison County19432
1996: general election run-off, Hinds County19461
1996: general election run-off, Holmes County19432
1996: general election run-off, Humphreys-Issaquena Counties19442
1996: general election run-off, Jefferson County19432
1996: general election run-off, Jefferson Davis County19442
1996: general election run-off, Jones County19432
1996: general election run-off, Kemper County19442
1996: general election run-off, Lauderdale-Lawrence Counties19432
1996: general election run-off, Leake County19442
1996: general election run-off, Lee-Leflore Counties19432
1996: general election run-off, Madison County19432
1996: general election run-off, Marion County19442
1996: general election run-off, Monroe County19432
1996: general election run-off, Neshoba-Newton Counties19432
1996: general election run-off, Noxubee County19442
1996: general election run-off, Perry County19442
1996: general election run-off, Pike County19432
1996: general election run-off, Quitman County19442
1996: general election run-off, Rankin County19432
1996: general election run-off, Scott-Sharkey Counties19442
1996: general election run-off, Sunflower County19432
1996: general election run-off, Tippah County19441
1996: general election run-off, Union-Washington Counties19441
1996: general election run-off, Webster County19441
1996: general election run-off, Yalobusha-Yazoo Counties19441
1996: general election spreadsheet summary20366
1996: general election, Alcorn County19433
1996: general election, Amite-Benton Counties19428
1996: general election, Bolivar County19433
1996: general election, Calhoun County19428
1996: general election, Carroll County19428
1996: general election, Chickasaw County19428
1996: general election, Choctaw County19433
1996: general election, Claiborne County19433
1996: general election, Clarke-Clay Counties19431
1996: general election, Coahoma-Copiah Counties19433
1996: general election, Desoto-Franklin Counties19431
1996: general election, George-Greene Counties19433
1996: general election, Grenada County19431
1996: general election, Hancock County19433
1996: general election, Hinds County (original)20346
1996: general election, Hinds County (reductions)19431
1996: general election, Holmes County19431
1996: general election, Humphreys-Issaquena Counties19433
1996: general election, Itawamba County19431
1996: general election, Jackson County19431
1996: general election, Jasper County19433
1996: general election, Jefferson County19431
1996: general election, Jefferson Davis County19433
1996: general election, Jones County19431
1996: general election, Kemper County19433
1996: general election, Lafayette-Lamar Counties19431
1996: general election, Lauderdale County19431
1996: general election, Lawrence-Leflore Counties19431
1996: general election, Lincoln County19433
1996: general election, Lowndes County19431
1996: general election, Madison County19431
1996: general election, Marion County19433
1996: general election, Marshall County19431
1996: general election, Monroe County19433
1996: general election, Neshoba-Newton Counties19431
1996: general election, Noxubee County19433
1996: general election, Oktibbeha-Panola Counties19431
1996: general election, Pearl River-Perry Counties19433
1996: general election, Pike County19431
1996: general election, Pontotoc County19433
1996: general election, Prentiss County19431
1996: general election, Quitman County19433
1996: general election, Rankin County19431
1996: general election, Scott County19431
1996: general election, Scott County (affidavit ballots)19433
1996: general election, Sharkey-Smith Counties19433
1996: general election, Stone-Sunflower Counties19431
1996: general election, Tallahatchie-Tippah Counties19433
1996: general election, Tishomingo County19432
1996: general election, Tunica-Union Counties19433
1996: general election, Walthall-Washington Counties19432
1996: general election, Wayne-Wilkinson Counties19433
1996: general election, Winston-Yalobusha Counties19432
1996: general election, Yazoo County19433
1996: general election, certified results20366
1996: general election, presidential electors19428
1996: general election, summary19428
1996: general elections10039
1996: judicial appointments19456
1996: presidential primary election, Adams County19427
1996: presidential primary election, Alcorn County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Amite County19427
1996: presidential primary election, Attala County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Benton County19427
1996: presidential primary election, Bolivar-Calhoun Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Carroll-Chickasaw Counties19427
1996: presidential primary election, Choctaw-Claiborne Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Clarke-Clay Counties19427
1996: presidential primary election, Coahoma County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Copiah County19427
1996: presidential primary election, Covington County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Desoto-Franklin Counties19427
1996: presidential primary election, George-Greene Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Grenada County19427
1996: presidential primary election, Hancock County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Harrison County19460
1996: presidential primary election, Hinds County19461
1996: presidential primary election, Holmes County19427
1996: presidential primary election, Humphreys-Issaquena Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Itawamba-Jackson Counties19427
1996: presidential primary election, Jasper-Jefferson Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Jefferson Davis-Jones Counties19427
1996: presidential primary election, Kemper-Lafayette Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Lamar-Lee Counties19427
1996: presidential primary election, Leflore County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Lincoln County19427
1996: presidential primary election, Lowndes County19460
1996: presidential primary election, Madison County19428
1996: presidential primary election, Marion County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Marshall-Monroe Counties19428
1996: presidential primary election, Montgomery County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Neshoba-Newton Counties19428
1996: presidential primary election, Noxubee County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Oktibbeha-Panola Counties19428
1996: presidential primary election, Pearl River-Perry Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Pike County19428
1996: presidential primary election, Pontotoc County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Prentiss-Scott Counties19428
1996: presidential primary election, Sharkey County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Simpson County19428
1996: presidential primary election, Smith County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Stone-Sunflower Counties19428
1996: presidential primary election, Tallahatchie County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Tate County19428
1996: presidential primary election, Tippah-Tunica Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Union-Warren Counties19428
1996: presidential primary election, Washington County19429
1996: presidential primary election, Wayne County19428
1996: presidential primary election, Webster-Wilkinson Counties19429
1996: presidential primary election, Winston County19428
1996: presidential primary election, Yalobusha-Yazoo Counties19429
1996: special elections and appointments, Sardis25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Scooba25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Sledge25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Snow Lake Shores25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Southaven25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Sumner25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Tutwiler25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Verona25574
1996: special elections and appointments, Walnut Grove25574
1996: special elections19456
1996: special elections & appointments19456
1996: special elections and appointments, Aberdeen19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Algoma19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Belzoni19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Beulah19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Blue Mountain19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Blue Springs19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Braxton19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Bruce19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Calhoun City19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Clarksdale19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Cleveland19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Collins19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Columbia19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Crystal Springs19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Duck Hill19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Durant19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Edwards19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Eupora19442
1996: special elections and appointments, Fayette19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Forest19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Friars Point19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Glen19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Hatley19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Hattiesburg19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Hazlehurst19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Hernando19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Hickory19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Isola19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Itta Bena19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Jumpertown19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Kosciusko19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Leakesville19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Lexington19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Louin19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Lula19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Magnolia19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Marietta19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Meridian19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Morton19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Moss Point19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Natchez19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Oxford19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Pascagoula19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Pittsboro19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Poplarville19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Richland19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Ridgeland19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Ruleville19441
1996: special elections and appointments, Waynesboro19442
1997: candidates listing19456
1997: municipal election results summary20374
1997: municipal elections, Abbeville - Derma20374
1997: municipal elections, D'Iberville - Magee (except Jackson)20375
1997: municipal elections, Jackson20378
1997: municipal elections, Magnolia - Ripley20376
1997: municipal elections, Rolling Fork - Woodville20377
1997: municipal register of commissions20374
1997: municipal special election34471
1997: school bond election, Pike County19456
1997: special bond election, Lamar County19456
1997: special bond issue election, Tate County19442
1997: special election & run-off, House District 11820373
1997: special election & run-off, House District 2020373
1997: special election & run-off, Senate District 2020372
1997: special election, Adams County20379
1997: special election, Amite County20379
1997: special election, Attala County20379
1997: special election, Bolivar County20379
1997: special election, Choctaw County20379
1997: special election, Clarke County20379
1997: special election, Franklin County20379
1997: special election, Grenada County20379
1997: special election, Holmes County (originals)2988
1997: special election, Holmes County (reductions)20379
1997: special election, House District 3120373
1997: special election, House District 720373
1997: special election, House District 9420373
1997: special election, Issaquena County20379
1997: special election, Jackson County (originals)2988
1997: special election, Jackson County (reductions)20379
1997: special election, Jasper County20379
1997: special election, Jefferson Davis County20379
1997: special election, Kemper County20379
1997: special election, Lee County20379
1997: special election, Lincoln County20379
1997: special election, Marion County20379
1997: special election, Monroe County20379
1997: special election, Neshoba County20379
1997: special election, Panola County20379
1997: special election, Pearl River County20379
1997: special election, Pike County20379
1997: special election, Pontotoc County20379
1997: special election, Scott County20379
1997: special election, Sunflower County20379
1997: special election, Tallahatchie County20379
1997: special election, Tippah County20379
1997: special election, Walthall County20379
1997: special election, Warren County20379
1997: special election, Washington County20379
1997: special election, Wilkinson County (originals)2988
1997: special election, Wilkinson County (reductions)20379
1997: special election, Yalobusha County20379
1997: special elections, Jefferson County20379
1998: county special elections34471
1998: Democratic primary election, Hinds County20384
1998: election correspondence34471
1998: first Democratic primary election certified returns19456
1998: first Republican primary election certified returns19456
1998: Municipal primary elections, Waveland19456
1998: Republican primary election, Hinds County20384
1998: general election official results20382
1998: general election returns, Panola - Yazoo Counties20383
1998: general election, Adams - Hancock Counties20382
1998: general election, Alcorn County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Attala County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Bolivar County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Choctaw County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Clarke County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Coahoma County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Copiah County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, George County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, H.C.R. 61 & S.C.R. 513 results19456
1998: general election, Hancock County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Harrison County20381
1998: general election, Hinds County20381
1998: general election, Holmes - Lincoln Counties20382
1998: general election, Issaquena County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Jasper County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Jefferson County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Kemper County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Lowndes County20381
1998: general election, Madison - Oktibbeha Counties20382
1998: general election, Montgomery County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Noxubee County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Pearl River County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Perry County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Pontotoc County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Quitman County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Scott County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Sharkey County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Smith County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Sunflower County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Tallahatchie County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Tate County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Tippah County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Tunica County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Union County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Washington County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Wayne County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Webster County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Wilkinson County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Winston County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Yalobusha County (oversize)20380
1998: general election, Yazoo County (oversize)20380
1998: general election results34471
1998: general run-off election results19456
1998: municipal election, McComb19456
1998: municipal election, Toccopola19456
1998: special election, House District 37 - official results19456
1998: special election, Amory34471
1998: special election, Anguilla34471
1998: special election, Beaumont34471
1998: special election, Cleveland34471
1998: special election, Collins34471
1998: special election, Columbus34471
1998: special election, Corinth34471
1998: special election, Eupora34471
1998: special election, Falcon34471
1998: special election, Farmington34471
1998: special election, Friars Point34471
1998: special election, Glen34471
1998: special election, Hatley34471
1998: special election, Hollandale34471
1998: special election, Itta Bena34471
1998: special election, Kossuth34471
1998: special election, Marion34471
1998: special election, McLain34471
1998: special election, Noxapater34471
1998: special election, Pace34471
1998: special election, Pittsboro34471
1998: special election, Plantersville34471
1998: special election, Poplarville34471
1998: special election, Rankin County - House District 5919456
1998: special election, Richland34471
1998: special election, Sledge34471
1998: special election, Sturgis34471
1998: special election, Sunflower34471
1998: special election, Taylorsville34471
1998: special election, Water Valley34471
1998: special election, Waynesboro34471
1998: special election, Webster County - House District 3719456
1998: special election, Yazoo City34471
1999: Caledonia Natural Gas District Board of Commissioners20387
1999: election correspondence, January-April34471
1999: election correspondence, May-August34471
1999: election correspondence, September-December 34471
1999: electoral vote20392
1999: first Democratic primary election results20389
1999: first Democratic primary election, Adams - Oktibbeha Counties (except Hinds)20389
1999: first Democratic primary election, Hinds County20388
1999: first Democratic primary election, Panola - Yazoo Counties20390
1999: first Republican primary election, Adams - Yazoo (except Hinds)20387
1999: first Republican primary election, Hinds County20388
1999: general election summaries, statewide offices19456
1999: general election, Adams County20394
1999: general election, Alcorn County2990
1999: general election, Amite - Benton Counties20394
1999: general election, Bolivar County2990
1999: general election, Calhoun - Chickasaw Counties20394
1999: general election, Chickasaw County (oversize)2990
1999: general election, Choctaw County2990
1999: general election, Claiborne - Clay Counties20394
1999: general election, Coahoma - Copiah Counties2990
1999: general election, Covington - Franklin Counties20394
1999: general election, George County2990
1999: general election, Greene - Harrison Counties20394
1999: general election, Hinds County20393
1999: general election, Holmes - Jones Counties20394
1999: general election, Kemper County2990
1999: general election, Lafayette - Leake Counties20394
1999: general election, Lee - Lincoln Counties20395
1999: general election, Lowndes County20393
1999: general election, Madison - Monroe Counties20395
1999: general election, Montgomery County2990
1999: general election, Neshoba County20395
1999: general election, Newton County20393
1999: general election, Noxubee County2990
1999: general election, Oktibbeha - Prentiss Counties20395
1999: general election, Quitman County2990
1999: general election, Rankin - Scott Counties20395
1999: general election, Sharkey - Smith Counties2990
1999: general election, Stone - Sunflower Counties20395
1999: general election, Tallahatchie County2990
1999: general election, Tate County20395
1999: general election, Tippah County2990
1999: general election, Tishomingo - Warren Counties20395
1999: general election, Tunica County (oversize)2990
1999: general election, Union County2990
1999: general election, Washington - Wayne Counties2990
1999: general election, Webster - Yalobusha Counties20395
1999: general election, Wilkinson County (oversize)2990
1999: general election, Yazoo County2990
1999: General election returns, counties32688
1999: Lumberton Line school board election20380
1999: municipal election, Coldwater20387
1999: municipal election, Crowder20380
1999: municipal election, Greenville20387
1999: municipal election, Houlka20387
1999: municipal election, Metcalfe20387
1999: municipal election, Pontotoc20387
1999: municipal election, Port Gibson20387
1999: municipal election, Starkville20387
1999: municipal election, Vaiden20387
1999: municipal election, Walnut Grove20387
1999: municipal elections, Belzoni20387
1999: municipal elections, Bruce20380
1999: municipal elections, New Augusta20380
1999: municipal elections, Tchula20380
1999: municipal elections, Tupelo20387
1999: run-off election, House District 26 - Bolivar County19456
1999: second Democratic primary election results20391
1999: second Democratic primary election, Adams - Yazoo (64 counties)20391
1999: second Republican primary election (16 counties)20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner (Greene)20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Adams20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Amite20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Clarke20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Clarke (oversize)20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Covington20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Covington (oversize)20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Forrest20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Franklin20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - George20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - George (oversize)20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Greene (oversize)20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Hancock20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Hancock (oversize)20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Harrison20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Harrison (oversize)20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Jackson20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Jasper20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Jefferson Davis20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Jones20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Lamar20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Lawrence20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Lincoln20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Marion20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Pearl River20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Pearl River (oversize)20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Perry20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Pike20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Simpson20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Smith20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Stone20386
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Walthall20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Wayne20380
1999: Southern Transportation Commissioner - Wilkinson20380
1999: special election, Bay St. Louis34471
1999: special election, Chunky34471
1999: special election, Hazlehurst34471
1999: special election, Hinds County - House District 7220384
1999: special election, Hinds County - Senate District 2520388
1999: special election, Inverness34471
1999: special election, Jackson34471
1999: special election, Lumberton34471
1999: special election, New Augusta34471
1999: special election, Rolling Fork34471
1999: special election, Ruleville34471
1999: special election, Senate District 25 - Madison County results19456
1999: special election, Senate District 25 - results summary19456
1999: special election, Tchula34471
1999: special election, Waynesboro34471
1999: special election, Webb34471
1999: special election results - Southern Transportation Commissioner19456
As of 06/18/2021 
Series 107:  Election Returns-21st Century.  1817-1895.  
