Series 2903: “Mississippi Burning:” Photographs and Video Cassettes. 1964-2000.
Creator: Attorney General (RG 48)
Collection Summary: Materials documenting the murders of civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner in Neshoba County, Mississippi in June 1964. The materials were gathered and compiled by the Mississippi Attorney General’s office in its 2004 re-opening of the Mississippi Burning (MIBURN) case and investigation, which culminated in the June 2005 trial and conviction of Edgar Ray Killen. Series 2903 consists of photographic prints from the 1960s and video tapes from the late 1990s and early 2000s. Researchers should also consult Series 2870: Attorney General Research Files and Series 2902: FBI Memoranda.
Access Restrictions: Arrangements must be made with an Image & Sound Archivist to determine availability of equipment for viewing and/or duplication of any materials in this series.
Date(s): 1964-2000.
Volume: 2.0 Cubic Feet.
Finding Aid Created By: Shaun Stalzer in August 2024.
Related Materials: See also:
Series 2902: “Mississippi Burning:” FBI Memoranda. 1964-1965.
Series 2870: “Mississippi Burning:” Attorney General Research Files. 1964-2007.
Record Group History: The office of attorney general was established in the first state constitution of 1817. Subsequent state constitutions mirrored the first in the creation and mode of election for the office. The Attorney General is charged with the duties of being the chief legal officer and advisor for the state, both civil and criminal, and is charged with managing all litigation on behalf of the state. No arm of agency of the state government can bring or defend a suit against another such arm or agency without prior written approval of the attorney general. The present divisions and sections of the attorney general's office include: civil and criminal litigation, opinion processing, governmental affairs, white collar crime, and public advocacy, which consists of consumer protection, Medicaid fraud control, child protection, and environmental protection.
- Collection Inventory:
Box Content Box Number
Box 34572 Neshoba Co Jail Ticket Books 34572 Federal Grand Jury. Biloxi, MS. 9-24-64 34572 Begin Re-photograph. Exhibit # 1 34572 Exhibit # 2 34572 Exhibit # 3 Jail Receipts 34572 Jail Docket – 1959 34572 Box 34573 Aerial Photos of Burial Site 34573 Aerial Photos of Neshoba County 34573 Aerial Photos of Neshoba County 34573 Autopsy 34573 Burial Site 34573 Burned Car at Garage 34573 Burned Car at Site 34573 Box 34574 Chevrolet Belair 34574 Exhumation of Bodies 34574 Ford Fairlane 34574 Killen 34574 Killen’s Home 34574 Map of Neshoba County 34574 Mt. Zion Church 34574 Navy Photos 34574 Neshoba County Jail 34574 Road Leading to Burial Site 34574 Unlabeled Folder 34574 Victims 34574 Video Cassettes: WLBT Newsfilm Collection, Tapes 1 & 2. (MP 1980.1) 34570 Crimes of the Klan/ Pride & the Fall/Nail Fils (Kurtis Production, Ltd.) 34570 ABC News Turning Point (circa 1994) 34570 ABC News 20/20 – Civil Rights Murders (June 14, 2000) 34570 ABC News 20/20 (November 29, 1999) 34570 CNN – “Philly” 34570