Military Department general orders, special orders, circulars, bulletins, memoranda and a bound order book. The general orders from 1820 and 1821 detail uniform information for the Mississippi militia. The material from 1909-1920 concern the day-to-day functioning of the Mississippi National Guard. Of particular interest are the orders from 1919 and 1920 which involve the reconstitution of the National Guard after World War One. The general order from 1924 published Mrs. Eron Rowland’s history of the 1st Mississippi Volunteer Infantry Regiment (later 155th Infantry Regiment). The 1925 general order was issued to describe the U.S. flag and to detail instructions for its proper handling by military forces. The bound order book contains handwritten, typed, and printed orders issued to Mississippi National Guard units at Camp Pat Henry, Jackson, from May 8 through June 8, 1898, during the Spanish-American War mobilization. 

General Orders: 1820 (oversized)29794
General Orders: 18216097
General Orders: 18266097
General Orders: 18296097
Order Book, Camp Pat Henry: 18986097
General Orders and Circulars: 1908, 1910-19116107
General Orders, Special Orders, and Circulars: 19096107
General Orders, Circulars, and Memoranda: 19126107
General Orders, Courts Martial Orders, and Memoranda: 19136107
General Orders, Circulars, and Bulletins: 19146107
Indices and Lists of Special Orders: 1914-19206107
Special Orders: 1914, 1917, 1919-19206107
General Orders No. 14: 19246107
General Orders No. 6: 19256107
General and Travel Orders: 1899-1934 (misc. and various camps/units)33888
Special Orders- Camp McComb: 1911-191233888
General Orders: 1911-192533888
General Orders- Camp Swep Taylor (MS) and Wilson (TX): 1916-191733888
Special Orders- 1st Brigade/Various Camps: 1911-193333888
Special Orders: 192133888
Company Orders: 1922-1924; 1929-193233888
Special Orders- 4th Corps Area: 1924-193233888
Special Orders- 106th Engineers HQ: 1925-193333888
General Orders- 155th, 1st, and 3rd Infantry Regiment: 1926-193333888
General Orders- 106th Engineers: 1927-193333888
Special Orders- 155th Infantry HQ: 1930-193333888
Special Orders (Extracts): 195033888
General Orders- 4th Corps Area, 87th Division33888
Bulletins: 1912-191433888
Circular Letters: 1912-191833888
Circular Letters (misc.): 1912-193333888
Circular Letters: 1914-192733888
Bulletins: 1915-1916; 1924; 1929; 193333888
Circular Letters: 1919-192133888
Circular Letters: 192233889
Training Circulars: 1923; 1930; 193233889
Circular Letters: 1923-194033889
Letter Orders- National Guard Bureau for Active Duty: 195733890
Letter Orders- National Guard Bureau for Active Duty: 195933890
Annual Training Circulars: 197233890
Memorandums: 1914-192833890
Memorandums- 4th Corps Area HQ: 1921-193233890
Memorandums: 1922-193333890
Memorandums: 1932 and 193433890