2000: 5th Congressional District13471
2000: Democratic 1st Primary election, Adams-Hancock Co.13471
2000: Democratic 1st Primary election, Hinds Co.20177
2000: Democratic 1st Primary election, Holmes-Lincoln Co.13471
2000: Democratic 1st Primary election, Lowndes Co.20178
2000: Democratic 1st Primary election, Madison-Yazoo Co.13471
2000: Democratic 2nd Primary election, Adams-Harrison Co.13471
2000: Democratic 2nd Primary election, Hinds Co.20177
2000: Democratic 2nd Primary election, Holmes-Lincoln Co.13471
2000: Democratic 2nd Primary election, Lowndes Co.20178
2000: Democratic 2nd Primary election, Madison-Yazoo Co.13471
2000: General Election (Monroe Co.) (O/S)13710
2000: General Election, Adams-Harrison Co.13473
2000: General Election, Hinds Co.20178
2000: General Election, Holmes-Lincoln Co.13473
2000: General Election, Itawamba-Wilkinson Co.13473
2000: General Election, Lowndes Co.20178
2000: General Election, Madison-Yazoo Co.13473
2000: General Election, run-off, Adams-Harrison Co.13473
2000: General Election, run-off, Hinds Co.20177
2000: General Election, summaries13504
2000: Miss. Levee Commissioners (Jun 6)13504
2000: Republican 1st Primary election, Adams-Harrison Co.13504
2000: Republican 1st Primary election, Hinds Co.20177
2000: Republican 1st Primary election, Holmes-Lincoln Co.13504
2000: Republican 1st Primary election, Lowndes Co.20178
2000: Republican 1st Primary election, Madison-Yazoo Co.13504
2000: Republican 2nd Primary election, (9 counties)13504
2000: Special Elections, Counties, Bolivar, Hinds & Lauderdale Co.13504
2000: Special Election, House District 75 (Rankin, Scott & Smith Co.)13504
2000: Special Election, Municipalities, Aberdeen-Walnut Grove13504
2000: Special Election, Municipalities, Caledonia (O/S)13710
2000: Special Election, Municipalities, Leakesville (O/S)13710
2000: Special Election, Municipalities, Loiusville (O/S)13710
2000: Special Election, Municipalities, Metcalfe (O/S)13710
2000: Special Election, Municipalities, State Line (O/S)13710
2000: Special Election, School Bonds and District Trustees13504
2000: Special Election, School Bonds and District Trustees (Columbus) (O/S)13710
2001: Flag special election, Adams-Yazoo Counties2655
2001: Municipal elections, Abbeville-Iuka3428
2001: Municipal elections, Jackson2654
2001: Municipal elections, Jumpertown-Oxford3428
2001: Municipal elections, Pace-Woodville3433
2001: Special election, House District 50 - results summary13504
2001: Special election, state flag design - results summary13504
2001: special election, Amite County34471
2001: special election, Benton County34471
2001: special election, Bolivar County34471
2001: special election, Choctaw County34471
2001: special election, Coahoma County34471
2001: special election, Copiah County34471
2001: special election, Forrest County34471
2001: special election, George County34471
2001: special election, Grenada County School Board (March 3)34471
2001: special election, Hancock County34471
2001: special election, Hinds County34471
2001: special election, Hinds County Bond Referendum (December 4)34471
2001: special election, House District 5034482
2001: special election, Issaquena County34482
2001: special election, Itawamba County34482
2001: special election, Jackson County34482
2001: special election, Jasper County34482
2001: special election, Jefferson Davis County34482
2001: special election, Jones County34482
2001: special election, Lamar County34482
2001: special election, Leake County34482
2001: special election, Lee County34482
2001: special election, Madison County34482
2001: special election, Marshall County34482
2001: special election, Monroe County34482
2001: special election, Montgomery County34482
2001: special election, Pearl River County34482
2001: special election, Perry County34482
2001: special election, Pike County34482
2001: special election, Quitman County34482
2001: special election, Rankin County34482
2001: special election, Simpson County34482
2001: special election, Stone County34482
2001: special election, Sunflower County34482
2001: special election, Tallahatchie County34482
2001: special election, Tippah County34482
2001: special election, Tunica County34482
2001: special election, Washington County34482
2001: special election, Winston County34482
2001: special election, Yalobusha County34482
2001: special run-off election, Amite County34471
2001: special run-off election, Benton County34471
2001: special run-off election, Choctaw County34471
2001: special election run-off, Copiah County34471
2001: special election run-off, Forrest County34471
2001: special election run-off, George County34471
2001: special election run-off, Hancock County34471
2001: special election run-off, Lee County34482
2001: special election run-off, Madison County34482
2001: special election run-off, Montgomery County34482
2001: special election run-off, Pearl River County34482
2001: special election run-off, Perry County34482
2001: special election run-off, Rankin County34482
2001: special election run-off, Simpson County34482
2001: special election run-off, Winston County34482
2001: special election run-off, Stone County34482
2002: Bond issue elections, Hinds, Itawamba, and Lee Counties3435
2002: Democratic primary election, Adams-Harrison Counties3433
2002: Democratic primary election, Hinds County2654
2002: Democratic primary election, Holmes-Yazoo Counties3433
2002: General and run-off election certifications3435
2002: General election, Adams-Yazoo Counties3435
2002: Miss. Levee District election3435
2002: Municipal, General, and Special elections (various)3435
2002: Republican primary election, Attala-Copiah Counties3433
2002: Republican primary election, Hinds County2654
2002: Republican primary election, Holmes-Yazoo Counties3433
2002: Run-off election, Amite-Yazoo Counties3435
2002: special election, Guntown (alderman at large)34483
2002: special election run-off, Snow Lake Shores (alderman)34483
2003: Democratic 1st Primary election, Holmes-Yazoo Counties28893
2003: Republican 2nd primary election, Neshoba-Wilkinson Counties29907
2003: Republican Primary election, Montgomery-Newton Counties28893
2003: Republican Primary election, Oktibbeha-Rankin Counties28893
2003: Special Democratic Run-off, Panola County28893
2003: general election, Adams-Lamar Counties29908
2003: general election, Lauderdale-Tippah Counties29909
2003: general election, Tishomingo-Wayne Counties29907
2003: General election returns, counties32686
2003: Republican Party documentation32686
2003: Republican Party primary election results32687
2003: Oversized general election polling place poster32678
2004: Democratic primary election, Adams-Yazoo Co.3595
2004: Election certificates and electoral college certification3596
2004: General election, Adams-Yazoo Co.3595
2004: general election (special charter), Aberdeen34482
2004: general election (special charter), Natchez34482
2004: general election (special charter), Natchez-Democratic Primary election34482
2004: general election (special charter), Natchez-2nd Democratic Primary election34482
2004: general election (special charter), Natchez-Republican Primary election34482
2004: Miss. Levee Board Commissioners3595
2004: Republican primary election, 2nd & 4th Congressional District counties3595
2004: Run-off elections3596
2004: special election, Algoma (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Bentonia (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Biloxi (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Brookhaven (alderman, ward 3)34482
2004: special election, Brookhaven (alderman, ward 4-July 13)34482
2004: special election, Brookhaven (alderman, ward 4-October 12)34482
2004: special election, Brookhaven (mayor & city clerk)34482
2004: special election, Burnsville (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Carthage (alderman, ward 2)34482
2004: special election, Como (alderman, ward 2)34482
2004: special election, Cruger (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Eupora (alderman, ward 1)34482
2004: special election, Fulton (alderman, ward 3)34482
2004: special election run-off, Fulton (alderman, ward 3)34482
2004: special election, Gloster (alderman, ward 5)34482
2004: special election, Greenville (council member, ward 4)34482
2004: special election, Gulfport (council member, ward 2)34482
2004: special election, Guntown (alderman at large)34482
2004: special election, Hattiesburg (USM-capital improvements)34482
2004: special election, Hickory Flat (alderman, ward 1)34482
2004: special election run-off, Hickory Flat (alderman, ward 1)34482
2004: special election, Holly Springs (alderman at large)34482
2004: special election, Indianola (alderman, ward 5)34482
2004: special election, Inverness (alderman, ward 4)34482
2004: special election, Isola (alderman, ward 1)34482
2004: special election, Isola (bond referendum)34482
2004: special election, Jackson (Capital City Convention Center)34482
2004: special election, Long Beach (alderman, ward 5)34482
2004: special election, Long Beach (mayor)34482
2004: special election, Magnolia (alderman, ward 1)34482
2004: special election, Pachuta (mayor)34482
2004: special election, Paden (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Pass Christian (alderman, ward 3)34482
2004: special election, Pelahatchie (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Potts Camp (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Ridgeland (alderman, ward 3)34482
2004: special election, Rosedale (mayor)34482
2004: special election, Sebastopol (mayor)34482
2004: special election, Shelby (alderman)34482
2004: special election, Shelby (mayor)34482
2004: special election, Waveland (alderman, ward 1)34482
2004: special election, Webb (alderman, ward 1)34482
2004: special election run-off, Brookhaven (alderman, ward 3)34482
2004: special election run-off, Pass Christian (alderman, ward 3)34482
2004: special election run-off, Rosedale (mayor)34482
2004: special election run-off, Sebastopol (mayor)34482
2004: special election run-off, Shelby (mayor)34482
2004: special elections, SD 1, HD 43 & 94, and counties3596
2005: Municipal elections, Ackerman-Ruleville13724
2005: Municipal elections, Sallis-Yazoo City13745
2005: special election, Adams County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Amite County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Bolivar County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Clay County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Covington County (residual)34482
2005: special election, George County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Issaquena County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Jackson County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Jasper County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Jones County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Lawrence County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Leake County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Leflore County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Madison County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Monroe County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Montgomery County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Panola County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Quitman County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Rankin County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Sharkey County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Sunflower County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Tallahatchie County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Tippah County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Tunica County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Union County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Warren County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Washington County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Webster County (residual)34482
2005: special election, Wilkinson County (residual)34482
2005: special elections, counties29907
2005: special elections, HD 28, 86, 96, and 10529907
2006: appointment, Alcorn County (coroner)34483
2006: appointment, Lawrence County (election commissioner)34483
2006: Democratic 2nd primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties3691
2006: Democratic 2nd primary election, official recap3691
2006: Democratic first primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties3596
2006: Democratic second primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties3691
2006: general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties3691
2006: general election, George County (residual)34483
2006: general election, Kemper County (residual)34483
2006: general election run-offs, Adams-Yazoo Counties29907
2006: general election returns, counties32685
2006: primary election returns, counties32685
2006: primary election, George County (residual)34483
2006: primary election, Kemper County (residual)34483
2006: special election, Hattiesburg (councilman)34483
2006: special elections and run-offs, House, Senate, counties, municipalities21195
2007: appointment, Circuit Clerk (Covington County)34483
2007: appointment, Circuit Court Judge (17th District)34483
2007: appointment, US Senate34483
2007: appointments, counties34483
2007: appointments, municipalities34483
2007: Democratic primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties21195
2007: Democratic run-off, Adams-Grenada Counties21195
2007: Democratic run-off, Hancock-Yazoo Counties25981
2007: general election, Oktibbeha County (residual)34483
2007: general election certifications28264
2007: general election, Adams-Choctaw Counties25981
2007: general election, Claiborne-Prentiss Counties28263
2007: general election, Quitman-Yazoo Counties28264
2007: general election returns, county32683
2007: general election returns, county32684
2007: primary election, Harrison County (Democrat)34483
2007: primary election, Harrison County (Republican)34483
2007: primary election returns, county32683
2007: primary election returns, county32684
2007: Republican primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties25981
2007: Republican run-off, Alcorn-Webster Counties25981
2007: special election, Chunky (alderman & mayor)34483
2007: special election, Doddsville (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Duck Hill (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Hickory Flat (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Laurel (alderman)34483
2007: special election, McCool (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Meridian (school bond referendum)34483
2007: special election, Metcalfe (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Moss Point (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Potts Camp (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Ripley (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Rolling Fork (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Tchula (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Vaiden (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Walls (alderman)34483
2007: special election, Winona (mayor)34483
2007: special elections, House Districts 11, 100, and 10128264
2007: special elections, counties28264
2007: special elections, municipalities28264
2008: appointment, Lamar County (constable)34483
2008: appointments, Hinds County (election commission)34483
2008: certification, Rosedale (general election)34483
2008: Democratic primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties29906
2008: Democratic primary election, official totals29906
2008: general election, Adams-Yazoo Counties29911
2008: general election, Boyle34483
2008: general election, Grenada34483
2008: general election run-off returns, county32681
2008: primary election returns, county32681
2008: Republican primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties29906
2008: special election, Greene County (superintendent of education)34483
2008: special election, Jefferson Davis Co. - Circuit Clerk29906
2008: special election, Kemper County - Constable, Post 129906
2008: special election, Prentiss County - Chancery Clerk29906
2008: special election, Tippah County (tourism tax)34483
2008: special election, Wilkinson County (writ of election)34483
2008: special election, Brookhaven (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Bruce (mayor)34483
2008: special election, Como (alderman)34483
2008: special election, D’Lo (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Duncan (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Farmington34483
2008: special election, Kilmichael (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Marietta (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Marion (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Morton (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Ocean Springs (school bond referendum)34483
2008: special election, Osyka (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Quitman (mayor)34483
2008: special election, Shaw34483
2008: special election, Shelby (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Sledge (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Starkville (alderman)34483
2008: special election, Sumrall (mayor)34483
2008: special election, Tchula (aldermen)34483
2008: special election, West Point (correspondence)34483
2008: special election, 1st Congressional District29906
2008: special election, US Representative (1st District)34483
2008: special election, US Senate34483
2008: special election returns, county32681
2008: special election returns, municipal32682
2009: election returns, Abbeville-Sunflower32679
2009: election returns, Taylor-Woodville32680
2009: general election, Friars Point34483
2009: residual vote reports, county32680
2009: special appointments, county32680
2010: appointment, 13th Circuit Court Judge34488
2010: appointment, Benton County (supervisor)34488
2010: appointment, Bolivar County (constable)34483
2010: appointment, Bolivar County (levee board)34488
2010: appointment, Choctaw County (school board)34488
2010: appointment, DeSoto County (constable)34488
2010: appointment, Greene County (election commissioner)34488
2010: appointment, Humphreys County (special court judge)34488
2010: appointment, Kemper County (election commissioner)34488
2010: appointment, Leake County (justice court judge)34488
2010: appointment, Lincoln County (election commissioner)34488
2010: appointment, Newton County (election commissioner)34488
2010: appointment, Perry County (coroner)34488
2010: appointment, Washington County (justice court judge)34488
2010: appointment, French Camp (alderman)34483
2010: appointment, Golden (alderman)34483
2010: appointment, Inverness (alderman)34483
2010: appointment, Meadville (alderman)34483
2010: appointment, Morgan City (alderman)34483
2010: appointment, Osyka (alderman)34483
2010: appointment, Snow Lake Shores (alderman)34483
2010: appointments, Lamar County (constable & tax assessor)34488
2010: appointments, Yazoo County (school board & special court judge)34488
2010: appointments, Slate Springs (alderman & mayor)34483
2010: certificates of election, Corinth34488
2010: certifications of votes, special elections34488
2010: certifications and certifications of votes34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Official Results34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Adams County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Amite County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Covington County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Franklin County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Hinds County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Jasper County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Jefferson County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Jones County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Kemper County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Lawrence County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Leake County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Lincoln County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Madison County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Marion County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Neshoba County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Newton County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Oktibbeha County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Pike County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Rankin County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Scott County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Simpson County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Smith County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Walthall County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Webster County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 3rd Congressional District-Winston County34483
2010: Democratic Primary election, 1st Primary election-Corinth34483
2010: general election, Adams County34485
2010: general election, Alcorn County34485
2010: general election, Amite County34485
2010: general election, Attala County34485
2010: general election, Benton County34485
2010: general election, Bolivar County34485
2010: general election, Carroll County34485
2010: general election, Chickasaw County34485
2010: general election, Choctaw County34485
2010: general election, Claiborne County34485
2010: general election, Clarke County34485
2010: general election, Clay County34485
2010: general election, Coahoma County34485
2010: general election, Copiah County34485
2010: general election, Covington County34485
2010: general election, DeSoto County34485
2010: general election, Forrest County34485
2010: general election, Franklin County34485
2010: general election, George County34485
2010: general election, Greene County34485
2010: general election, Grenada County34485
2010: general election, Hancock County34485
2010: general election, Harrison County34485
2010: general election, Hinds County34485
2010: general election, Holmes County34485
2010: general election, Humphreys County34485
2010: general election, Issaquena County34485
2010: general election, Jackson County34485
2010: general election, Jasper County34485
2010: general election, Jefferson County34485
2010: general election, Jefferson Davis County34485
2010: general election, Jones County34485
2010: general election, Kemper County34485
2010: general election, Lamar County34485
2010: general election, Lauderdale County34485
2010: general election, Lawrence County34485
2010: general election, Leake County34485
2010: general election, Lee County34485
2010: general election, Leflore County34485
2010: general election, Lowndes County34485
2010: general election, Madison County34485
2010: general election, Marion County34485
2010: general election, Monroe County34485
2010: general election, Marshall County34485
2010: general election, Montgomery County34485
2010: general election, Neshoba County34485
2010: general election, Newton County34485
2010: general election, Noxubee County34485
2010: general election, Oktibbeha County34485
2010: general election, Panola County34485
2010: general election, Pearl River County34485
2010: general election, Perry County34485
2010: general election, Pike County34485
2010: general election, Pontotoc County34485
2010: general election, Prentiss County34485
2010: general election, Quitman County34485
2010: general election, Rankin County34485
2010: general election, Scott County34485
2010: general election, Sharkey County34485
2010: general election, Simpson County34485
2010: general election, Smith County34485
2010: general election, Stone County34485
2010: general election, Sunflower County34485
2010: general election, Tallahatchie County34485
2010: general election, Tippah County34485
2010: general election, Tishomingo County34485
2010: general election, Tunica County34485
2010: general election, Union County34485
2010: general election, Walthall County34485
2010: general election, Warren County34485
2010: general election, Washington County34485
2010: general election, Wayne County34485
2010: general election, Webster County34485
2010: general election, Wilkinson County34485
2010: general election, Winston County34485
2010: general election, Yalobusha County34485
2010: general election, Yazoo County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Amite County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Calhoun County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Chickasaw County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Choctaw County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Clay County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Coahoma County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Copiah County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Covington County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Forrest County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Franklin County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Greene County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Grenada County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Holmes County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Itawamba County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Jackson County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Kemper County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Lafayette County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Leake County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Lowndes County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Marion County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Monroe County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Montgomery County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Neshoba County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Newton County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Oktibbeha County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Pearl River County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Perry County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Pike County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Rankin County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Stone County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Sunflower County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Tate County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Tishomingo County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Union County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Webster County34485
2010: general election-residual vote, Winston County34485
2010: general election run-off, Clay County34485
2010: general election run-off, Covington County34485
2010: general election run-off, DeSoto County34485
2010: general election run-off, Forrest County34485
2010: general election run-off, George County34485
2010: general election run-off, Hinds County34485
2010: general election run-off, Jasper County34485
2010: general election run-off, Jefferson County34485
2010: general election run-off, Jefferson Davis County34485
2010: general election run-off, Lamar County34485
2010: general election run-off, Lawrence County34485
2010: general election run-off, Lee County34485
2010: general election run-off, Lincoln County34485
2010: general election run-off, Lowndes County34485
2010: general election run-off, Madison County34485
2010: general election run-off, Noxubee County34485
2010: general election run-off, Oktibbeha County34485
2010: general election run-off, Panola County34485
2010: general election run-off, Pearl River County34485
2010: general election run-off, Perry County34485
2010: general election run-off, Pike County34485
2010: general election run-off, Prentiss County34485
2010: general election run-off, Simpson County34485
2010: general election run-off, Smith County34485
2010: general election run-off, Tallahatchie County34485
2010: general election run-off, Tate County34485
2010: general election run-off, Walthall County34485
2010: general election run-off, Wayne County34485
2010: general election run-off, Yalobusha County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Clay County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Covington County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, DeSoto County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Forrest County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Lee County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Lowndes County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Oktibbeha County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Pearl River County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Perry County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Pike County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Tate County34485
2010: general election run-off-residual vote, Wayne County34485
2010: municipal general election, Carthage34485
2010: municipal general election, Corinth34485
2010: municipal general election, McComb34485
2010: municipal general election, New Albany34485
2010: municipal general election, Waveland34485
2010: municipal general election, Yazoo City 34485
2010: primary election, McComb34488
2010: primary election, Waveland34488
2010: primary election run-off, Yazoo City (mayor)34483
