Creator: Federal Records (RG 7).

Collection Summary: A collection of documents related to the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway project. Much of the collection is maps and survey records of the waterway and blueprints for construction. Also included are studies on the economic and environmental impacts of the waterway. 

Access Restrictions: None.

Date(s): 1936-1985; n.d.

Volume: 2.00 Cubic Feet.

Finding Aid Created By: Colby Cox in March 2025.

Related Materials: TBD.

Record Group History: Collection of various records that are associated with federal agencies or federal level projects that are retained in the archives due to their relevance to Mississippi. 

Collection Inventory:
Box Content 

Box Number

Aberdeen Lock & Dam surveys: 197405070
Aliceville Lake land acquisition procedure: 197505070
Annotated divide section plans: 197405070
Bay Springs Lock & Dam relocations plan: 197405070
Divide Cut Section 4, 4A, & 4B sheets: 1976-1978, n.d.05070
Environmental Statement: 1971 (Mar.)19619
Highway Dept. maps for Hwys. 25, 30, & 72 relocations: 1974, n.d.05070
Human resources study, Tennessee-Tombigbee corridor: 198306116
Institutional framework for economic development: 1984, 198506116
Map showing route of waterway: n.d.05070
Testimony (recommended) of Lt. Gov. Winter: 1972 (Jun)19619
Tombigbee route index and map sheets: 1936-1938, n.d.05070
Waterway mapping cover sheet and map sheets: 1969-1973, n.d.05070