Creator: Planning Commission (RG 15).

Collection Summary: Reports and publications made by the Mississippi Planning Commission The collection covers a variety of topics related to developments in the state. Some topics include industrial development, municipal planning, housing plans, and recreational developments. Also included are reports on forestry and surveys of the state’s environment as well as land and climate data. The collection is organized alphabetically by topic. 

Access Restrictions: None

Date(s): 1936-1940.

Volume: 2.50 Cubic Feet 

Finding Aid Created By: Colby Cox in March 2025 

Related Materials: TBD

Record Group History: The Mississippi Planning Commission was created by the Mississippi Senate via Senate Bill 551 in 1936. The Commission was tasked with creating a master plan for the physical development of the state and prepare a program for the continued development of major improvements in the state. Additional duties of the commission were the preparation of maps and surveys for the use of state agencies and the performance of administrative and engineering work throughout Mississippi. In 1940, the commission was abolished, and its duties were transferred to the newly created Board of Development.

Collection Inventory:
Box Content 

Box Number

Climate data605
Commission reports608
Criminal justice608
Housing and population609
Industry and manufacturing609
Land use607
Municipal planning608