2010: primary election-residual vote, Amite County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Attala County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Carroll County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Chickasaw County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Choctaw County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Covington County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, DeSoto County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Greene County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Grenada County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Itawamba County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Jackson County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Lafayette County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Lee County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Lowndes County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Marion County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Monroe County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Newton County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Oktibbeha County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Panola County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Perry County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Pike County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Rankin County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Stone County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Tate County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Tishomingo County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Washington County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Webster County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Winston County34488
2010: primary election-residual vote, Yalobusha County34488
2010: primary election run-off, Corinth (alderman)34483
2010: primary election run-off, Waveland (alderman)34483
2010: primary election run-off-residual vote, Carroll County34488
2010: primary election run-off -residual vote, Copiah County34488
2010: primary election run-off-residual vote, Montgomery County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Alcorn County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Benton County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Calhoun County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Chickasaw County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Choctaw County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Clay County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-DeSoto County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Grenada County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Itawamba County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Lafayette County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Lee County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Lowndes County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Marshall County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Monroe County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Panola County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Pontotoc County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Prentiss County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Tate County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Tippah County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Tishomingo County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Union County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Webster County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 1st Congressional District-Winston County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Attala County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Bolivar County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Carroll County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Claiborne County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Coahoma County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Copiah County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Holmes County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Humphreys County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Issaquena County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Jefferson County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Leake County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Leflore County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Madison County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Montgomery County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Quitman County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Sharkey County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Sunflower County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Tallahatchie County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Warren County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Washington County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 2nd Congressional District-Yazoo County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Clarke County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Forrest County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-George County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Greene County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Hancock County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Harrison County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Jackson County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Jasper County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Jones County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Lamar County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Marion County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Pearl River County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Perry County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Stone County34488
2010: Republican primary election, 4th Congressional District-Wayne County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Attala County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Carroll County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Coahoma County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Humphreys County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Issaquena County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Jefferson County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Leake County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Leflore County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Madison County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Montgomery County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Quitman County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Sharkey County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Sunflower County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Tallahatchie County34488
2010: Republican primary election-run-off, Washington County34488
2010: run-off election-residual vote, Copiah County34488
2010: run-off election-residual vote, Hinds County34488
2010: run-off election-Claiborne County34488
2010: run-off election-Copiah County34488
2010: run-off election-Hinds County34488
2010: run-off election-Jefferson County34488
2010: run-off results, county elections (Republican primary election)34488
2010: special election-Claiborne County (state senate)34488
2010: special election, Copiah County (state senate)34488
2010: special election, Hinds County (state senate)34488
2010: special election, Jefferson County (state senate)34488
2010: special election, Prentiss County (order & referendum)34488
2010: special election, Bassfield (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Bassfield (mayor)34483
2010: special election, Benoit (notice)34483
2010: special election, Burnsville (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Clinton (bond issue)34483
2010: special election, Como (mayor)34483
2010: special election, Como (tourism tax)34483
2010: special election, Dumas (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Gautier (councilman)34483
2010: special election, Kilmichael (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Kosciusko (alderman)34483
2010: special election-Madison (alderman-at-large)34488
2010: special election, Madison (order)34483
2010: special election, McLain (notice)34483
2010: special election, New Houlka34483
2010: special election, Olive Branch (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Pace (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Picayune (resort referendum)34483
2010: special election, Purvis (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Renova (mayor)34483
2010: special election, Rosedale (notice)34483
2010: special election, Ruleville (alderman-at-large)34483
2010: special election, Shaw (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Snow Lake Shores (mayor)34483
2010: special election, Slate Springs (order)34483
2010: special election, Soso (alderman)34483
2010: special election, Southaven (referendum)34483
2010: special election-residual vote, Copiah County34488
2010: special election-residual vote, Hinds County34488
2010: special elections and appointments-September35243
2010: special elections and appointments-October35243
2010: special elections and appointments-November35243
2010: special elections and appointments-December35243
2010: unofficial recapitulations-Jasper County34488
2010: unofficial recapitulations-Jones County34488
2010: unofficial recapitulations-Montgomery County34488
2010: unofficial recapitulations-Prentiss County34488
2011: appointment, Calhoun County (chancery clerk)34493
2011: appointment, Calhoun County (constable)35246
2011: appointment, Franklin County (election commissioner)34493
2011: appointment, Lamar County (election commissioner)34493
2011: appointment, Jackson County (election commissioner)34493
2011: appointment, Perry County (school board)34493
2011: appointment, Taylor (alderman)35246
2011: appointment, Tupelo (municipal election commission)35246
2011: appointment, Yazoo City (justice court judge)35246
2011: appointment/reappointment, Jackson (municipal election commission)35246
2011: certificate of election, Tunica County (special election-alderman)34493
2011: certification of election, Gattman (alderman)35246
2011: certification of election, Rosedale (city council)35246
2011: certifications of votes34493
2011: Democratic primary election, Adams-Yazoo Counties34493
2011: Democratic primary election run-off-official recapitulation, Adams-Lowndes Counties35236
2011: Democratic primary election run-off-official recapitulation, Madison-Yazoo Counties35237
2011: general election-certification of votes, District Attorney (all districts)35242
2011: general election-certification of votes, Legislature (multi-county offices)35242
2011: general election-certification of votes, Public Service Commissioner-Dist. 135242
2011: general election-certification of votes, Public Service Commissioner-Dist. 235242
2011: general election-certification of votes, Public Service Commissioner-Dist. 335242
2011: general election-certification of votes, Transportation Commissioner-Dist. 135242
2011: general election-certification of votes, Transportation Commissioner-Dist. 235242
2011: general election-certification of votes, Transportation Commissioner-Dist. 335242
2011: general election-electoral vote, Adams-Yazoo Counties35231
2011: general election-official recapitulation, Adams-Simpson Counties35232
2011: general election-official recapitulation, Smith-Yazoo Counties35233
2011: general election-official tabulation-Attorney General35242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Auditor35242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Commissioner of Agriculture35242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Commissioner of Insurance35242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Governor35242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Initiative No. 2635242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Initiative No. 2735242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Initiative No. 3235242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Lieutenant Governor35242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Secretary of State35242
2011: general election-official tabulation-Treasurer35242
2011: general election-residual vote, Amite County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Attala County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Calhoun County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Carroll County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Chickasaw County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Choctaw County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Clay County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Coahoma County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Covington County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, DeSoto County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Forrest County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Greene County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Grenada County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Harrison County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Hinds County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Holmes County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Humphreys County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Itawamba County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Jasper County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Lafayette County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Leake County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Lee County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Lowndes County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Marion County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Monroe County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Montgomery County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Newton County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Noxubee County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Oktibbeha County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Panola County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Pearl River County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Pike County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Prentiss County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Pontotoc County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Rankin County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Stone County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Tate County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Tishomingo County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Tippah County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Wayne County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Webster County 35235
2011: general election-residual vote, Winston County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Adams County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Alcorn County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Amite County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Attala County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Benton County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Bolivar County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Calhoun County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Carroll County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Chickasaw County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Choctaw County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Clarke County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Coahoma County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Copiah County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Covington County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, DeSoto County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Franklin County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Greene County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Hancock County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Harrison County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Hinds County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Holmes County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Issaquena County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Itawamba County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Jackson County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Jefferson County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Jefferson Davis County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Jones County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Kemper County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Lamar County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Lauderdale County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Lawrence County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Leake County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Lee County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Lowndes County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Madison County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Marion County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Marshall County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Monroe County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Montgomery County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Neshoba County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Newton County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Noxubee County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Oktibbeha County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Panola County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Pearl River County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Perry County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Pike County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Pontotoc County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Prentiss County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Scott County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Sharkey County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Simpson County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Smith County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Sunflower County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Stone County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Tallahatchie County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Tippah County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Tishomingo County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Tunica County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Walthall County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Warren County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Washington County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Wayne County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Winston County 35235
2011: general election-summary reports, Yazoo County 35235
2011: general election, Starkville (bond issue)34495
2011: general election-total votes reported, State Senate District 135246
2011: general election-total votes reported, State House of Representatives, Dist. 235246
2011: order calling special election, Guntown (alderman)35246
2011: order calling special election, Magee (city marshal)35246
2011: order calling special election, Mendenhall (mayor)35246
2011: order calling special election, Mount Olive (alderman)35246
2011: order calling special election, Pachuta (mayor)35246
2011: order calling special election, Pontotoc (alderman)35246
2011: order calling special election, Puckett (alderman)35246
2011: order calling special election run-off, Winona (alderman)35246
2011: primary election-residual vote, Amite County 35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Attala County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Calhoun County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Chickasaw County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Claiborne County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Copiah County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Covington County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Greene County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Grenada County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Harrison County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Holmes County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Itawamba County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Kemper County35240
2011: primary election-residual vote, Lafayette County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Lowndes County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Marion County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Monroe County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Montgomery County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Oktibbeha County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Pontotoc County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Prentiss County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Rankin County 35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County 35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Tate County 35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Tishomingo County35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Wayne County 35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Webster County 35241
2011: primary election-residual vote, Winston County 35241
2011: primary election run-off-certification of votes, Democrat35242
2011: primary election run-off-certification of votes, Republican35242
2011: primary election run-off-official recapitulation, Port Gibson (alderman)35242
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Amite County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Attala County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Calhoun County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Carroll County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Covington County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Greene County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Holmes County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Itawamba County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Jackson County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Kemper County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Lafayette County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Leake County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Lowndes County 35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Monroe County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Montgomery County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Noxubee County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Pontotoc County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Rankin County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Tallahatchie County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Tate County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Tishomingo County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Webster County35234
2011: primary election run-off-residual vote, Winston County35234
2011: Republican primary election, Adams County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Alcorn County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Amite County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Attala County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Benton County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Bolivar County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Calhoun County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Carroll County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Chickasaw County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Choctaw County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Claiborne County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Clarke County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Clay County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Coahoma County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Copiah County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Covington County34494
2011: Republican primary election, DeSoto County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Forrest County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Franklin County34494
2011: Republican primary election, George County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Greene County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Grenada County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Hancock County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Harrison County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Hinds County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Holmes County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Humphreys County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Issaquena County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Itawamba County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Jackson County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Jasper County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Jefferson County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Jefferson Davis County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Jones County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Kemper County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Lafayette County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Lamar County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Lauderdale County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Lawrence County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Leake County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Lee County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Leflore County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Lincoln County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Lowndes County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Madison County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Marion County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Marshall County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Monroe County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Montgomery County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Neshoba County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Newton County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Noxubee County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Oktibbeha County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Panola County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Pearl River County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Perry County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Pike County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Pontotoc County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Prentiss County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Quitman County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Rankin County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Scott County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Sharkey County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Simpson County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Smith County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Stone County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Sunflower County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Tallahatchie County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Tate County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Tippah County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Tishomingo County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Tunica County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Union County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Walthall County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Warren County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Washington County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Wayne County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Webster County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Wilkinson County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Winston County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Yalobusha County34494
2011: Republican primary election, Yazoo County34494
2011: Republican primary election run-off-official recapitulation, Adams-Kemper Counties35238
2011: Republican primary election run-off-official recapitulation, Lafayette-Yazoo Counties35239
2011: resignation, Taylor (alderman)35246
2011: run-off election, Alcorn County34495
2011: run-off election, Attala County34495
2011: run-off election, Benton County34495
2011: run-off election, Calhoun County34495
2011: run-off election, Carroll County34495
2011: run-off election, Chickasaw County34495
2011: run-off election, Choctaw County34495
2011: run-off election, Clay County34495
2011: run-off election, Coahoma County34495
2011: run-off election, Grenada County34495
2011: run-off election, Itawamba County34495
2011: run-off election, Lafayette County34495
2011: run-off election, Lee County34495
2011: run-off election, Leflore County34495
2011: run-off election, Lowndes County34495
2011: run-off election, Marshall County34495
2011: run-off election, Monroe County34495
2011: run-off election, Montgomery County34495
2011: run-off election, Oktibbeha County34495
2011: run-off election, Panola County34495
2011: run-off election, Pontotoc County34495
2011: run-off election, Prentiss County34495
2011: run-off election, Quitman County34495
2011: run-off election, Tallahatchie County34495
2011: run-off election, Tate County34495
2011: run-off election, Tippah County34495
