Z 0773.000 Association of Citizen's Councils of Mississippi; 1942-1973
Z 0773.000
This collection consists of selected materials from the files of the Association of Citizen's Councils of Mississippi which had its headquarters in Greenwood. The Association set forth various programs concerning education and proposed a method for financing private, segregated schools in Mississippi following the implementation of Federal court-ordered desegregation. It worked through the MEA and PTA with the use of various questionnaires to carry out certain aspects of its programs. The material has been arranged alphabetically: Box 1: articles; The Congressional Record (1963); correspondence; court cases; Grant, Hugh; Mississippi Citizen's Council on Education Box 2: Mississippi Citizen's Council on Education Box 3: Mississippi Citizen's Council on Education; Mississippi Education Association; NAACP Program; organizational meeting report; Patterson, Robert B.; photographs; publicity material for the Council; Regional meeting report; Senate testimony; Simmons, William J.; Stennis, John.