Scope and Content Note:

Land patents, tax receipts, other business papers, and correspondence of John H. Echols, who served as State Treasurer from 1865 to 1869. The collection includes letters from friends and relatives, Echols' commission as State Treasurer dated October 20, 1865, and signed by Governor Benjamin G. Humphreys, and two certificates of stock of the "Planters', Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Association," dated January 11, 1872. The five miscellaneous notebooks are as follows:

  1. "Bank Book, Green's Exchange and Banking Office," January 2-November 22, 1854, pp. 18, 10 cm. by 15.5 cm.
  2. Miscellaneous Accounts, December 9, 1853-November 20, 1854, pp. 18, 9 cm. by 14.5 cm.
  3. Miscellaneous Accounts, February 13, 1856-September 9, 1856, pp. 20, 7.5 c.m. by 12 cm.
  4. Miscellaneous Accounts, September 10, 1865-January 1, 1860, pp. 25, 7.5 cm. by 11 cm.
  5. Undated index or list, pp 44, 10 cm. by 15 cm.