2011: run-off election, Tishomingo County34495
2011: run-off election, Tunica County34495
2011: run-off election, Union County34495
2011: run-off election, Webster County34495
2011: run-off election, Winston County34495
2011: run-off election, Yalobusha County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Benton County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Calhoun County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Carroll County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Chickasaw County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Coahoma County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Itawamba County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Lafayette County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Lowndes County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Monroe County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Montgomery County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Oktibbeha County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Tishomingo County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Webster County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Winston County34495
2011: run-off election-residual vote, Yalobusha County34495
2011: special election, Alcorn County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Attala County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Benton County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Calhoun County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Carroll County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Chickasaw County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Choctaw County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Clay County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Coahoma County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, DeSoto County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Grenada County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Harrison County (state representative)34495
2011: special election, Itawamba County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Lafayette County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Lee County (state senate & transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Leflore County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Lowndes County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Marshall County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Monroe County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Montgomery County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Oktibbeha County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Panola County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Pontotoc County (state senate & transportation comm.)34495
2011: special election, Prentiss County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Quitman County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Tallahatchie County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Tate County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Tishomingo County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Tunica County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Union County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Webster County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Winston County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election, Yalobusha County (transportation commissioner)34495
2011: special election-certificate of election, McComb (referendum)35242
2011: special election-certificate of election, Puckett (alderman)35242
2011: special election-certification of votes, State Senate, Dist. 835242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Carrolton (alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Forrest (chief of police)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Greenville (mayor/council)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Guntown (alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Jackson (city council-ward 1)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Magee (city marshal)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, McComb (referendum)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Mendenhall (mayor)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Pace (alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Pearl (referendum)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Pontotoc (alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Port Gibson (mayor/alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Sardis (alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, State Senate, Dist. 8 (Calhoun Co.)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, State Senate, Dist. 8 (Chickasaw Co.)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, State Senate, Dist. 8 (Grenada Co.)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, State Senate, Dist. 8 (Lee Co.)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, State Senate, Dist. 12 (Bolivar Co.)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, State Senate, Dist. 12 (Washington C.)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Tupelo (proposition 1)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Waynesboro (alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Winona (alderman)35242
2011: special election-official recapitulation, Yazoo City (alderman)35242
2011: special election-residual vote, Calhoun County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Carroll County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Chickasaw County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Coahoma County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Grenada County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Lafayette County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Lowndes County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Monroe County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Montgomery County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Rankin County 35242
2011: special election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Tishomingo County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Webster County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Winston County34495
2011: special election-residual vote, Yalobusha County34495
2011: special election run-off-certificate of election, Shubuta 35242
2011: special election run-off-official recapitulation, Pace (alderman)35242
2011: special election run-off-official recapitulation, Winona (alderman)35242
2011: special elections and appointments-January35243
2011: special elections and appointments-February35243
2011: special elections and appointments-March35243
2011: special elections and appointments-April35243
2011: special elections and appointments-May35243
2011: special elections and appointments-June35243
2011: special elections and appointments-July35243
2011: special elections and appointments-August35243
2011: special elections and appointments-September35243
2011: special elections and appointments-October35243
2011: special elections and appointments-November35247
2011: special elections and appointments-December35247
2012: Democratic Party Executive Committee, primary election results34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Adams County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Alcorn County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Amite County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Benton County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Bolivar County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Calhoun County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Carroll County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Chickasaw County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Choctaw County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Claiborne County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Clarke County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Clay County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Coahoma County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Copiah County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Covington County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, DeSoto County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Forrest County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Franklin County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, George County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Greene County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Grenada County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Hancock County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Harrison County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Hinds County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Holmes County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Humphreys County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Issaquena County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Itawamba County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Jackson County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Jasper County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Jefferson County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Jefferson Davis County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Jones County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Lafayette County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Lamar County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Lauderdale County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Lawrence County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Leake County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Lee County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Leflore County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Lincoln County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Lowndes County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Madison County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Marion County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Marshall County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Monroe County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Montgomery County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Newton County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Neshoba County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Noxubee County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Oktibbeha County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Panola County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Pearl River County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Perry County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Pike County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Pontotoc County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Prentiss County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Quitman County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Rankin County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Scott County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Sharkey County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Simpson County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Smith County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Stone County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Sunflower County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Tallahatchie County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Tate County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Tippah County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Tishomingo County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Tunica County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Union County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Walthall County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Warren County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Washington County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Wayne County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Webster County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Wilkinson County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Winston County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Yalobusha County34497
2012: Democratic primary election, Yazoo County34497
2012: general election, Adams County34496
2012: general election, Alcorn County34496
2012: general election, Amite County34496
2012: general election, Attala County34496
2012: general election, Benton County34496
2012: general election, Bolivar County34496
2012: general election, Calhoun County34496
2012: general election, Carroll County34496
2012: general election, Chickasaw County34496
2012: general election, Choctaw County34496
2012: general election, Claiborne County34496
2012: general election, Clarke County34496
2012: general election, Clay County34496
2012: general election, Coahoma County34496
2012: general election, Copiah County34496
2012: general election, Covington County34496
2012: general election, DeSoto County34496
2012: general election, Forrest County34496
2012: general election, Franklin County34496
2012: general election, George County34496
2012: general election, Grenada County34496
2012: general election, Hancock County34496
2012: general election, Harrison County34496
2012: general election, Hinds County34496
2012: general election, Holmes County34496
2012: general election, Humphreys County34496
2012: general election, Issaquena County34496
2012: general election, Itawamba County34496
2012: general election, Jackson County34496
2012: general election, Jasper County34496
2012: general election, Jefferson County34496
2012: general election, Jefferson Davis County34496
2012: general election, Jones County34496
2012: general election, Kemper County34496
2012: general election, Lafayette County34496
2012: general election, Lamar County34496
2012: general election, Lauderdale County34496
2012: general election, Lawrence County34496
2012: general election, Leake County34496
2012: general election, Lee County34496
2012: general election, Leflore County34496
2012: general election, Lincoln County34496
2012: general election, Lowndes County34496
2012: general election, Madison County34496
2012: general election, Marion County34496
2012: general election, Marshall County34496
2012: general election, Monroe County34496
2012: general election, Montgomery County34496
2012: general election, Neshoba County34496
2012: general election, Newton County34496
2012: general election, Noxubee County34496
2012: general election, Oktibbeha County34496
2012: general election, Panola County34496
2012: general election, Pearl River County34496
2012: general election, Perry County34496
2012: general election, Pike County34496
2012: general election, Pontotoc County34496
2012: general election, Prentiss County34496
2012: general election, Quitman County34496
2012: general election, Rankin County34496
2012: general election, Scott County34496
2012: general election, Sharkey County34496
2012: general election, Simpson County34496
2012: general election, Smith County34496
2012: general election, Stone County34496
2012: general election, Sunflower County34496
2012: general election, Tallahatchie County34496
2012: general election, Tate County34496
2012: general election, Tippah County34496
2012: general election, Tishomingo County34496
2012: general election, Tunica County34496
2012: general election, Union County34496
2012: general election, Walthall County34496
2012: general election, Warren County34496
2012: general election, Washington County34496
2012: general election, Wayne County34496
2012: general election, Webster County34496
2012: general election, Wilkinson County34496
2012: general election, Winston County34496
2012: general election, Yalobusha County34496
2012: general election, Yazoo County34496
2012: general election-certification of vote (state & federal)34496
2012: general election-certification of vote, Statewide Amendment No. 134496
2012: general election-residual vote, Amite County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Attala County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Carroll County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Chickasaw County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Clay County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Coahoma County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Copiah County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Covington County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Forrest County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Franklin County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Greene County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Grenada County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Holmes County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Lafayette County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Leake County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Lee County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Lowndes County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Madison County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Monroe County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Montgomery County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Neshoba County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Noxubee County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Panola County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Pearl River County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Pike County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Prentiss County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Rankin County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Scott County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Stone County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Tate County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Tishomingo County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Tunica County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Warren County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Wayne County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Webster County34498
2012: general election-residual vote, Winston County34498
2012: general election run-off-residual vote, Calhoun County34498
2012: general election run-off-residual vote, Covington County34498
2012: general election run-off-residual vote, Leake County34498
2012: general election run-off-residual vote, Rankin County34498
2012: general election run-off-residual vote, Warren County34498
2012: general election-run-off, Alcorn County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Attala County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Bolivar County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Calhoun County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Covington County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Issaquena County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Jasper County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Leake County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Lincoln County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Perry County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Quitman County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Rankin County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Tallahatchie County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Tippah County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Warren County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Washington County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Wayne County34496
2012: general election-run-off, Yazoo County34496
2012: primary election-residual vote, Amite County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Attala County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Calhoun County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Chickasaw County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Coahoma County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Copiah County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Covington County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Forrest County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Greene County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Grenada County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Holmes County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Itawamba County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Jackson County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Lafayette County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Lee County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Lowndes County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Marion County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Monroe County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Montgomery County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Newton County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Oktibbeha County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Prentiss County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Rankin County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Stone County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Tate County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Tishomingo County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Webster County34498
2012: primary election-residual vote, Winston County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Alcorn County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Amite County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Benton County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Bolivar County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Calhoun County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Carroll County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Chickasaw County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Clarke County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Copiah County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Covington County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Franklin County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Forrest County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, George County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Grenada County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Hancock County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Harrison County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Holmes County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Issaquena County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Itawamba County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Jasper County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Lafayette County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Lamar County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Lawrence County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Leake County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Lee County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Lowndes County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Madison County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Marion County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Marshall County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Monroe County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Montgomery County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Noxubee County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Oktibbeha County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Panola County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Perry County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Quitman County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Rankin County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Scott County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Sharkey County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Stone County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Sunflower County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Tate County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Tallahatchie County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Tishomingo County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Tunica County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Warren County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Washington County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Wayne County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Webster County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Wilkinson County34498
2012: primary election-summary report, Winston County34498
2012: Republican Party Executive Committee, primary election results34497
2012: Republican primary election, Adams County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Alcorn County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Amite County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Benton County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Bolivar County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Calhoun County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Carroll County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Chickasaw County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Choctaw County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Claiborne County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Clarke County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Clay County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Coahoma County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Copiah County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Covington County34497
2012: Republican primary election, DeSoto County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Forrest County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Franklin County34497
2012: Republican primary election, George County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Greene County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Grenada County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Hancock County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Harrison County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Hinds County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Holmes County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Humphreys County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Issaquena County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Itawamba County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Jackson County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Jasper County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Jefferson County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Jefferson Davis County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Jones County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Kemper County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Lafayette County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Lamar County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Lauderdale County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Lawrence County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Leake County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Lee County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Leflore County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Lincoln County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Lowndes County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Madison County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Marion County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Marshall County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Monroe County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Montgomery County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Newton County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Neshoba County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Noxubee County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Oktibbeha County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Panola County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Pearl River County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Perry County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Pike County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Pontotoc County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Prentiss County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Quitman County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Rankin County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Scott County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Sharkey County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Simpson County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Smith County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Stone County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Sunflower County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Tallahatchie County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Tate County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Tippah County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Tishomingo County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Tunica County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Union County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Walthall County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Warren County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Washington County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Wayne County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Webster County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Wilkinson County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Winston County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Yalobusha County34497
