Stone Collection: Volume 74 - Item 29
29. Henry J. Van Dyke, The Character and Influence of Abolitionism. A Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, on Sabbath Evening, December 9th, 1860 (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1861). (38 p.)
Sermon based on the argument that 1) “Abolitionism has no foundation in the Scriptures,” 2) “Its principles have been promulgated chiefly by misrepresentation and abuse,” 3) “It leads, in multitudes of cases, and by a logical process, to utter infidelity,” and 4) “It is the chief cause of the strife that agitates, and the danger that threatens, our country.” (The collection has another copy of this sermon by a different published in volume 19 [no. 8].)