Z 1260.000

The Jackson Patrick Ward papers are primarily concerned with a tract of land in Jackson County, more specifically Section 27 of Township 4S, Range 6W, owned by J. Patrick Ward. Included are the land warrant issued by President Polk, August 10, 1847; two Swamp Land patents signed by Governor Pettus, July 20, 1860, and April 10, 1862, respectfully; and a homestead certificate issued by President Harrison, August 16, 1890.

The papers have been arranged in the following manner:

  • folder 1: Business Correspondence. 1888–1945
  • folder 2: Legal Documents. 1900–1944
  • folder 3: Abstract of Title, March 10, 1944
  • folder 4: Land Records 1847–1890
  • folders 5–7: Jackson County Tax Receipts. 1880–1944