2012: Republican primary election, Yazoo County34497
2012: special election-residual vote, DeSoto County34498
2012: special elections and appointments35247
2013: appointment, Brooksville (alderman)34500
2013: appointment, DeKalb (alderman)34500
2013: appointment, Edwards (alderman)34500
2013: appointment, Mathiston (mayor)34500
2013: appointment, Paden (alderman)34500
2013: appointment, Scooba (alderman)34500
2013: appointment, Thaxton (alderman)34500
2013: appointments, Brandon (alderman & mayor)34500
2013: appointments, Chunky (aldermen)34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Baldwyn34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Bay St. Louis34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Belzoni34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Biloxi34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Booneville34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Brookhaven34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Bruce34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Canton34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Centreville34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Charleston34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Clarksdale34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Cleveland34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Collins34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Columbia34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Columbus34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Como34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Crenshaw34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Durant34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Ecru34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Eupora34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Forest34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Glendora34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Greenwood34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Gulfport34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Hazlehurst34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Hickory34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Hollandale34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Holly Springs34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Jackson34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Lambert34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Lexington34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Louisville34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Macon34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Magnolia34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Mantachie34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Marks34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Moorhead34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Morton34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Moss Point34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Newton34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Okolona34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Philadelphia34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Picayune34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Pontotoc34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Poplarville34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Ridgeland34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Ripley34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Ruleville34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Saltillo34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Senatobia34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Shannon34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Shubuta34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Starkville34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Tupelo34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Tutwiler34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Vicksburg34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Water Valley34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Waynesboro34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Webb34500
2013: Democratic primary election, West Point34500
2013: Democratic primary election, Woodville34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Baldwyn34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Bay St. Louis34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Boonville34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Canton34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Durant34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Hickory34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Hollandale34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Holly Springs34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Indianola34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Jackson34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Lambert34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Magnolia34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Marks34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Morton34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Newton34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Okolona34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Philadelphia34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Ripley34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Shannon34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Starkville34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, Tutwiler34500
2013: Democratic primary election run-off, West Point34500
2013: dispensed election, Clay County34500
2013: dispensed election, Jasper County34500
2013: dispensed election, Lamar County34500
2013: dispensed election, Pearl River County34500
2013: dispensed election, Perry County34500
2013: dispensed election, Sharkey County34500
2013: dispensed election, Yazoo County34500
2013: dispensed election, Algoma34500
2013: dispensed election, Baldwyn34500
2013: dispensed election, Beauregard34500
2013: dispensed election, Benoit34500
2013: dispensed election, Big Creek34500
2013: dispensed election, Boyle34500
2013: dispensed election, Brandon34500
2013: dispensed election, Byhalia34500
2013: dispensed election, Carrollton34500
2013: dispensed election, Charleston34500
2013: dispensed election, Chunky34500
2013: dispensed election, Cleveland34500
2013: dispensed election, Coahoma34500
2013: dispensed election, Como34500
2013: dispensed election, Crawford34500
2013: dispensed election, Crenshaw34500
2013: dispensed election, D’Iberville34500
2013: dispensed election, D’Lo34500
2013: dispensed election, Doddsville34500
2013: dispensed election, Dumas34500
2013: dispensed election, Durant34500
2013: dispensed election, Ecru34500
2013: dispensed election, Ellisville34500
2013: dispensed election, Falcon34500
2013: dispensed election, Falkner34500
2013: dispensed election, Farmington34500
2013: dispensed election, Forest34500
2013: dispensed election, French Camp34500
2013: dispensed election, Gattman34500
2013: dispensed election, Glen34500
2013: dispensed election, Glendora34500
2013: dispensed election, Greenville34500
2013: dispensed election, Hatley34500
2013: dispensed election, Hazlehurst34500
2013: dispensed election, Kossuth34500
2013: dispensed election, Lambert34500
2013: dispensed election, Learned34500
2013: dispensed election, Lula34500
2013: dispensed election, Marietta34500
2013: dispensed election, Marks34500
2013: dispensed election, Merigold34500
2013: dispensed election, Montrose34500
2013: dispensed election, Morgan City34500
2013: dispensed election, Morton34500
2013: dispensed election, Nettleton34500
2013: dispensed election, New Houlka34500
2013: dispensed election, Newton34500
2013: dispensed election, Okolona34500
2013: dispensed election, Petal34500
2013: dispensed election, Raymond34500
2013: dispensed election, Sallis34500
2013: dispensed election, Schlater34500
2013: dispensed election, Seminary34500
2013: dispensed election, Shannon34500
2013: dispensed election, Sidon34500
2013: dispensed election, Slate Springs34500
2013: dispensed election, Snow Lake Shores34500
2013: dispensed election, Soso34500
2013: dispensed election, Sumner34500
2013: dispensed election, Sylvarena34500
2013: dispensed election, Thaxton34500
2013: dispensed election, Toccopola34500
2013: dispensed election, Vardaman34500
2013: dispensed election, Water Valley34500
2013: dispensed election, Weir34500
2013: dispensed election, Winstonville34500
2013: general election-school board, Coffeeville34505
2013: general election-school board, Leland34505
2013: general election-school board, North Panola34505
2013: general election-school board, Pontotoc34505
2013: general election-school board, Richton34505
2013: general election-school board, South Pike34505
2013: general election-school board, Tallahatchie34505
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Abbeville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Ackerman34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Alligator34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Amory34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Anguilla34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Arcola34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Artesia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Ashland34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Bassfield34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Batesville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Bay Springs34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Bay St. Louis34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Beaumont34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Belzoni34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Bentonia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Beulah34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Biloxi34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Blue Mountain34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Blue Springs34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Bolton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Booneville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Braxton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Brookhaven34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Brooksville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Bruce34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Bude34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Burnsville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Byram34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Caledonia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Calhoun City34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Canton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Cary34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Centreville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Clarksdale34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Clinton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Coffeeville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Coldwater34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Collins34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Columbia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Columbus34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Courtland34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Crosby34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Crowder34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Cruger34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Crystal Springs34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Decatur34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Dekalb34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Derma34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Diamondhead34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Drew34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Duck Hill34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Duncan34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Edwards34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Enterprise34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Ethel34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Eupora34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Fayette34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Flora34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Florence34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Flowood34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Friars Point34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Fulton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Gautier34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Georgetown34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Gloster34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Golden34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Goodman34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Greenwood34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Gulfport34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Gunnison34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Guntown34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Hattiesburg34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Heidleberg34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Hernando34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Hickory34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Hickory Flat34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Hollandale34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Horn Lake34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Holly Springs34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Houston34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Inverness34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Isola34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Itta Bena34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Iuka34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Jackson34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Jonestown34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Jumpertown34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Kilmichael34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Kosciusko34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Lake34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Laurel34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Leakesville 34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Leland34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Lena34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Lexington34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Liberty34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Long Beach34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Louin34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Louise34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Louisville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Lucedale34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Lumberton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Lyon34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Maben34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Macon34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Magee34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Magnolia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mantachie34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mantee34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Marion34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mathiston34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mayersville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation McCool34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation McLain34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Meadville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mendenhall34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Meridian34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Metcalfe34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mize34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Monticello34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Moorhead34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Moss Point34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mound Bayou34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Mount Olive34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Myrtle34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation New Albany34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation New Augusta34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation New Hebron34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation North Carrollton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Noxapater34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Oakland34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Ocean Springs34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Olive Branch34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Osyka34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Oxford34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pace34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pachuta34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Paden34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pascagoula34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pass Christian34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pearl34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pelahatchie34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Philadelphia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Picayune34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pickens34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pittsboro34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Plantersville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Polkville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pontotoc34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Poplarville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Pope34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Potts Camp34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Prentiss34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Puckett34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Purvis34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Quitman34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Raleigh34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Renova34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Richton34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Richland34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Ridgeland34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Rienzi34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Ripley34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Rolling Fork34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Roxie34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Ruleville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Saltillo34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sandersville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sardis34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Satartia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Scooba34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sebastopol34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Senatobia34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Shaw34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Shelby34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sherman34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Shubuta34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Shuqualak34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Silver City34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Silver Creek34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sledge34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Smithville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Southaven34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Starkville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation State Line34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Stonewall34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sturgis34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Summit34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sumrall34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Sunflower34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Taylor34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Taylorsville34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Tchula34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Terry34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Tishomingo34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Tremont34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Tunica34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Tupelo34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Tutwiler34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Tylertown34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Union34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Utica34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Vaiden34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Verona34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Vicksburg34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Walls34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Walnut34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Walnut Grove34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Walthall34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Waynesboro34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Webb34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Wesson34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation West34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Wiggins34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Winona34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Woodland34499
2013: general election (municipalities)-recapitulation Woodville34499
2013: primary election, Madison34505
2013: primary election, Nettleton34505
2013: Republican primary election, Biloxi34505
2013: Republican primary election, Booneville34505
2013: Republican primary election, Brandon34505
2013: Republican primary election, Brookhaven34505
2013: Republican primary election, Columbia34505
2013: Republican primary election, Columbus34505
2013: Republican primary election, D’Iberville34505
2013: Republican primary election, D’Lo34505
2013: Republican primary election, Gautier34505
2013: Republican primary election, Gulfport34505
2013: Republican primary election, Long Beach34505
2013: Republican primary election, Madison34505
2013: Republican primary election, Mantachie34505
2013: Republican primary election, Olive Branch34505
2013: Republican primary election, Petal34505
2013: Republican primary election, Philadelphia34505
2013: Republican primary election, Picayune34505
2013: Republican primary election, Poplarville34505
2013: Republican primary election, Richton34505
2013: Republican primary election, Ridgeland34505
2013: Republican primary election, Ripley34505
2013: Republican primary election, Saltillo34505
2013: Republican primary election, Seminary34505
2013: Republican primary election, Senatobia34505
2013: Republican primary election, Southaven34505
2013: Republican primary election, Tupelo34505
2013: Republican primary election, Vicksburg34505
2013: Republican primary election-run-off, Biloxi34505
2013: Republican primary election-run-off, Brandon34505
2013: Republican primary election-run-off, Olive Branch34505
2013: Republican primary election-run-off, Petal34505
2013: Republican primary election-run-off, Philadelphia34505
2013: Republican primary election-run-off, Southaven34505
2013: special election, State House of Representatives-District 534505
2013: special election, State House of Representatives-District 1134505
2013: special election, State House of Representatives-District 3634505
2013: special election, State House of Representatives-District 5534505
2013: special election, State House of Representatives-District 5934505
2013: special election, State House of Representatives-District 9534505
2013: special election, State House of Representatives-District 11034505
2013: special election, State Senate-District 1634505
2013: special election, State Senate-District 2834505
2013: special election, Bolivar County (school board)34505
2013: special election, Carroll County (school board)34505
2013: special election, Clarke County (school board)34505
2013: special election, Clay County (election commissioner)34505
2013: special election, George County (election commissioner)34505
2013: special election, Greene County (coroner)34505
2013: special election, Grenada County (school board)34505
2013: special election, Hinds County (county supervisor)34505
2013: special election, Holmes County (bond issue)34505
2013: special election, Holmes County (county supervisor)34505
2013: special election, Humphreys County (superintendent of education)34505
2013: special election, Itawamba County (county attorney)34505
2013: special election, Jasper County (election commissioner & school board)34505
2013: special election, Jefferson Davis County (constable)34505
2013: special election, Lee County (bond issue)34505
2013: special election, Noxubee County (circuit clerk & justice court judge)34505
2013: special election, Oktibbeha County (county attorney)34505
2013: special election, Simpson County (bond issue)34505
2013: special election, Sunflower County (school board)34505
2013: special election, Tate County (school board)34505
2013: special election, Tippah County (school board)34505
2013: special election, Tishomingo County (beer & liquor referendum)34505
2013: special election, Boyle (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Brandon (2% tax)34505
2013: special election, Brandon (alcohol referendum)34505
2013: special election, Burnsville (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Canton (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Charleston (city commissioner)34505
2013: special election, Charleston (mayor)34505
2013: special election, Clinton (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Durant (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Ecru (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Eden (alderman & mayor)34505
2013: special election, Hattiesburg (mayor)34505
2013: special election, Horn Lake (hotel/motel tax)34505
2013: special election, Monroe (school board)34505
2013: special election, Mound Bayou (alderman)34505
2013: special election, New Albany (alcohol referendum)34505
2013: special election, Polkville (municipal classification)34505
2013: special election, Ripley (alcohol referendum)34505
2013: special election, Senatobia (alcohol referendum)34505
2013: special election, Stonewall (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Sunflower (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Water Valley (alderman)34505
2013: special election, Waynesboro (alcohol referendum)34505
2013: special primary election, Hinds County (county supervisor)34505
2013: special primary election-run-off, Hinds County (county supervisor)34505
2013: special election-run-off, State House of Representatives-District 534505
2013: special election-run-off, State House of Representatives-District 1134505
2013: special election-run-off, State House of Representatives-District 2834505
2013: special election-run-off, State House of Representatives-District 3634505
2013: special election-run-off, State House of Representatives-District 11034505
2013: special election-run-off, Bolivar County (school board)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Clarke County (school board)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Greene County (coroner)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Harrison County (school board)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Holmes County (county supervisor)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Noxubee County (justice court judge)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Union County (medical examiner)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Burnsville (alderman)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Ecru (alderman)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Indianola (alderman & mayor)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Mound Bayou (alderman)34505
2013: special election-run-off, Sunflower (alderman)34505
2013: Vicksburg & Warren County Interlocal Agreement34505
2014: appointment, 13th Chancery Court District judge34508
2014: appointment, Bolivar County-county court judge34508
2014: appointment, Greene County-county supervisor34508
2014: appointment, Kemper County-election commissioner34508
2014: appointment, Harrison County-circuit court judge34508
2014: certificate of election, Mississippi Levee Commissioners34508
2014: certification, Chancery Court judges34508
2014: certification, Circuit Court judges34508
