Series 70: Subject Correspondence. 1979-1983. Governor's Office (RG 27).
Correspondence and memoranda created during William F. Winter’s administration. While most of the material dates between 1980 and 1983, it should be noted that a small amount of correspondence predates his inauguration (January 1980). A wide variety of topics is represented, including but not limited to: Archives and History, corrections, economic development, education, elections, federal-state programs, health, legislation, nuclear waste, United States presidents, research and development, and utilities. Arrangement is alphabetical.
Alcoholic Beverage Commission - Archives and History | 2149 |
Architecture Board - Charters of Incorporation | 2321 |
Archives and History - Block Grants | 2150 |
Bond Commission - Bonds | 2151 |
Budget (1983) - Carter, President Jimmy | 2152 |
Carthan, Eddie - Congratulatory Letters | 2153 |
Committee for the Humanities - Housing Finance Corp. Board | 2322 |
Congressional Correspondence - Corrections | 2154 |
Corrections – Council of State Governments | 2155 |
Deadly Force Committee - Economic Development, Board of | 2156 |
Economic Development, Board of - Education | 2157 |
Education - Educational Television | 2158 |
Elections - Federal Land Bank of New Orleans | 2159 |
Energy and Transportation, Dept. | 32494 |
Federal-State Programs - Forestry Commission | 2160 |
Friends (out-of-state) - Governors (other states) | 2162 |
Friends - Friends (out-of-state) | 2161 |
Governors (other states) - Health | 2163 |
Health - Highway Patrol | 2164 |
Highway Patrol - Invitations | 2165 |
IHL Board of Trustees - Young Lawyers Section | 2323 |
Jackson State University - Legislative Programs | 2166 |
Maris - Miscellaneous | 2167 |
Miscellaneous - Municipalities | 2168 |
Narcotics, Bureau of - Nuclear Waste | 2169 |
Office Visits - Out-of-State | 2170 |
Parchman - Personnel Board | 2171 |
Personnel Board - Public Relations | 2172 |
Railroads - Research and Development Center | 2173 |
Research and Development Center - Small Business Administration | 2174 |
Social Security - Sympathy | 2175 |
Tag Commission - Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway | 2176 |
Tennessee Valley Authority - Treasury | 2177 |
Uniform State Laws - Commission on Utility Rates | 2178 |
Veterans - Yellowcreek Watershed Authority | 2179 |