Creator: Work Projects Administration (RG 60).

Collection Summary: Office files from the Professional and Service Projects division of the WPA. Files contain a mix of materials, including a list of personnel assignments and wage rates for the Historical Records Survey and Naturalization Index project (1941); progress reports from various projects at various times, such as the Church Records Inventory (1939-1940, fragmentary), the Historical Records Survey (1941), the Vital Statistics Indexing project (1941); an organization chart for the Professional and Service Projects division; limited correspondence with the Writers’ Project; property inventory forms, mostly from the Writer’s Project; manuals for different projects, including the Public Records Survey and many of the works published by the Writer’s Project; individuals’ WPA work cards and WPA wage rates (1938); workers’ time sheets, mostly for those working to catalogue the library of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History; and a list of workers by district, possibly for the County Records Inventory. Individuals’ files generally contain correspondence, although the file on Gertie Frank contains her research notes from her work on the Writer’s Project and the file on Willie C. Scallorn contains both correspondence and 1940 time sheets. Also included is a copy of federal WPA appropriations act for FY 1943. Researchers should note that series 467, Scrapbooks, contains a scrapbook documenting “This Work Pays Your Community Week.”

Access Restrictions: None.

Date(s): 1937-1943.

Volume: 2.50 Cubic Feet.

Finding Aid Created By: Colby Cox in August 2024.

Related Materials: Series 467: WPA Scrapbooks. 1934-1941.

Record Group History: The Works Projects Administration (WPA) was a federal program established on May 6th, 1935, in order to increase employment during the Great Depression. While the WPA was a federal program, it was implemented and managed on the state level with each state having their own director and office to guide the operation of the WPA for each state. The WPA was primarily focused on employing individuals for the purpose of creating public works and infrastructure, but a small portion of its funding was devoted to cultural and artistic endeavors which the files in this collection are primarily concerned with. Two of the major cultural projects the WPA undertook were the Federal Writers’ Project and the Historical Records Survey. The Federal Writers Project employed writers to create guides, histories, and chronicles for each state and the Historical Records Survey sought to catalogue the historical records of each state.

Collection Inventory:
Box Content 

Box Number

"This Work Pays Your Community Week"


Act of 1943 (concerning the funding of the WPA)


Bulletins and instructions


Check-file on biographies


Church inventory work


Correspondence (Writers' Project)


County records project progress reports, 1941


Daily production records and time reports, 1939-1940


Daily statistical reports


Documentation manual10475
Dumas, J.D., NYA Director10475
Fite, Bethel10475
Frank, Gertie, research file10475
General information10475
Inventory of property10476
Mississippi Guide10476
Organization chart, Professional and Service Projects Division32048
Payne, Ethel10476
Personnel assignments10475
Preparation of inventory10476
Production reports10476
Progress tabulation forms, 1941.10475
Project files, 194032048
Project status reports, 194032048
Project visit report10476
Public records project manual10477
Sage, Jerome10477
Scallorn, Miss Willie C.10477
Wage rates and work cards, 193810477
Weekly staff meetings, 193710477
Worker list by district10477
Workmen's compensation insurance10477