2014: certification, Court of Appeals Judge-District 134508
2014: certification, Court of Appeals Judge-District 334508
2014: certification, Court of Appeals Judge-District 434508
2014: certification, run-off election-Chancery Court judge 34508
2014: certification, run-off election-Circuit Court judge 34508
2014: certification, US House of Representatives (district 1)34508
2014: certification, US House of Representatives (district 2)34508
2014: certification, US House of Representatives (district 3)34508
2014: certification, US House of Representatives (district 4)34508
2014: certification, US Senate34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Adams County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Alcorn County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Amite County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Attala County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Benton County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Bolivar County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Calhoun County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Carroll County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Chickasaw County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Choctaw County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Claiborne County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Clarke County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Clay County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Coahoma County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Copiah County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Covington County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, DeSoto County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Forrest County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Franklin County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, George County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Greene County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Grenada County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Hancock County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Harrison County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Hinds County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Holmes County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Humphreys County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Issaquena County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Itawamba County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Jackson County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Jasper County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Jefferson County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Jefferson Davis County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Jones County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Kemper County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Lafayette County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Lamar County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Lauderdale County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Lawrence County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Leake County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Lee County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Leflore County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Lincoln County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Lowndes County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Madison County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Marion County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Marshall County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Monroe County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Montgomery County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Neshoba County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Newton County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Noxubee County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Oktibbeha County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Panola County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Pearl River County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Perry County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Pike County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Pontotoc County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Prentiss County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Quitman County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Rankin County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Scott County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Sharkey County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Simpson County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Smith County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Stone County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Sunflower County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Tallahatchie County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Tate County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Tippah County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Tishomingo County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Tunica County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Union County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Walthall County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Warren County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Washington County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Wayne County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Webster County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Wilkinson County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Winston County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Yalobusha County34508
2014: Democratic primary election, Yazoo County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Adams County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Amite County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Clarke County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Covington County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Franklin County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Hinds County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Jasper County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Jefferson Davis County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Kemper County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Lauderdale County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Lawrence County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Lincoln County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Madison County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Neshoba County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Newton County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Noxubee County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Oktibbeha County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Pike County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Rankin County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Scott County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Simpson County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Smith County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Walthall County34508
2014: Democratic primary election-run-off, Wilkinson County34508
2014: Democratic primary election results-statewide34508
2014: Elected/Appointed-county & municipal commissions, February34508
2014: Elected/Appointed-county & municipal commissions, March34508
2014: Elected/Appointed-county & municipal commissions, April34508
2014: Elected/Appointed-county & municipal commissions, June34508
2014: Elected/Appointed-county & municipal commissions, November34508
2014: Elected/Appointed-county & municipal commissions, December34508
2014: Election orders, miscellaneous counties34508
2014: general election, Adams County34509
2014: general election, Alcorn County34509
2014: general election, Amite County34509
2014: general election, Attala County34509
2014: general election, Benton County34509
2014: general election, Bolivar County34509
2014: general election, Calhoun County34509
2014: general election, Carroll County34509
2014: general election, Chickasaw County34509
2014: general election, Choctaw County34509
2014: general election, Claiborne County34509
2014: general election, Clarke County34509
2014: general election, Clay County34509
2014: general election, Coahoma County34509
2014: general election, Copiah County34509
2014: general election, Covington County34509
2014: general election, DeSoto County34509
2014: general election, Forrest County34509
2014: general election, Franklin County34509
2014: general election, George County34509
2014: general election, Greene County34509
2014: general election, Grenada County34509
2014: general election, Hancock County34509
2014: general election, Harrison County34509
2014: general election, Hinds County34509
2014: general election, Holmes County34509
2014: general election, Humphreys County34509
2014: general election, Issaquena County34509
2014: general election, Itawamba County34509
2014: general election, Jackson County34509
2014: general election, Jasper County34509
2014: general election, Jefferson County34509
2014: general election, Jefferson Davis County34509
2014: general election, Jones County34509
2014: general election, Kemper County34509
2014: general election, Lafayette County34509
2014: general election, Lamar County34509
2014: general election, Lauderdale County34509
2014: general election, Lawrence County34509
2014: general election, Leake County34509
2014: general election, Lee County34509
2014: general election, Leflore County34509
2014: general election, Lincoln County34509
2014: general election, Lowndes County34509
2014: general election, Madison County34509
2014: general election, Marion County34509
2014: general election, Marshall County34509
2014: general election, Monroe County34509
2014: general election, Montgomery County34509
2014: general election, Neshoba County34509
2014: general election, Newton County34509
2014: general election, Noxubee County34509
2014: general election, Oktibbeha County34509
2014: general election, Panola County34509
2014: general election, Pearl River County34509
2014: general election, Perry County34509
2014: general election, Pike County34509
2014: general election, Pontotoc County34509
2014: general election, Prentiss County34509
2014: general election, Quitman County34509
2014: general election, Rankin County34509
2014: general election, Scott County34509
2014: general election, Sharkey County34509
2014: general election, Simpson County34509
2014: general election, Smith County34509
2014: general election, Stone County34509
2014: general election, Sunflower County34509
2014: general election, Tallahatchie County34509
2014: general election, Tate County34509
2014: general election, Tippah County34509
2014: general election, Tishomingo County34509
2014: general election, Tunica County34509
2014: general election, Union County34509
2014: general election, Walthall County34509
2014: general election, Warren County34509
2014: general election, Washington County34509
2014: general election, Wayne County34509
2014: general election, Webster County34509
2014: general election, Wilkinson County34509
2014: general election, Winston County34509
2014: general election, Yalobusha County34509
2014: general election, Yazoo County34509
2014: general election, Waveland34509
2014: general election-run-off, Adams County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Benton County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Calhoun County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Chickasaw County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Clay County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Copiah County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Covington County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Forrest County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Greene County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Hancock County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Harrison County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Hinds County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Jackson County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Jasper County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Jefferson Davis County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Jones County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Lafayette County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Lawrence County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Lee County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Leflore County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Lowndes County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Marshall County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Pearl River County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Pontotoc County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Quitman County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Simpson County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Smith County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Stone County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Sunflower County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Tippah County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Tishomingo County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Union County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Walthall County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Warren County34509
2014: general election-run-off, Washington County34509
2014: primary election-run-off, Waveland34510
2014: Republican primary election, Adams County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Alcorn County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Amite County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Attala County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Benton County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Bolivar County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Calhoun County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Carroll County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Chickasaw County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Choctaw County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Claiborne County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Clarke County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Clay County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Coahoma County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Copiah County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Covington County34510
2014: Republican primary election, DeSoto County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Forrest County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Franklin County34510
2014: Republican primary election, George County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Greene County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Grenada County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Hancock County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Harrison County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Hinds County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Holmes County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Humphreys County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Issaquena County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Itawamba County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Jackson County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Jasper County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Jefferson County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Jefferson Davis County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Jones County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Kemper County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Lafayette County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Lamar County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Lauderdale County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Lawrence County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Leake County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Lee County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Leflore County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Lincoln County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Lowndes County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Madison County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Marion County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Marshall County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Monroe County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Montgomery County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Neshoba County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Newton County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Noxubee County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Oktibbeha County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Panola County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Pearl River County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Perry County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Pike County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Pontotoc County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Prentiss County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Quitman County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Rankin County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Scott County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Sharkey County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Simpson County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Smith County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Stone County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Sunflower County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Tallahatchie County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Tate County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Tippah County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Tishomingo County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Tunica County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Union County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Walthall County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Warren County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Washington County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Wayne County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Webster County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Wilkinson County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Winston County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Yalobusha County34510
2014: Republican primary election, Yazoo County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Adams County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Amite County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Attala County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Benton County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Bolivar County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Calhoun County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Carroll County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Chickasaw County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Choctaw County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Claiborne County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Clarke County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Clay County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Coahoma County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Copiah County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Covington County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, DeSoto County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Forrest County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Franklin County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, George County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Greene County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Grenada County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Hancock County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Hinds County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Holmes County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Issaquena County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Itawamba County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Jackson County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Jasper County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Jefferson County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Jefferson Davis County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Jones County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Kemper County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Lafayette County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Lamar County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Lauderdale County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Lawrence County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Leake County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Lee County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Leflore County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Lincoln County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Lowndes County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Madison County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Marion County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Marshall County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Monroe County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Montgomery County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Neshoba County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Newton County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Noxubee County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Oktibbeha County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Panola County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Pearl River County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Perry County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Pike County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Pontotoc County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Prentiss County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Quitman County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Rankin County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Scott County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Sharkey County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Simpson County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Smith County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Stone County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Sunflower County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Tallahatchie County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Tippah County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Tishomingo County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Tunica County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Union County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Walthall County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Warren County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Washington County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Wayne County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Webster County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Wilkinson County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Winston County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Yalobusha County34510
2014: Republican primary election-run-off, Yazoo County34510
2014: Republican primary election results-statewide34510
2014: run-off election, Edwards (mayor)34510
2014: run-off election, Jackson (city council)34510
2014: special election, Amory (alcohol referendum)34510
2014: special election, Brookhaven (tax referendum)34510
2014: special election-certificate of election, Calhoun County34508
2014: special election, Como (tourism tax)34510
2014: special election, Fulton (alcohol referendum)34510
2014: special election, Greenwood (city council)34510
2014: special election, Hernando (referendum)34510
2014: special election, Jackson (tax referendum)34510
2014: special election, Okalona (referendum)34510
2014: special election, Pontotoc (alcohol referendum)34510
2014: special election, Poplarville (alcohol referendum)34510
2014: special election, Senatobia (2% tourism tax)34510
2015: amended official tabulation of 11/3/2015 general election, statewide34512
2015: appointment, Bolivar County (election commissioner, district 2)34512
2015: appointment, Bolivar County (election commissioner, district 5)34512
2015: appointment, Bolivar County (supervisor, district 1)34512
2015: appointment, Chickasaw County (election commissioner)34512
2015: appointment, Claiborne County (election commissioner)34512
2015: appointment, Clay County (election commissioner)34512
2015: appointment, Copiah County (election commissioner)34512
2015: appointment, Grenada County (circuit clerk)34512
2015: appointment, Jefferson Davis County (election commissioner)34512
2015: appointment, Lauderdale County (county prosecutor)34512
2015: appointment, Leake County (superintendent of education)34512
2015: appointment, Marshall County (election commissioner)34512
2015: appointment, Monroe County (Board of Supervisors)34512
2015: appointment, Webster County (circuit clerk)34512
2015: appointment, Wilkinson County (election commissioner)34512
2015: appointment, Doddsville (alderman)34512
2015: appointment, Jackson (municipal election commissioner)34512
2015: appointments, Jackson County (election commissioners)34512
2015: certified electoral vote reports34512
2015: Democratic primary election, Adams County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Alcorn County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Amite County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Attala County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Benton County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Bolivar County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Calhoun County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Carroll County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Chickasaw County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Choctaw County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Claiborne County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Clarke County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Clay County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Coahoma County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Copiah County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Covington County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, DeSoto County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Forrest County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, George County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Greene County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Grenada County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Hancock County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Harrison County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Hinds County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Holmes County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Humphreys County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Issaquena County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Itawamba County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Jackson County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Jasper County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Jefferson County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Jefferson Davis County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Jones County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Kemper County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Lafayette County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Lamar County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Lauderdale County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Lawrence County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Leake County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Lee County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Lowndes County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Madison County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Marion County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Marshall County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Monroe County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Montgomery County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Neshoba County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Newton County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Noxubee County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Oktibbeha County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Panola County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Pearl River County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Perry County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Pike County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Pontotoc County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Prentiss County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Quitman County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Rankin County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Scott County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Sharkey County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Simpson County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Smith County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Stone County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Sunflower County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Tallahatchie County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Tate County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Tippah County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Tishomingo County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Tunica County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Union County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Walthall County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Warren County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Washington County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Wayne County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Webster County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Wilkinson County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Winston County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Yalobusha County34513
