One hundred forty three (143) color slides of highway scenes, city and town scenes, and bridges throughout Mississippi. Arrangement is alphabetical by county.

Adams County: 19679584
Amite County: 19669584
Bolivar County: 19679584
Covington County: 19679584
Hinds County: 19679584
Lawrence County: 19679584
Leake County: 1966-19679584
Lee County: 19669584
Marshall County: 19679584
Mississippi River Bridge at Vicksburg9584
Newton County: 19669584
Perry County: 19679584
Scott County: 19679584
Sharkey County: 19679584
Sunflower County: 19679584
Tallahatchie and Panola Counties, 19679584
Unidentified: 1965-1966; n.d.9584
Yazoo County: 1967 (Highway 49)9584
Yazoo County: 1967 (Wolf River)9584