2015: Democratic primary election, Yazoo County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Adams County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Alcorn County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Amite County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Attala County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Benton County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Bolivar County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Calhoun County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Carroll County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Chickasaw County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Choctaw County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Claiborne County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Clarke County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Clay County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Coahoma County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Copiah County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Covington County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Forrest County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Franklin County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Greene County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Grenada County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Issaquena County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Itawamba County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Jasper County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Jefferson County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Lafayette County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Lawrence County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Leake County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Lowndes County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Madison County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Marshall County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Monroe County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Montgomery County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Neshoba County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Newton County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Noxubee County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Oktibbeha County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Panola County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Pike County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Pontotoc County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Prentiss County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Quitman County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Rankin County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Scott County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Sharkey County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Simpson County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Stone County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Sunflower County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Tallahatchie County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Tippah County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Tishomingo County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Tunica County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Union County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Walthall County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Warren County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Washington County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Wayne County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Webster County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Wilkinson County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Winston County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Yalobusha County34513
2015: Democratic primary election-run-off, Yazoo County34513
2015: Democratic Party State Executive Committee, certified official results34514
2015: electoral vote report, Alcorn County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Amite County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Attala County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Benton County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Bolivar County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Calhoun County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Carroll County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Chickasaw County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Choctaw County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Claiborne County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Clarke County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Clay County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Coahoma County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Copiah County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Covington County34512
2015: electoral vote report, DeSoto County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Forrest County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Franklin County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Greene County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Grenada County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Hancock County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Harrison County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Hinds County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Holmes County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Humphreys County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Issaquena County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Itawamba County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Jackson County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Jasper County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Jefferson County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Jefferson Davis County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Jones County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Kemper County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Lafayette County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Lamar County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Lauderdale County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Lawrence County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Leake County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Lee County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Leflore County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Lincoln County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Lowndes County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Madison County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Marion County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Marshall County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Monroe County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Montgomery County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Neshoba County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Newton County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Noxubee County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Oktibbeha County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Panola County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Pearl River County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Perry County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Pike County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Pontotoc County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Prentiss County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Quitman County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Rankin County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Scott County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Sharkey County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Simpson County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Smith County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Sunflower County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Tallahatchie County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Tate County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Tippah County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Tishomingo County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Tunica County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Union County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Walthall County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Warren County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Washington County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Wayne County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Webster County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Wilkinson County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Winston County34512
2015: electoral vote report, Yazoo County34512
2015: general election, Adams County34511
2015: general election, Alcorn County34511
2015: general election, Amite County34511
2015: general election, Attala County34511
2015: general election, Benton County34511
2015: general election, Bolivar County34511
2015: general election, Calhoun County34511
2015: general election, Carroll County34511
2015: general election, Chickasaw County34511
2015: general election, Choctaw County34511
2015: general election, Claiborne County34511
2015: general election, Clarke County34511
2015: general election, Clay County34511
2015: general election, Coahoma County34511
2015: general election, Copiah County34511
2015: general election, Covington County34511
2015: general election, DeSoto County34511
2015: general election, Forrest County34511
2015: general election, Franklin County34511
2015: general election, George County34511
2015: general election, Greene County34511
2015: general election, Grenada County34511
2015: general election, Hancock County34511
2015: general election, Harrison County34511
2015: general election, Hinds County34511
2015: general election, Holmes County34511
2015: general election, Humphreys County34511
2015: general election, Issaquena County34511
2015: general election, Itawamba County34511
2015: general election, Jackson County34511
2015: general election, Jasper County34511
2015: general election, Jefferson County34511
2015: general election, Jefferson Davis County34511
2015: general election, Jones County34511
2015: general election, Kemper County34511
2015: general election, Lafayette County34511
2015: general election, Lamar County34511
2015: general election, Lauderdale County34511
2015: general election, Lawrence County34511
2015: general election, Leake County34511
2015: general election, Lee County34511
2015: general election, Leflore County34511
2015: general election, Lincoln County34511
2015: general election, Lowndes County34511
2015: general election, Madison County34511
2015: general election, Marion County34511
2015: general election, Marshall County34511
2015: general election, Monroe County34511
2015: general election, Montgomery County34511
2015: general election, Neshoba County34511
2015: general election, Newton County34511
2015: general election, Noxubee County34511
2015: general election, Oktibbeha County34511
2015: general election, Panola County34511
2015: general election, Pearl River County34511
2015: general election, Perry County34511
2015: general election, Pike County34511
2015: general election, Pontotoc County34511
2015: general election, Prentiss County34511
2015: general election, Quitman County34511
2015: general election, Rankin County34511
2015: general election, Scott County34511
2015: general election, Sharkey County34511
2015: general election, Simpson County34511
2015: general election, Smith County34511
2015: general election, Stone County34511
2015: general election, Sunflower County34511
2015: general election, Tallahatchie County34511
2015: general election, Tate County34511
2015: general election, Tippah County34511
2015: general election, Tishomingo County34511
2015: general election, Tunica County34511
2015: general election, Union County34511
2015: general election, Walthall County34511
2015: general election, Warren County34511
2015: general election, Washington County34511
2015: general election, Wayne County34511
2015: general election, Webster County34511
2015: general election, Wilkinson County34511
2015: general election, Winston County34511
2015: general election, Yalobusha County34511
2015: general election, Yazoo County34511
2015: general election, New Hebron34514
2015: general election, Port Gibson34514
2015: general election-run-off, Circuit & Chancery judges34514
2015: general election-run-off, Amite County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Clay County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Copiah County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Franklin County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Jasper County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Madison County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Pike County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Rankin County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Tippah County34514
2015: general election-run-off, Walthall County34514
2015: primary election, Adams County34514
2015: primary election, Amite County34514
2015: primary election, Attala County34514
2015: primary election, Bolivar County34514
2015: primary election, Carroll County34514
2015: primary election, Claiborne County34514
2015: primary election, Clarke County34514
2015: primary election, Clay County34514
2015: primary election, Coahoma County34514
2015: primary election, Covington County34514
2015: primary election, Forrest County34514
2015: primary election, Greene County34514
2015: primary election, Grenada County34514
2015: primary election, Hancock County34514
2015: primary election, Issaquena County34514
2015: primary election, Itawamba County34514
2015: primary election, Jasper County34514
2015: primary election, Jefferson County34514
2015: primary election, Jefferson Davis County34514
2015: primary election, Jones County34514
2015: primary election, Kemper County34514
2015: primary election, Lafayette County34514
2015: primary election, Lamar County34514
2015: primary election, Lawrence County34514
2015: primary election, Leake County34514
2015: primary election, Lee County34514
2015: primary election, Leflore County34514
2015: primary election, Lowndes County34514
2015: primary election, Madison County34514
2015: primary election, Marshall County34514
2015: primary election, Monroe County34514
2015: primary election, Montgomery County34514
2015: primary election, Newton County34514
2015: primary election, Panola County34514
2015: primary election, Pontotoc County34514
2015: primary election, Prentiss County34514
2015: primary election, Scott County34514
2015: primary election, Sharkey County34514
2015: primary election, Simpson County34514
2015: primary election, Smith County34514
2015: primary election, Tallahatchie County34514
2015: primary election, Tate County34514
2015: primary election, Tunica County34514
2015: primary election, Walthall County34514
2015: primary election, Washington County34514
2015: primary election, Wayne County34514
2015: primary election, Webster County34514
2015: primary election, Yazoo County34514
2015: primary election, Port Gibson34514
2015: Republican primary election, Adams County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Alcorn County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Amite County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Attala County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Benton County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Bolivar County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Calhoun County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Carroll County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Chickasaw County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Choctaw County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Claiborne County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Clarke County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Clay County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Coahoma County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Copiah County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Covington County34514
2015: Republican primary election, DeSoto County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Forrest County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Franklin County34514
2015: Republican primary election, George County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Greene County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Grenada County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Harrison County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Hinds County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Holmes County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Humphreys County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Issaquena County34514
2015: Republican primary election, Itawamba County34514
2015: general election-residual vote, Amite County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Attala County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Calhoun County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Chickasaw County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Coahoma County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, DeSoto County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Forrest County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Greene County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Grenada County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Hinds County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Holmes County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Issaquena County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Itawamba County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Jasper County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Lafayette County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Leake County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Lee County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Madison County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Marion County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Monroe County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Montgomery County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Oktibbeha County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Prentiss County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Tate County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Wayne County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Webster County34529
2015: general election-residual vote, Winston County34529
2015: general election run-off-residual vote, Amite County34530
2015: Republican primary election, Jackson County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Jasper County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Jefferson County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Jefferson Davis County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Jones County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Kemper County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Lafayette County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Lamar County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Lauderdale County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Lawrence County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Leake County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Lee County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Leflore County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Lincoln County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Lowndes County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Madison County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Marion County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Marshall County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Monroe County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Montgomery County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Neshoba County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Newton County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Noxubee County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Oktibbeha County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Panola County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Pearl River County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Perry County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Pike County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Pontotoc County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Prentiss County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Quitman County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Rankin County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Scott County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Sharkey County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Simpson County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Smith County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Stone County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Sunflower County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Tallahatchie County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Tate County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Tippah County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Tishomingo County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Tunica County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Union County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Walthall County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Warren County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Wayne County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Webster County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Wilkinson County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Winston County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Yalobusha County34529
2015: Republican primary election, Yazoo County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Adams County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Amite County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Covington County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, DeSoto County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Franklin County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, George County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Greene County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Grenada County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Harrison County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Jackson County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Jasper County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Jefferson Davis County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Jones County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Lamar County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Leake County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Lee County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Leflore County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Lincoln County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Lowndes County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Madison County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Marion County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Montgomery County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Neshoba County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Pearl River County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Perry County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Pike County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Rankin County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Simpson County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Stone County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Union County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Walthall County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Warren County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Wayne County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Webster County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Wilkinson County34529
2015: Republican primary election-run-off, Winston County34529
2015: Republican Party State Executive Committee, certified official results34529
2015: primary election-residual vote, Calhoun County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Grenada County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Holmes County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Kemper County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Lafayette County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Monroe County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Montgomery County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Pontotoc County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Prentiss County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Scott County34530
2015: primary election-residual vote, Tallahatchie County34530
2015: special election, Alcorn County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Benton County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Calhoun County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Chickasaw County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Choctaw County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Clay County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, DeSoto County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Greene County (election commissioner)34530
2015: special election, Itawamba County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Jackson County (2% hotel/motel tax)34530
2015: special election, Lafayette County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Lee County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Lowndes County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Marshall County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Monroe County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Montgomery County (election commissioner)34530
2015: special election, Neshoba County (bond issue)34530
2015: special election, Oktibbeha County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Pontotoc County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Prentiss County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Scott County (school board)34530
2015: special election, Tate County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Tippah County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Tishomingo County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Union County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Webster County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Winston County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election, Ashland (alcohol referendum)34530
2015: special election, Baldwyn (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Biloxi (mayor)34530
2015: special election, Braxton (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Coahoma (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Crosby (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Decatur (alderman)34530
2015: special election, French Camp (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Gloster34530
2015: special election, Houston (tourism tax)34530
2015: special election, Isola (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Jackson (city council)34530
2015: special election, Kosciusko (alcohol referendum)34530
2015: special election, Lambert (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Leland (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Louise (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Lucedale (local option)34530
2015: special election, Marion (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Mathiston (marshal)34530
2015: special election, Merigold (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Nettleton (alderman & mayor)34530
2015: special election, New Hebron (alderman)34530
2015: special election, North Carrolton (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Noxapater (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Seminary (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Sledge (alderman)34530
2015: special election, Tupelo (school board referendum)34530
2015: special election, Wesson (alderman)34530
2015: special election, US House of Representatives-1st District,34530
2015: special election-run-off, Alcorn County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Benton County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Calhoun County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Chickasaw County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Choctaw County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Clay County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, DeSoto County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Itawamba County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Lafayette County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Lee County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Lowndes County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Marshall County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Monroe County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Oktibbeha County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Pontotoc County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Prentiss County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Tate County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Tippah County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Tishomingo County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Union County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Webster County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Winston County (US Representative)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Canton (alderman)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Crosby (alderman)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Louise (alderman)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Marion (alderman)34530
2015: special election-run-off, Mendenhall (mayor)34530
2016: appointment, Mississippi Board of Levee Commissioners34532
2016: appointment, State Representative, District 10634532
2016: appointment, Calhoun County (supervisor, district 1)34532
2016: appointment, Calhoun County (supervisor, district 2)34532
2016: appointment, Franklin County (election commissioner)34532
2016: appointment, Holmes County (election commissioner)34532
2016: appointment, Lauderdale County (constable)34532
2016: appointment, Lauderdale County (justice court judge)34532
2016: appointment, Lauderdale County (prosecuting attorney)34532
2016: appointment, Leake County (circuit clerk)34532
2016: appointment, Leake County (justice court judge)34532
2016: appointment, Marion County (election commissioner)34532
2016: appointment, Quitman County (election commissioner)34532
2016: appointment, Chunky (alderman)34532
2016: appointment, Coahoma (alderman)34532
2016: appointment, Kilmichael (alderman)34532
2016: appointment, Monticello (alderman)34532
2016: appointment, Walthall (alderman)34532
2016: certification, Farmington (alderman)34532
2016: certifications, Cary (aldermen)34532
2016: certifications, Greenville (mayor & city council)34532
2016: certifications, Rosedale (mayor & city council)34532
2015: Democratic primary election, Adams County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Alcorn County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Amite County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Attala County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Benton County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Bolivar County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Calhoun County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Carroll County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Chickasaw County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Choctaw County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Claiborne County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Clarke County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Clay County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Coahoma County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Copiah County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Covington County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, DeSoto County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Forrest County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Franklin County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, George County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Greene County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Grenada County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Harrison County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Hinds County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Holmes County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Humphreys County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Issaquena County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Itawamba County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Jackson County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Jasper County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Jefferson County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Jefferson Davis County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Kemper County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Lafayette County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Lamar County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Lauderdale County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Lawrence County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Leake County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Lee County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Leflore County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Lincoln County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Lowndes County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Madison County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Marion County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Marshall County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Monroe County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Montgomery County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Neshoba County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Newton County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Noxubee County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Oktibbeha County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Panola County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Pearl River County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Perry County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Pike County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Pontotoc County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Prentiss County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Quitman County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Rankin County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Scott County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Sharkey County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Simpson County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Smith County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Stone County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Sunflower County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Tallahatchie County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Tate County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Tippah County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Tishomingo County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Tunica County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Union County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Walthall County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Warren County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Washington County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Wayne County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Webster County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Wilkinson County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Winston County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Yalobusha County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Yazoo County34532
2016: Democratic primary election, Natchez34532
2016: Democratic primary election, statewide recap34532
2016: Democratic primary election-run-off, Natchez (alderman)34532
2016: dispensed election, Panola County (school board)34532
2016: dispensed election, Aberdeen (mayor & aldermen)34532
2016: dispensed election, Carrollton (alderman)34532
2016: dispensed election, Paden (election commissioners)34532
2016: dispensed election, Roxie (mayor)34532
2016: dispensed election, Scooba (alderman)34532
2016: dispensed election, Woodland (alderman)34532
2016: general election, Adams County34531
2016: general election, Alcorn County34531
2016: general election, Amite County34531
2016: general election, Attala County34531
2016: general election, Benton County34531
2016: general election, Bolivar County34531
2016: general election, Calhoun County34531
2016: general election, Carroll County34531
2016: general election, Chickasaw County34531
2016: general election, Choctaw County34531
2016: general election, Claiborne County34531
2016: general election, Clarke County34531
2016: general election, Clay County34531
2016: general election, Coahoma County34531
2016: general election, Copiah County34531
2016: general election, Covington County34531
2016: general election, DeSoto County34531
2016: general election, Forrest County34531
2016: general election, Franklin County34531
2016: general election, George County34531
2016: general election, Greene County34531
2016: general election, Grenada County34531
2016: general election, Hancock County34531
2016: general election, Harrison County34531
2016: general election, Hinds County34531
2016: general election, Holmes County34531
2016: general election, Humphreys County34531
2016: general election, Issaquena County34531
2016: general election, Itawamba County34531
2016: general election, Jackson County34531
2016: general election, Jasper County34531
2016: general election, Jefferson County34531
2016: general election, Jefferson Davis County34531
2016: general election, Jones County34531
2016: general election, Kemper County34531
2016: general election, Lafayette County34531
2016: general election, Lamar County34531
2016: general election, Lauderdale County34531
2016: general election, Lawrence County34531
2016: general election, Leake County34531
2016: general election, Lee County34531
2016: general election, Leflore County34531
2016: general election, Lincoln County34531
2016: general election, Lowndes County34531
2016: general election, Madison County34531
2016: general election, Marion County34531
2016: general election, Marshall County34531
2016: general election, Monroe County34531
2016: general election, Montgomery County34531
2016: general election, Neshoba County34531
2016: general election, Newton County34531
2016: general election, Noxubee County34531
2016: general election, Oktibbeha County34531
2016: general election, Panola County34531
2016: general election, Pearl River County34531
2016: general election, Perry County34531
2016: general election, Pike County34531
2016: general election, Pontotoc County34531
2016: general election, Prentiss County34531
2016: general election, Quitman County34531
2016: general election, Rankin County34531
2016: general election, Scott County34531
2016: general election, Sharkey County34531
2016: general election, Simpson County34531
2016: general election, Smith County34531
2016: general election, Stone County34531
2016: general election, Sunflower County34531
2016: general election, Tallahatchie County34531
2016: general election, Tate County34531
2016: general election, Tippah County34531
2016: general election, Tishomingo County34531
2016: general election, Tunica County34531
2016: general election, Union County34531
2016: general election, Walthall County34531
2016: general election, Warren County34531
2016: general election, Washington County34531
2016: general election, Wayne County34531
2016: general election, Webster County34531
2016: general election, Wilkinson County34531
2016: general election, Winston County34531
2016: general election, Yalobusha County34531
2016: general election, Yazoo County34531
2016: general election, Natchez34531
2016: general election, statewide judicial34531
2016: general election, statewide Presidential34531
2016: general election, US House of Representatives, 1st Congressional District34531
2016: general election, US House of Representatives, 2nd Congressional District34531
2016: general election, US House of Representatives, 3rd Congressional District34531
2016: general election, US House of Representatives, 4th Congressional District34531
2016: general election-run-off, Adams County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Attala County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Benton County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Calhoun County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Carroll County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Chickasaw County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Choctaw County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Clarke County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Clay County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Coahoma County34531
2016: general election-run-off, DeSoto County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Forrest County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Grenada County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Hinds County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Itawamba County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Jasper County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Jefferson County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Jones County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Kemper County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Lafayette County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Lamar County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Lauderdale County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Leake County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Lee County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Leflore County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Lowndes County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Madison County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Marion County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Marshall County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Monroe County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Montgomery County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Neshoba County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Newton County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Noxubee County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Oktibbeha County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Panola County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Pearl River County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Pontotoc County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Prentiss County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Quitman County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Rankin County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Scott County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Smith County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Tallahatchie County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Tate County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Tippah County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Tishomingo County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Tunica County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Union County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Wayne County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Webster County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Winston County34531
2016: general election-run-off, Yalobusha County34531
2016: general election-run-off, statewide judicial34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Alcorn County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Amite County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Bolivar County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Franklin County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Holmes County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Humphreys County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Itawamba County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Jasper County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Lincoln County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Prentiss County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Scott County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Tate County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Tunica County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Webster County34531
2016: general election-unofficial recapitulation, Wilkinson County34531
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Alcorn County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Amite County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Attala County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Calhoun County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Carroll County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Coahoma County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Copiah County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Covington County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, DeSoto County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Forrest County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Franklin County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Greene County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Grenada County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Hinds County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Holmes County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Issaquena County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Jasper County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Kemper County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Lafayette County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Lauderdale County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Leake County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Lee County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Lincoln County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Marion County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Monroe County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Montgomery County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Oktibbeha County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Panola County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Pontotoc County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Prentiss County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Scott County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Sharkey County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Stone County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Sunflower County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Tate County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Tishomingo County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Tunica County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Walthall County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Warren County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Washington County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Wayne County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Webster County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Wilkinson County34532
2016: primary election-unofficial documents, Winston County34532
2016: Republican primary election, Adams County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Alcorn County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Amite County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Attala County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Benton County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Bolivar County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Calhoun County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Carroll County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Chickasaw County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Choctaw County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Claiborne County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Clarke County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Clay County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Coahoma County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Copiah County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Covington County34533
2016: Republican primary election, DeSoto County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Forrest County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Franklin County34533
2016: Republican primary election, George County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Greene County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Grenada County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Hancock County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Harrison County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Hinds County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Holmes County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Humphreys County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Issaquena County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Itawamba County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Jackson County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Jasper County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Jefferson County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Jefferson Davis County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Jones County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Kemper County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Lafayette County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Lamar County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Lauderdale County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Lawrence County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Leake County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Lee County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Leflore County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Lincoln County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Lowndes County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Madison County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Marion County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Marshall County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Monroe County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Montgomery County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Neshoba County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Newton County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Noxubee County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Oktibbeha County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Panola County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Pearl River County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Perry County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Pike County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Pontotoc County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Prentiss County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Quitman County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Rankin County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Scott County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Sharkey County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Simpson County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Smith County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Stone County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Sunflower County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Tallahatchie County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Tate County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Tippah County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Tishomingo County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Tunica County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Union County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Walthall County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Warren County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Washington County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Wayne County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Webster County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Wilkinson County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Winston County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Yalobusha County34533
2016: Republican primary election, Yazoo County34533
2016: Republican primary election, statewide recap34533
2016: special election, Bolivar County (House District 29)34533
2016: special election, Hinds County (House District 72)34533
2016: special election, Hinds & Madison Counties (Senate District 25)34533
2016: special election, Madison County (House District 72)34533
2016: special election, Sunflower County (House District 29)34533
2016: special election, Ackerman (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Belzoni (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Bruce (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Burnsville (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Carthage (tax referendum)34533
2016: special election, Centreville (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Columbia (bond issue)34533
2016: special election, Decatur (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Diamondhead (city council)34533
2016: special election, Durant (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Georgetown (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Grenada (city council)34533
2016: special election, Hazlehurst (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Heidelberg (mayor)34533
2016: special election, Houston (tourism tax)34533
2016: special election, Kilmichael (alderman & mayor)34533
2016: special election, Kosciusko (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Lumberton (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Marks (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Mathiston (marshal)34533
2016: special election, McComb (selectman)34533
2016: special election, Mendenhall (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Meridian (beverage tax)34533
2016: special election, Noxapater (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Olive Branch (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Oxford (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Pascagoula (2% tax)34533
2016: special election, Philadelphia (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Purvis (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Southaven (alderman)34533
2016: special election, State Line (alderman)34533
2016: special election, Tupelo (municipal referendum)34533
2016: special election, Winona (2% tourism tax)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Bolivar County (House District 29)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Hinds County (House District 72)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Humphreys County (ward 2)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Madison County (House District 72)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Sunflower County (House District 29)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Ashland (alderman)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Brandon (alderman)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Centreville (alderman)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Columbus (city council)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Georgetown (alderman)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Lumberton (mayor)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Marks (alderman)34533
2016: special election-run-off, Philadelphia (alderman)34533
Undated: Hinds County12672